Ripped in 30-Support Group-Starting in August



  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    WOW!!! LEVEL 3 DAY 1 and boy was it HARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made it, but I was DRIPPING SWEAT FROM EVERY PORE by the end!


    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D1 -Done!(09/07)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D2 -Done!(09/08)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D2 -Done!(09/08)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D1 -Done! (09/09)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D3 -Done! (09/09)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I decided to take the day off. I had hibachi shrimp and chicken with a glass of plum wine and my birthday cake and only managed to go over on my calories by close to 200. Still in a deficit! I will work extra hard tomorrow. By the way I am so sore today from this level 3. Maybe I needed a rest day. Thanks for the birthday wishes you guys are great!
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Happy, happy, happy birthday Courtney!!!!! I hope it was awesome!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Hey all!! I'm thinking I will only do 5 days of L4, that way I will finish on a Sunday and I can start my new workout plan on Monday. Since I'm not as close to my goal weight as I'd hoped, I'm going to wait another 5-10 lbs before doing 6 week 6 pack. Until then I'll just do some swimming, exercise machines, and throw in some JM workouts a couple times a week. I'll try to post my pics and updates on Monday! Hopefully there is some difference! :) for the few of you still posting..stay strong! We're getting so close! I'm just about to go to L4D4 (which is STILL hard, by the way).

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D1 -Done!(09/07)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D4 -Done!(09/10)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D2 -Done!(09/08)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D1 -Done! (09/09)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D3 -Done! (09/09)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jen-CONGRATS on finishing L2...and aon starting L3...keep stickin with can do it!!

    Courtney-glad to hear that you had a great b-day...and that you did great with your eating!!!!

    Des-sounds like you've got a great plan!! I will be finishing out Ripped, but I will also be waiting on JM next DVD until I am a little closer to goal!! My WO plan for the time being will be a bunch more cardio (my elliptical),with 3 days of either shred or ripped thrown in/ it sounds like we are going a similar route with this one! Can't wait to see your result from this run of JM!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    2 days of L3 to go, and until my rest day! WOOT!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D1 -Done!(09/07)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D4 -Done!(09/10)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D2 -Done!(09/08)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D1 -Done! (09/09)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D4 -Done! (09/10)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Back on track now! L3D3 Done!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D1 -Done!(09/07)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D4 -Done!(09/10)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D3 -Done!(09/10)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D1 -Done! (09/09)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D4 -Done! (09/10)
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    L3D2Done! I am sore! I am amazed at how Jillian keeps upping it such that I am still sore when I go to a new level! Counting the Shred, I have done 6 levels now, and still my body is like WHOA every time I switch!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D1 -Done!(09/07)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D4 -Done!(09/10)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D3 -Done!(09/10)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D4 -Done! (09/10)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D1 -Done!(09/07)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D4 -Done!(09/10)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D3 -Done!(09/10)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D5 -Done! (09/11)

    Courntey-great job gettin right back at it!

    Jen-you are killin this!!! way to keep at it and to push yourself each and every week!!

    gd50-you comin back over there?!

    Mariam-is your race this weekend? will you be starting up on ripped again soon?

    AFM-1 day left of L3...and can't say that I am too sad about it!! I am glad to be getting a rest day finally though! LOL
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    I think I'm getting sickkk.

    Started my last day today (!) and during the knee-to-shoulder part of the warm-up, I started getting sharp pains in my upper chest. Pushed through the rest of the warmup; they were still painful in the first strength move and moved into my side (kind of felt like a cramp). I haven't been feeling my best lately. So I gave up and will give it another go tomorrow. :frown: this week has not been very good, workout-wise!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Des-sorry to hear that you are not feeling well...I give you a ton of credit for at least trying to do RI30 though!! Hope you are feeling better soon, and can finish up ripped close to when you planned :)
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    Courtney- happy happy belated b-day!!

    Des- hope you feel better- not sure where you live but this weather changing really messes with me too?!

    Tara- i'm still at it!!! trying to finish stong!!

    ALSO!! i got my HRM working. my friend was finally able to figure out how to input my weight- so this morning was my first exercise with it. and HOLY ****- it says i burned 425 calories!!??? I know i'm on L4 but gesh- that seems like a helava LOT of calories. I'm hoping its true?!?! does this seem right to you guys?

    and I like L4- its hard but i really feel each exercise- I think L3 took me 3 weeks to complete (was getting bored)- lets hope i can get through L4 in less than 2 weeks?!?!?!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D4 -Done!(09/10)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D3 -Done!(09/10)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D5 -Done! (09/11)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D4 -Done!(09/10)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D3 -Done!(09/10)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D6 -Done! (09/12)

    jojo-you're gettin there...only 3 days to go!!! as for the burn...i think the accuracy of your HRM depends on what kind it is...does it have a chest strap, or a finger sensor for your HR checker?? If it is a chest strap then I would fully believe that burn...if it is a sensor, they tend to be off a bit so I would take the avg between what MFP says for circuit training and what your HRM says and use that!!! at least that is what I do!!

    AFM-level 3 done today!!! 1 rest day and then onto my last 6 days of Ripped!!! I wonder what L4 will bring for me?! LOL
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Tara - thanks!! :) feeling a lot better today. I think my crappy weekend eating got the best of me...good luck with level 4!! I found it a tiny bit easier than L3.

    Jojo... I live in Alberta, so it SHOULD be getting cool by now, but it feels like summer is just starting.. it's so hot!! But I just moved to a new place and started my second year of University. Last year I got sick when I moved too, so I blame that!!

    Anyway... DONE!! PLUS I hit the gym today. I feel pretty accomplished :)
    Will take some pictures and measurements and let you know if there was any difference!!
    KEEP GOING GUYS!! feels SO GOOD to get it done!! and you're all doing amazing!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D3 -Done!(09/10)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D6 -Done! (09/12)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Des- Congrats on finishing!

    Jojo- Thanks.

    Tara- Great job finishing Level 3.

    We have 2 more days of 3 and then straight on to Level 4.

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D4 -Done!(09/12)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D6 -Done! (09/12)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!:drinker:
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!:drinker:
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!! :drinker:
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D4 -Done!(09/12)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D6 -Done! (09/12)

    Des-CONGRATS on finishing RI30, can't wait to see/hear your results!! SOOOOO glad to hear that about L4!!!...we live and we learn about eating the hard way worries!

    Courtney-thanks!! and *cheers* to L4!!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member

    yES tARA- i do have the chest strap!! So I will take those burned calories!!! Today I wanted to see what it did when i ran, so i skipped today to run- burned 391- not too shabby

    back at it tomorrow!!! I PROMISE:)

    ALMOST TO THE FINISH LINE- WTG GIRLS & Courtney's husband;)

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D4 -Done!(09/12)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D6 -Done! (09/12)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jojo-sweet!!! what a great burn then! hope ya enjoyed your run...and seeya back here tomorrow!

    AFM-my planned rest day today...and then onto level 4!! WOOT!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    1 more day of Level 3 then onto 4!

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D5 -Done!(09/13)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L3D6 -Done! (09/12)
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    It appears that I've lost 1 inch off of my hips!! And half an inch from my biceps (??) Everything else, including weight, stayed pretty much the same (my weight fluctuated a lot but was never constant, which is due to my recent eating habits...:blushing: ) No pics yet, will take em tomorrow!! Burned 660 cals doing "Banish fat boost metabolism" today, but had a big meal because it was offered by my school (and being on a student's budget, I took advantage of it!) So I was still slightly over on cals by my estimations.

    Good luck on L4 Courtney and Tara!