Ripped in 30-Support Group-Starting in August



  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    awesome job Courtney!!!! way to keep at, (your hubby), and I will all be finishing around the same day...sweet!

    Des-CONGRATS on the loss of and I both know that is the most important WTG!!! the scale will follow (once you get back to your normal eating habits) soon too I'm sure! WOOT!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    L4D1-done!! that wasn't so bad!!! I can do this!

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D5 -Done!(09/13)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D2 -Done! (09/10)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D1 -Done! (09/14)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    We skipped again last night. Level 3 makes it really hard for me to say "I want to do RI30 tonight." We will finish it up tonight and be done with it forever though. Are there as many weird moves in 4?
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I have been working out, but busy busy and no time to post! I will do level 3 through Sunday, then a rest day on Monday and on to level 4 Tuesday!

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D5 -Done!(09/13)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L3D5 -Done! (09/15)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D1 -Done! (09/14)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    sorry havent updated again ladies! been busy busy! i think i will give this challenge a miss as im keen to continue running whilst weather is still good! ripped will be my november challeng. sorry for letting you all down! you have done an amazing job :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    T-4 days to go!!!

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D5 -Done!(09/13)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D5 -Done! (09/15)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D2 -Done! (09/15)

    Courtney-L4 is a little harder in the cardio aspect...but not quite as weird! There are still some plank moves to worry about...but it maily focusese on upper body and be ready for that!! Overall, I think you will like it better then L3!

    Jen-I'm glad to see that you are still doing it....and that you will be to L4 soon too!!! WTG, and keep up the great work!

    Mariam-no worries long as you are moving...that's what counts!
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    So, what should I do next? I am now 2 1/2 months into my weight loss project, and have done the Shred (plus went though each level again for 5 days so half a Shred) and now Ripped in 30. I am seeing good results, down 16 pounds from where I started, but it does feel SLOW!!! My goal is to blast through another 12 at least by Halloween and then 15 between Halloween and Christmas. To do that, I need to move up to an average of 2 lbs a week, whereas now I am averaging 1-1.5. What do you think? Are my goals at all realistic or do I need to scale them down? Should I keep doing Jillian or do something else, and if something else, what? I do not belong to a gym and cannot at the moment because my husband has no job and I am a stay at home mom. So, DVDs work really well for me. I also LOVE the 30 min format, because I am at home with four kids and I homeschool, so there is not really a huge pocket of time in my day to devote to long exercise. I am committed to doing this, I just need to stick with ways that are achievable for me.

    Advice? And what are you all doing after this?
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Jen-first of all congrats on your 16lbs in 2.5 months...that is a very respectable pace for weightloss!! I lost at that same weight (until my plateau of course) and have been told that it is easier to keep off this way! I do think that 2lbs/week is still very doable...but you will have to be very consistent with your workouts AND eating!! Do you have MFP set for a 2lb loss goal per week? do you have your "lifesty;e" settings set appropriately...I would def start with checking those 2 things! IMO is good to shoot it makes you work harder to acheive your goals!

    Now for your workouts...JM are great WOs however it is good to trick your body and switch it up a bit, and after about 9 weeks of similar exercise I would suggest giving something else a try! I too do not (or have not) belong to a gym and there are plenty of options out there to keep ya moving!! For your best weightloss results I would stick to about 3-4 days/week of cardio and 2-3 days/week of strength. For instance...after Ripped I will be doing my elliptical 30min/day 3 times per week and then either ripped OR shred 2 days/week. Another good workout that incorporates cardio and strength is Turbo Jam...which I happen to own and love all of them!!! And also Tae BO; however, that one is a little longer than 30minutes. Yoga Booty Ballet is also a good core and cardio workout!!!

    You're doing great and CAN acheive those goals with some hard work and keep it up!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Finally finished the terrible level 3. Tomorrow we start Level 4!!!

    Jen- I cannot afford a gym membership but I trade out at a local gym. I work 5 hours a month in the gym daycare in exchange for a free full membership. So far I have only done the yoga classes and used the pool. I still use dvd's as my main form of exercise and I use netflix to get most of them.

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D6 -Done!(09/15)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D5 -Done! (09/15)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D2 -Done! (09/15)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L3D6 -Done!(09/15)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D5 -Done! (09/15)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D3 -Done! (09/16)

    T-3 days to go!!!! Keep on rockin ladies!!!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I am beat. That was tough but I like it WAY better than 3!

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L4D1 -Done!(09/16)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D5 -Done! (09/15)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D3 -Done! (09/16)
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah! Tough workout today, but I pulled it out! I am going to stick with Level 3 one more day and then take my rest day on Monday, then on to level 4 on Tuesday!

    My triceps are SCREAMING today! I just keep thinking next summer I will be able to wear tank tops if I want to! :)

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L4D1 -Done!(09/16)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D6 -Done! (09/17)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D3 -Done! (09/16)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    T-2 days to go!

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D3 -Done!(09/12)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L4D1 -Done!(09/16)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D6 -Done! (09/17)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D4 -Done! (09/17)

    Courtney-I agree...way better then L3!! the 2 squat moves back to back, followed by the plie jumps are a doozey though!

    Jen-I see that you are still doing great over there!! WTG! and keep it up...almost there!

    Tori-are you still in the game...or have you decided to move onto other things??
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Looking great everyone! Sorry I have not posted pictures - been soo busy with school and getting them to work always takes me so long!! You're all doing fantastic and getting so close... can't wait to see some more results!

    ALSO, something to think about - a friend and I have decided that we are starting Insanity in the new year. I know it's far away, but if anyone here is interested, it might be something that we would need time to prepare for! The 2 of us are already challenging each other to this, but I will probably start a thread for it in January (or join one if I can find an existing one) if anyone wants to try it out!! If you're up for it send me a message and I'll let you know when I get it started :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Des-keep me posted on insanity...I just may be interested (and ready) in the new year!!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    i havent read the past posts so sorry for quickie here- i was able to do it friday & saturday!! so now i am down to finishing my last day!!! i really like Level 4!! think i'm going to go back and randomly pick levels each day until the end of the month.

    Any idea's of an October challenge??!!! Would love an invite to start soemthing new!! Happy Sunday

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D5 -Done!(09/17)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L4D1 -Done!(09/16)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D6 -Done! (09/17)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D5 -Done! (09/18)

    1 day left for me!!!

    Jojo-1 day left for you too...I will be finishing mine up tomorrow!! As for new workout plans...I wanna incorporate 2-3 days of pure cardio back into my routine...but I will also be keeping 2-3 days of either the shred or ripped to try to keep what I have accomplished with it so far!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I got behind but I am going to finish this week with NO MORE OFF DAYS!

    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D5 -Done!(09/17)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L4D2 -Done!(09/18)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D6 -Done! (09/17)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D5 -Done! (09/18)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    Des92.............................................L4D5 -Done!(09/12) FINISHED!!!
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L4D6 -Done! (09/19) FINISHED!!!
    jojowink..........................................L4D5 -Done!(09/17)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D4 -Done!(09/07)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L4D2 -Done!(09/18)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............L3D6 -Done! (09/17)

    ok...I'm finished!!!! I will be taking my planned rest day tomorrow and then do my measurements and final weight on Wednesday!!! Can't wait to see the final results!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Great job Tara!!!! :D