Ripped in 30-Support Group-Starting in August



  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    I did Level 2 Day 2 today! Yeah! triceps and shoulders are screaming- in a good way! :)

    Now the bad news- I think I strained my thumb doing all those planks and the table thingies. I don't want to stop but I don't want to hurt it worse- any ideas what I could do? Going to ice it and rest it tonight, but it hurts! I can't take ibuprofen either right now because I took too much at the beginning of the shred and started having ulcer-like symptoms. Any ideas how to make it better fast or modify so I can work around it? It only hurts if I put pressure on it and bend it back somewhat.


    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D3 -Done!(08/26)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D2 -Done!(08/30)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D3 -Done!(09/02)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D3 -Done! (09/03)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I did Level 2 Day 2 today! Yeah! triceps and shoulders are screaming- in a good way! :)

    Now the bad news- I think I strained my thumb doing all those planks and the table thingies. I don't want to stop but I don't want to hurt it worse- any ideas what I could do? Going to ice it and rest it tonight, but it hurts! I can't take ibuprofen either right now because I took too much at the beginning of the shred and started having ulcer-like symptoms. Any ideas how to make it better fast or modify so I can work around it? It only hurts if I put pressure on it and bend it back somewhat.


    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D3 -Done!(08/26)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D2 -Done!(08/30)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D3 -Done!(09/02)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D3 -Done! (09/03)

    you could try doin all of the plank moves on your handweights to give you some elevation off of the floor, OR off of the table like Courtney is, OR off of the wall for the non cardio moves and just keep moving (run in place, high knees, buttkicks, whatever) for the plank cardio stuff!!! hopefully tomorrow it will feel better and you can figure something out! good luck and good job pushing through today!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I did Level 2 Day 2 today! Yeah! triceps and shoulders are screaming- in a good way! :)

    Now the bad news- I think I strained my thumb doing all those planks and the table thingies. I don't want to stop but I don't want to hurt it worse- any ideas what I could do? Going to ice it and rest it tonight, but it hurts! I can't take ibuprofen either right now because I took too much at the beginning of the shred and started having ulcer-like symptoms. Any ideas how to make it better fast or modify so I can work around it? It only hurts if I put pressure on it and bend it back somewhat.


    This is essentially how I do all of the plank moves:

    except instead of a bench I use my coffee table. There is way less pressure on your hands/wrists this way.

    As for relief I would google hand massage and try that.
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    L2D4 and I sweat more today than any other so far.

    Tara- We both like it better. He says that it is more intense. I feel like I am seeing more tone quicker than with the shred.

    NSV last week: I fit in pants that I have not worn in 2 and a half years! I am at least 1 size down so far.

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D3 -Done!(08/26)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D2 -Done!(08/30)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D4 -Done!(09/03)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D3 -Done! (09/03)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    L2D4-done!! I don't know if I sweat more...but my muscles are finally starting to feel this level!! YIKES!!

    Courtney-CONGRATS on your NSV!!! that is an awesome accomplishment so far...can't wait to see your end results!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D3 -Done!(08/26)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D2 -Done!(08/30)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D4 -Done!(09/03)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D4 -Done! (09/04)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Well done courtney. Fab nsv. Keep up the good work.
    Tara. I find level 2 more challenging but dont sweat as much. My calories burns are quite low too.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Mariam-I feel the same about to say, that I can't wait for L3!! I'm sick of the planks and here smackin Natalie's butt!! LOL
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I don't know where everyone else is...but I'm still here...and going strong! almost halfway done for me :)

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D3 -Done!(08/26)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D2 -Done!(08/30)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D4 -Done!(09/03)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D5 -Done! (09/05)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Happy Labor Day. We cleaned the house all day and then ripped it!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D3 -Done!(08/26)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D2 -Done!(08/30)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D5 -Done!(09/05)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D5 -Done! (09/05)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Courtney-Happy Labor Day to you too!!! great job gettin it done again!
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Sorry for my lack of posting - it's been a rough weekend. I am finished level 3 but now haven't continued on to level 4 today (yesterday was my rest day, today should have been day 1 of level 4). I had to deal with some emotional issues this weekend, not to mention my lack of sleep and soreness, plus being away from home almost the whole weekend. Now at 11 pm I can't bring myself to do it, and I have to wake up early tomorrow. It will be my first day of classes, and therefore back to routine, which means I WILL get it done, I'll just need an extra day. I was pretty ashamed to admit I missed a day (even though I know it's not the end of the world and none of you will judge me :) ) but I'm really excited to see what L4 has in store for me tomorrow! Great job to everyone who's still in this! But the thread seems oddly quiet lately! Maybe I'm not the only one who had a crazy weekend :smile:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Des-it happens girl! sorry to hear that your weekend was less than par, but the important thing is that you finish what you started, 1 day later is nothing! let me know what you think about L4 tomorrow....and I have a feeling that maybe only 3 or 4 of us left will be finishing still!

    And i think that it may only be Me, you, Jenn, and Courtney left in this little challenge! YIKES!

    Sorry for my lack of posting - it's been a rough weekend. I am finished level 3 but now haven't continued on to level 4 today (yesterday was my rest day, today should have been day 1 of level 4). I had to deal with some emotional issues this weekend, not to mention my lack of sleep and soreness, plus being away from home almost the whole weekend. Now at 11 pm I can't bring myself to do it, and I have to wake up early tomorrow. It will be my first day of classes, and therefore back to routine, which means I WILL get it done, I'll just need an extra day. I was pretty ashamed to admit I missed a day (even though I know it's not the end of the world and none of you will judge me :) ) but I'm really excited to see what L4 has in store for me tomorrow! Great job to everyone who's still in this! But the thread seems oddly quiet lately! Maybe I'm not the only one who had a crazy weekend :smile:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    I didn't get lost guys!!! Sorry I went MIA. I hate L3 and have been making excuses to myself for skipping. I know I shouldn't. I've still been running 4.5 miles day, just not ripping like I should. But . . . back on the wagon today so here we go!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D3 -Done!(08/26)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D3 -Done!(09/06)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D5 -Done!(09/05)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D5 -Done! (09/05)
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE!! yes i totally went AWOL but i'm back!! i have been doing it, but just not gettin on the board. Although L3 took me like 3 weeks to complete- not proud that i put it off and off and off so that'll happen:(((

    best i can do is start L4 tomorrow and try to finish stronger:)

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D6 -Done!(09/06)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D3 -Done!(09/06)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    gsenriquez(Grace)......................L2D5 -Done!(08/24)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D5 -Done!(09/05)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D5 -Done! (09/05
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Hi guys...I have been missing in action for a while. RI30 is very challenging but IK decided to change my routine a little bit. I went back to my local gym and started doing steps and sculpting class twice a week, then I added doing JM's No More Trouble Zones twice (if I am lucky, 3x) per week too. So I am updating your list and removing my name :-( but I will still try to poke my head in once in a while to see how you are all doing.

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D6 -Done!(09/06)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D3 -Done!(09/06)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D5 -Done!(09/05)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D5 -Done! (09/05
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D6 -Done!(09/06)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D3 -Done!(09/06)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D5 -Done!(09/05)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D2 -Done! (09/03)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D6 -Done! (09/06)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tori-it's all good!! At least you kept moving during your "ripped" break!! and now you only have 3 days left of can do it!!

    Jojo-you're back in action...and ready for a new Level and to finish this thing up!! in the words of JM, "go get some!"

    Grace-sorry to hear that you won't be finishing Ripped witht he group...but I am glad to hear that you are still moving....good luc on your new workout plans!!

    AFM-L2 done as of today....sweat like crazy today and am def ready to move on to new things!! Still using my 5lbers for all moves!
  • momwithacamera
    momwithacamera Posts: 151 Member
    Hey all! I know its been a couple days but I am still here! I run a homeschool co-op and it is a REALLY busy few weeks for me in Aug./Sept! Sorry for not posting!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D6 -Done!(09/06)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D3 -Done!(09/06)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L3D5 -Done!(09/02)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D5 -Done!(09/05)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D5 -Done! (09/06)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D6 -Done! (09/06)
  • Des92
    Des92 Posts: 309 Member
    Okay... L4 is tough. But it is more confusing than hard!! The moves are weird! I felt like a ballerina half the time. And JM gets a bit crazy (crazier?) Honestly... I think L3 was harder, even on the last day. And my calorie burn was WAY higher in L3!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D6 -Done!(09/06)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D3 -Done!(09/06)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D1 -Done!(09/06)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D5 -Done!(09/05)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D5 -Done! (09/06)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D6 -Done! (09/06)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    So glad to be moving on to Level 3!

    gd50cent........................................L3D6 -Done!(08/24)
    jojowink..........................................L3D6 -Done!(09/06)
    momofJandA (Tori)-.....................L3D3 -Done!(09/06)
    Jenlwb...........................................L4D6 -Done!(09/02) FINISHED!!!
    mysummerbikini (Maree NZ).........L4D6 -Done!(08/26) FINISHED!!!
    mariababe81(Mariam).................L2D4 -Done!(08/27)
    Des92.............................................L4D1 -Done!(09/06)
    courtneylwatson ..........................L2D6 -Done!(09/06)
    momwithacamera (Jen)............ L2D5 -Done! (09/06)
    tjradd73 (Tara)............................ L2D6 -Done! (09/06)