Finessing Fitness (Closed Group)



  • UPS and DOWNS

    The very first part of this exercise is the up and downs. They may be modified by simply starting on all 4's and then standing up quickly and returning to this position to all 4's. This is a cardio exercise! Don't be freaked out but all he is doing just do the first part and modify if needed.

    REMEMBER ITS THE VERY FIRST THING HE DOES ON THE FLOOR that's it! Unless you are a real rockstar then finish it out if you can. It's a crazy exercise. Be ready for great exercises you can do at home without anything!

    Also check out our logo, and if you would please change it to your profile picture!
  • chelsea32291
    chelsea32291 Posts: 216
    Thank you for posting the up and downs! :)

    Quick question, can we put the logo/banner in our signature instead if we want? Haha, sometimes i get confused with who's who when i look and see all the same picture. it's no big deal if you want it just there, though. :)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Had a splurge day today, but looking forward to being on track tomorrow. I've set up my calendar to remind me about the challenges each day next week.

    How do you want the information, MissB? For instance, do you want us to post tomorrow WHEN we finish the jumping jacks, or do you want an end of the week accounting of what we've accomplished?
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Hi guys! I'm the new member.
    I'll introduce myself now.

    So, my name is Tiffany. I'm a student right now. I've been overweight my entire life, and by "entire life", I MEAN ENTIRE LIFE. I don't think I was even at a normal weight at 5 years old. Anyways, I don't have much support at home, but I love MFP and always count on them for help! I do pretty well in group challenges, because I hate letting people down. I'm looking forward to this challenge- LET'S KICK SOME BUTT!! :D

    P.S. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)

    Oh, and I'm assuming everything begins on Monday, since that's the 1st of the month, right?
  • @Chelsea thats fine I get confused to... lol
  • hether22
    hether22 Posts: 63
    My pics are sent and I'm ready to get this started! I'm looking forward to working with everyone and doing something positive and healthy. I did have an "on purpose" slip today... ( wine and ice cream cake!) :blushing: But I will be on track tomorrow and for the rest of the month.

    A little more about me: My name is Heather and I am 32. I have been married for 8 wonderful months. I live in South Florida and I work at a mental health hospital. I have always been active, playing baseball as a kid, to dancing, to being on the swim team in high school. During college I was in a car accident and hurt my back, so I ended up gaining a lot of weight. Since then, my weight has fluctuated during the past few years. I will lose, then gain it back because I didn't do it in a healthy manner. So now I have MFP and I plan on doing it right and remaining healthy. I am really excited about this challenge, even bragging to my friends and family! Let's go team!
  • Ok ladies as you know tomorrow is the big day!!! I just want to reiterate what we need to do for the 1st week of August.

    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 100 Jumping Jacks*
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – Walk, Run or Jog 1 Mile (extra)
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Situps or Ab Crunches*
    Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 40 UP and Downs *
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 25 Pushups *
    Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 25 Squat Lunges*
    Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

    Remember in order to get the weekly team bonus points ALL of us must log every day and not go over
    their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 6 days
    your team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.


    **It takes about 1 sec to do a jumping jack so when you're recording it in the daily exercise tab put 100 seconds and that should cover 100 jumping jacks**

    Time the others at your own pace.... for instance try a few sit ups and see how long it takes to do 1 full sit up, and that's how you determine how long it takes to do the required amount...

    Please feel free to harass me with all the questions you all have :laugh:

    Let's kick butt!
  • Congrats on your marriage @hether22... today is yesterday's news, lets live for tomorrow! I'm with you 100%

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    lets get this party started!
  • TiffMax
    TiffMax Posts: 70
    i did search this before asking- but will admit i am quite tired now and need to be in bed.

    How can i get that image into my signature?
  • @tookibug that idk
  • You type [ IMG ] the link to the picture here [ / IMG ]
    but don't use any spaces.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Jumping Jacks for a run! Have a great day!
  • swilliams26
    swilliams26 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm ready to do this!!! Its August 1st, new beginning and new start. My weaknesses is WATER, as of today it will not be. When we do our exercises do we message you? Do you get my pic also??
  • When you do the exercises just log them into you're diary like you normally would, but do it at the end of the day so you know it isn't overlooked by your other exercises. Remember these challenges are an addition to your normal routine... if you don't have one let me know I have a workout plan that would have you crawling to the bedroom. :bigsmile:

    Also add your challenge exercises into the "Notes" on the exercise page... let me know if I'm making since?
  • So we need to make our diaries public then, right? & I'm intrigued by this painful workout :-p I always just get on the elliptical for 30 minutes.
  • I know I'm making a lot of post but I need everyone to make their food diaries public, that's one of the ways we get our bonus points at the end of the week by staying under our calorie goal....

    Thanks, be looking for posts on your wall from me shortly! Lets go ladies!!!!
  • We're on the same page Chelsea lol would you like a copy of the workout I was talking about?
  • Okay, its now public :-)
    & I'd love it! The elliptical is a great burn for me sometimes but it can get so boring.
  • I have a question for everyone. It's almost that time of the month, and I'm craving pretty much everything. I've been doing pretty good with it today, but evening is always the worst. How do you all deal with cravings?
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