30 Day Shred Group- August



  • erinoldham19
    hello everyone.. happy sunday.. Day 7 completed.. haven't watched level 2 but i'm excited to move on.. wasn't sure if this was going to be one of those fads i start and not continue.. still not sure.. just taking it day by day but so far so good.. 7days straight and still willing to give it a shot.

    i have the exercising down, what i really need is to get the friggin eating under control.. small portions and good choices just have not been on my list. we dont have money so the type of food in the house consists of cheaper things...cheaper things = NOT healthy.. which brings to my portion control.. not sure my mind and stomach have figured this one out yet.. maybe my stomach wins the portion fight because its bigger.. . idk

    anyone ever do a cleansing product? i was looking at them on the ad i got from gnc today. any opinons?
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    coulfdnt do it yesterday, bc i had blood donation and i felt like a zombie, but doing one today and double tomorrow, i hope it will make up for it somehow,

    anyway, i am glad so many people are doing so great at it!!!

    good luck my shredders
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    Level 2 Day 7 Complete

    Level 1 was no longer challenging me so I decided I was ready to move on to Level 2.

    So today was my first day on Level 2 and it was a KILLER workout. It was hard but I enjoyed every minute of it. The amount of sweat pouring off of me was insane--and this is coming from someone who never sweats. I can't believe I made it all the way through without stopping but trust and believe I was huffing and puffing all the way through. I feel really good now that its over. I'm also thinking of upping my weights to 5 pounders (I'm currently using 3 pound handweights).

    As of day 7, I have lost 6 pounds. I am halfway to my goal weight and have 6 more pounds to get there.

    congrats - and so jealous, bc i am gaining :(
  • erinoldham19

    congrats - and so jealous, bc i am gaining :(

    so am i :(
  • AiJahya
    AiJahya Posts: 84 Member
    Weighed in today and had finally lost all the water weight and half a pound to boot!

    L1D6 kicked my butt today. I'm not sure why, but it was very difficult to get through the cardio, which is usually my easiest. Hoping it's "easy" by the time I'm ready to move on to level 2. Four more days!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    L1D7 down. Much easier today, me and the fiance could hold a conversation and laugh through most of it. Certainly couldn't imagine us doing that a week ago.
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    D5L1 done! I'm getting behind now-- took yesterday as a "rest"day ( but was insanely busy all day, grocery shopping, yard work, 2+ hours of push mowing, and so on...), so I'm just debating whether I'm going to do 10 or 9 days of level one. I know that from past experience that I NEED to take 1 day a week without structured exercise-- my body functions better that way, and I'm not dealing with mental stress of "trying to catch up" all the time.

    The jumping jacks are SO much easier now.. but the squats at the start KILL my biceps still, and the anterior lunges... ugh.
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    I just started the 30DS yesterday. I have an embarrassing question though. I have a big chest, and it's hard for me to do the jumping jacks/kick backs because I have trouble keeping my boobs from flopping.......So ladies do you tighten your bra or wear a sports bra???
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I just started the 30DS yesterday. I have an embarrassing question though. I have a big chest, and it's hard for me to do the jumping jacks/kick backs because I have trouble keeping my boobs from flopping.......So ladies do you tighten your bra or wear a sports bra???

    I wear a bra... AND a sports bra over that. =P
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks I will have to try that!
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    hello everyone.. happy sunday.. Day 7 completed.. haven't watched level 2 but i'm excited to move on.. wasn't sure if this was going to be one of those fads i start and not continue.. still not sure.. just taking it day by day but so far so good.. 7days straight and still willing to give it a shot.

    i have the exercising down, what i really need is to get the friggin eating under control.. small portions and good choices just have not been on my list. we dont have money so the type of food in the house consists of cheaper things...cheaper things = NOT healthy.. which brings to my portion control.. not sure my mind and stomach have figured this one out yet.. maybe my stomach wins the portion fight because its bigger.. . idk

    anyone ever do a cleansing product? i was looking at them on the ad i got from gnc today. any opinons?

    Some cheap healthy foods you can add are:

    Whole-Wheat or Multi Grain Pasta
    Brown Rice
    100% Whole Wheat Bread
    Canned Beans (I love black beans and kidney beans) Get the low sodium ones if ya can.
    Frozen Vegetables
    Canned Tuna

    Cheap fruits: apples and bannas
    Cheap Vegetables: carrots, potatoes, onions

    Also, if the nutrients are the same or very similar, go with the store brand.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member
    Level 2 Day 7 Complete

    Level 1 was no longer challenging me so I decided I was ready to move on to Level 2.

    So today was my first day on Level 2 and it was a KILLER workout. It was hard but I enjoyed every minute of it. The amount of sweat pouring off of me was insane--and this is coming from someone who never sweats. I can't believe I made it all the way through without stopping but trust and believe I was huffing and puffing all the way through. I feel really good now that its over. I'm also thinking of upping my weights to 5 pounders (I'm currently using 3 pound handweights).

    As of day 7, I have lost 6 pounds. I am halfway to my goal weight and have 6 more pounds to get there.

    congrats - and so jealous, bc i am gaining :(

    Thanks! I hope it keeps up. And hopefully, the scale will turn around for you as well. I think someone mentioned earlier that they gained before they lost.
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Day 12 L2D2 Done! All the planks are really starting to make my shoulders burn. I'm working on getting deeper in the squats. I ended up working out 6 hours later than normal because of a sleepover.. Did NOT like working out that late, it felt like half the day was already over!

    ROCK ON! :tongue:
  • alanaosu
    alanaosu Posts: 85 Member
    When I first bought this DVD last year I thought I was going to die during level 1. I couldn't even do all of the reps of the easy push ups. I've since sorted my exercise habits out and due to it raining today I decided to have another go at this.

    I found Level 1 EASY!!! Woo hoo! I was even adding extra reps and making changes to make the exercises more challenging (plus I was using 5kg weights).

    Level 2 next time but I'll be sticking to my regular bodyrock sessions which are what I believe has led to my increased fitness.

  • yad97
    yad97 Posts: 43
    L1D7 done today and I am feeling good! I stopped doing jumping jacks after knee pain during D2, so I just run in place or do butt kicks instead. I am nervous about moving on to L2 after all the posts about it being hard. But I can already see a difference in my endurance. Jillian is driving me batty, so the volume on the t.v. is very, very low these days. :smile:

    I've been doing the video each day in the morning. I have to say, if I can do it, anyone can! I love my sleep and have 3 young children who get up at the crack of dawn. But my hubby and I have been getting up just 30 minutes early, doing the video and then doing a devotion together. It has been fantastic! I love knowing that I have done the workout and can then do cardio in the afternoon during nap/quiet time for my kids. This is a sacrifice, because there is so much to do around the house, but I can see such a difference in how I feel. I highly recommend it! I've been watching calories and haven't been replacing all the myfitnesspal recommends - maybe about half. I focus on lots of veggies and protein and have felt great. I'm down 1.5 pounds in 7 days - so that makes me happy!

    Thanks to all who are so motivating on this thread. Keep it up!!!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    Didn't do day 7 yesterday - jumping jacks + headache = not good.

    Feeling pissed off. Scale says put on 2kgs today >:(

  • icandoit35
    i just got my dvd and did my day 1 this afternoon.
    i'm bummed that i'm a week behind everyone - but i was anxious to get started.
    i'm pretty shocked at how awful i felt afterwards - not as much during, but when i was done.

    i guess it just means i have a long road ahead.
    thanks again for starting the challenge!
  • FullmetalAlchemistMommy
    Level 1 day 10 complete!!!! I am so friggen excited to move on to level 2. I am going to weigh myself in the morning and see where I am at. According to my scale this morning I was still up 3lbs, so we will see what it says tomorrow. I hope you ladies are having a good weekend.
  • emmyones
    I am up to Day 6, Level 1.. Need to figure out better how to fit in the workout over the weekend. Weighed myself this morning & have lost 5.2kg (11lbs) in the first week.. Woohoo!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    I am up to Day 6, Level 1.. Need to figure out better how to fit in the workout over the weekend. Weighed myself this morning & have lost 5.2kg (11lbs) in the first week.. Woohoo!

    11lbs? WOW! That's truly AMAZING! I wish I could lost 10lbs that fast! Woohoo! Props to you girl.