


  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    i'm down 1.1lb this week again, and i've been pretty good with water and exercise.

    However this next week may be difficult as i'm having major problems in my personal life at the moment.
    I hope i'm able to stay in control and not let my team down!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend :)
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Good Morning FaBLUElous Blue Team! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I know I did!! I had a weekend full of birthday parties and BBQ's. Of course I did not do the best at the BBQ and still have not lost anything!!! I am getting in control starting today and not letting this downward spiral I am having destroy me! I have come so far (25 pounds) and I am gaining. A little embarrasing, but there is nobody to blame but myself!! I am in control and I am not exercising or eating like I should be. (Not the best team captain and role model eh?) BUT I am telling you all this. I will get these extra pounds off no matter what it takes!!!! I have 5 days to get there and I CAN DO THIS! You guys are all so motivational to me and I cannot do it without the push that you guys give me. THANK YOU!

    The new chart is up! The new Challenges are at the top of that chart if you forget what they are. I tried to make this more convenient for you all. I will also post the new challenges here:

    *** Continue 45 minutes of exercise 5/7 days (only 5 because we got this out late!) ***
    *** Continue drinking 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY ***
    *** Stay under your calorie goal EVERY DAY ***
    *** Submit 1 NSV (non scale victory) to your team captain by Friday ***

    If you all do not know what an NSV is, here are some examples: ( clothes fitting when they didn't before; someone complimenting on your weight loss; being able to run/ walk longer than you did before; etc. ) Any kind of victory that you encounter that does not have to do with that number scale!!

    My NSV for this week is: I went skating at a local roller skating rink. YES, I roller skate every week. Well, I haven't been there in maybe a month because every Wed, there was just something else to do. When I walked in, one of the workers said "WOW you have lost a lot of weight. How much have you lost!?" I felt so good about myself! Even though I have not exercised and gained 4 pounds total, they still see a difference and that made me feel GREAT!!! Now I want to hear yours!

    Here is the spreadsheet link again for any of you who have not yet had the chance to check it out. If you see any blanks and you know what your weight was for that date, let me know in a private message. Also, Anyone who has 3 consecutive NO WEIGH-INS by WEDNESDAY 8/24/11 will be taken off the chart. Please make sure to check this out so we don't lose you! Thanks and good luck with this week!!! :)
  • I was at my nephews birthday party yesterday and needless to say I didn't eat too good. I can't when Im at a family do !!!

    The worst thing is my brother in-law's mum said "I thought you were losing weight, you look fat today" !!! OH MY GOD! I could have died!

    Hoping I can lose a lot this week. I'm ready for this!!!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    I was at my nephews birthday party yesterday and needless to say I didn't eat too good. I can't when Im at a family do !!!

    The worst thing is my brother in-law's mum said "I thought you were losing weight, you look fat today" !!! OH MY GOD! I could have died!

    Hoping I can lose a lot this week. I'm ready for this!!!

    NO WAY!!!! OOOOHHHHH that lady may have not had any teeth left if that were me she said that to LOL! (Not literally--- but a good visual!) MAN! I would have cried for the rest of the day and left! You are better than me!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Some people can be so harsh, poor you
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Some people can be so harsh, poor you
  • eills44
    eills44 Posts: 65
    Hi, I sts this week, which was expected as TOM has been to visit and thankfully gone now, so heres hoping for next week (has fingers and toes all crossed ) lol xx:frown:
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    My NSV is that I have begun "shopping" in my teenage daughters' closets. I am wearing a small shirt and a size 2 pants. I was a 2XL and a 16 in March of this year! I can't afford new clothes so this has been a real help to me!
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    My NSV is that I have begun "shopping" in my teenage daughters' closets. I am wearing a small shirt and a size 2 pants. I was a 2XL and a 16 in March of this year! I can't afford new clothes so this has been a real help to me!

    that's awesome!!!! congrats :)
  • My NSV is that I've run two 1/2 Marathons the last two weekends! The first one was really tough on me, and then this last weekend I ran strong, ten minutes faster than the weekend prior.
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    I had a NSV with a cardio workout this week. I am totally fine with strength training, and getting stronger every day. Cardio, however is still not improving as much as I'd like. So on monday, I signed up for a 1 hour spin class, but you have to get there so early to sign up becuase the class fills up like 45 minutes before the start. So what to do? I just decided to run. I ran for about 30 minutes prior to the class and ended up doing a full 1 and a half of cario and kept it at my target heart rate. I may not be the fastest, but that is a lot for someone who could only do about 5 or 10 minutes of cardio less than a year ago.
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Just sending a reminder that it is Wednesday. Please check the spreadsheet and make sure that I have your weights in so that you do not get deleted off the spreadsheet for have missed 3 weigh ins consecutively! Thanks!
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    I had a NSV with a cardio workout this week. I am totally fine with strength training, and getting stronger every day. Cardio, however is still not improving as much as I'd like. So on monday, I signed up for a 1 hour spin class, but you have to get there so early to sign up becuase the class fills up like 45 minutes before the start. So what to do? I just decided to run. I ran for about 30 minutes prior to the class and ended up doing a full 1 and a half of cario and kept it at my target heart rate. I may not be the fastest, but that is a lot for someone who could only do about 5 or 10 minutes of cardio less than a year ago.

    Awesome job!!! I too struggle with cardio!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    My nsv is that after never having been to a gym before, I went, enjoyed it, went 5 days last week (I was on hols), burnt more than 5000 cals on exercise during the week, then joined the gym!!
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
    My nsv is....i need to move the seat closer to the steering wheel!
  • ADTeachTX
    ADTeachTX Posts: 204 Member
    That was so mean! Poo on her.
  • astrand1800
    astrand1800 Posts: 54 Member
    My NSV was that I ran for 30 min on the treadmill and the distance ended up being 2.5 miles. I am not a runner, never liked running even when I could do a 6 min mile in high school when conditioning for sports. I hurt so bad the next day, tuesday, but my friend and i got back on the treadmill and jogged again for 30 min. I did 2 miles and every second hurt. It was a victory but I realize i really should never do the same thing two days in a row when i haven't done it in years. My legs still are sore today.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Just weighed, no progress :( and I am gutted. I have trained everyday, sometimes burning over 1000 cals, on my HRM, and been under my goals nutritionally everyday - fed up
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    Oppsy!! Forgot to say my NSV is I cycled twice as far in less time on the exercise bike and upped my level on my elliptical intervals, and got into trousers and jackets I have never worn this week :)
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Go blue team!
    I am down another pound this week to 208. That is another pound down for me!:smile: 8 pounds total for the month. Under calories 4/5 day, excerised 45 minutes a day for 5 days this week, and have continued keeping up with my water intake! My NSV is that I lost another clothing size! Back to the thrift shop for me. I also need a new bathing suit (ugh I usually don't like to shop for one), but my old one is nearly falling off of me!
    I am heading to the mountains this weekend...determined to stay on track and finish strong. Have a good weekend everyone!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Go blue team!
    I am down another pound this week to 208. That is another pound down for me!:smile: 8 pounds total for the month. Under calories 4/5 day, excerised 45 minutes a day for 5 days this week, and have continued keeping up with my water intake! My NSV is that I lost another clothing size! Back to the thrift shop for me. I also need a new bathing suit (ugh I usually don't like to shop for one), but my old one is nearly falling off of me!
    I am heading to the mountains this weekend...determined to stay on track and finish strong. Have a good weekend everyone!
  • cbashful
    cbashful Posts: 29 Member
    I'm down 3.4 pounds this week...A total of 11.6 for the month..I am super excited to see where I can go with this....The only bad thing is that all of my jeans have gotten to big for me and they sag in the front and the back, not a good look.I also have not been drinking enough water, but I am determined to get back on track. I am so hapy for all of us. Keep pushing and good luck to everyone. GEAUX BLUE TEAM!!!

  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Alright everyone! I have some sad news!! I am going to be taking an online class this fall so I will not be able to keep up with the team captain duties. I need to stay focused with school so that I can finally get this over with. I still have 12 classes to go and I don't need to start failing a class and keep me in school even longer. UGH Can't stand it anymore I just want it to be over! Anyway... I was wondering if anyone would like to take over team captain for the Blue Team?

    DHiggins was the starter of the Blue team and I have not heard back from him about if he is coming back in September. If he does come back, he may need some more help anyway because of the amount of people who have been joining this challenge (which is amazing I must say!).

    Please let me know if you would be interested in becoming team captain for the September Challenge. I am sorry about this but I have to do what I have to do.... I will still be around on here but I just cannot keep up with a full time job, school and being team captain.

    Also! We need a new team captain for the PURPLE team as well! SommerJo is resigning also. So there is room for more than one person here.

    If you are interested, please send me a private message (this way I am sure not to miss your request) :glasses: Thanks
  • Are we weighing in today and the 31st? Or continuing with Friday weigh-ins thru Sept? Thanks!
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member
    I had a great week this week, lost 3.5lbs! Also, did the exercise and drank my water:)
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I was at my nephews birthday party yesterday and needless to say I didn't eat too good. I can't when Im at a family do !!!

    The worst thing is my brother in-law's mum said "I thought you were losing weight, you look fat today" !!! OH MY GOD! I could have died!

    Hoping I can lose a lot this week. I'm ready for this!!!

    What a perfectly horrible thing to say to someone....shame on her! You pay her no attention...which is easier said than done

  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I forgot all about my NSV! I needed to get a new swim suit to use at the gym's pool. I had no idea what size to get, so I picked a few sizes and tried them on. I enede up with a regular size 18....not bad from a Women's 28

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    Are we weighing in today and the 31st? Or continuing with Friday weigh-ins thru Sept? Thanks!

    Yes we are weighing in both days and there will be a September challenge
  • complejo
    complejo Posts: 36
    My NSV this week was that the other day I noticed my watch is so loose now it can spin completely around my wrist! Time to remove a link from the band I guess!
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