What is or was your exercise for the day??



  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Today I will make it a weights day;

    45 min weights focused on legs, thighs, and behind
    15 min treadmill
    40 min stationary bike
    20 calisthenics
    20 min sauna

    I plan on eating at least 2600 cals for today as well. We will see how I do :happy:

    I kicked it all!! burned 941 cals and ate 2700 cals. Yay!!!

    Today I feel like taking it easy so I will do a 60 min Zumba class, if I feel like it a 40 min stationary bike ride. I will eat around 2400 cals. We will see how I do :)
  • rjbrowne82
    rjbrowne82 Posts: 198 Member
    30 mins of cardio bootcamp done and over 500 cals gone
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Went on dance central 2 and did the fitness bit for an hour and a half.
    Then about 10 hours later went on the exercise bike for an hour.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    6AM - gym - 3 mile elliptical at 8.5mph (level 2)
    1 set - 10 pull ups
    1 set - 10 dips
    3 sets - 15lbs - rows with a dumbell
    3 sets per leg - 10 reps, knee up then back to lunge position (knee to ground)
    2sets - 30 sec plank, side planks - both sides 10 dips of hip to ground

    Back to the gym after work: most likley:
    5 mile ellpitical run avg 8.0mph (level 2)
    3 sets - 10 pull ups
    3 sets - 20 knees to chest, balanced in air
    3 sets - 40lbs overhead press
    3 sets - 20 air squats
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I have my yoga class today, but just got an interview (It'll be my 3rd job!) so I'm not gonna be able to go. I might do Jillian's 6w6p, but I did it just yesterday and am super sore! Lol
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    30 day shred... might use my mini-stepper this evening as well
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    I ran for 30 minutes totaling 4 miles. I'm REALLY sore from circuit training Tues/Wed. Unless I miraculously feel better, I'll probably just run again......4 or 5 miles.
  • fjsutton
    fjsutton Posts: 60 Member
    Thurday is BOOTCAMP! ugh.. so gruelling, but rewarding!!!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Chalean Extreme Burn It Off and 20 min on the elliptical
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 277 Member
    1 mile walk with Denise Austin (takes 15 mins.) DVD, followed by 5 mins. stretching
    30 mins. circuit training at Planet Fitness and the ab coaster, stretching, done!
  • slimgal613
    slimgal613 Posts: 52 Member
    Spinning class which I loooved so very much. Also did about 1/2 hour of circuit training.

  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    25min cross trainer machine. Did 35mins yesterday but baby started to cry so couldnt do more.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Today I feel like taking it easy so I will do a 60 min Zumba class, if I feel like it a 40 min stationary bike ride. I will eat around 2400 cals. We will see how I do :)

    I did 40 min Zumba and 60 min stationary bike max tension 8 and speed 90 revolutions. I was 20 min late for the Zumba and honestly if I didn't lift weights before I would have kept going on the stationary bike. I just didn't want to push my body too hard :)
    So I burned 858 cals and eat 2587 cals, darn I read it wrong I thought I eat 2800 cals yesterday, but that was actually my limit not what I eat. It ok, I still did good :flowerforyou:
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Today is supposed to be a weight lifting day, but I am feeling a bit tiered (its about time for TOM) so I think I will make tomorrow a weight lifting day instead and just do cardio again today.

    30 min treadmill max speed 5m/hr max incline 3
    40 to 60 min stationary bike max tension 8, max speed 90 revolutions
    20 aerobic with calisthenics no weights
    I might switch things up later to the body works class with abs (that just sounds great) and the 40 to 60 min stationary bike max tension 8, max speed 90 revolutions we will see when I get there :bigsmile:

    I am planning on eating 2600 cals today again :) and this time I will be looking in the rite spot on my diary. I can't believe I only eat 2600 cals yesterday, it felt like so much more :indifferent:

    anyway I will give you the update tomorrow on my progress today

    have a great day to all!! and hit it hard:flowerforyou:
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Chalean Extreme Burn 3 & 15 min treadmill
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 277 Member
    Very similar to yesterday

    15 min. one-mile walk w/ DVD first thing in the a.m.
    Did as many jumping jacks in a row as I could -- 53 at noon.
    Going to the gym after work -- probably 10 mins warm up on treadmill and 30 mins at strength machines, finishing up with some ab coaster work and stretching.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Wow, I can't believe no one worked out over the weekend.

    I was out of town but did manage to squeeze one in Sat. Turbo Jam and Relax from Chalean Extreme

    This morning was Week 2 of Burn 1 and 10 minutes on the elliptical
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    Today is supposed to be a weight lifting day, but I am feeling a bit tiered (its about time for TOM) so I think I will make tomorrow a weight lifting day instead and just do cardio again today.

    30 min treadmill max speed 5m/hr max incline 3
    40 to 60 min stationary bike max tension 8, max speed 90 revolutions
    20 aerobic with calisthenics no weights
    I might switch things up later to the body works class with abs (that just sounds great) and the 40 to 60 min stationary bike max tension 8, max speed 90 revolutions we will see when I get there :bigsmile:

    I am planning on eating 2600 cals today again :) and this time I will be looking in the rite spot on my diary. I can't believe I only eat 2600 cals yesterday, it felt like so much more :indifferent:

    anyway I will give you the update tomorrow on my progress today

    have a great day to all!! and hit it hard:flowerforyou:

    I ended up doing 60 min calisthenics body works plus ab class and a 30 min stationary bike max tension 8, max speed 90 revolutions burned 772 cals and ate 2536 cals. So a good day :)

    On Saturday I did:

    60 min weightlifting midsection
    20 min calisthenics
    40 stationary bike
    60 walk (window shopping)

    burned 1001 cals and ate 2575 cals for Saturday. I just can't seem to eat more than 2600 cals but I still feel pretty awesome :)

    Sunday was a rest day :)

    60 min weightlifting upper body
    60 min calisthenics (body works plus ab class)

    I plan on eating 2600 cals again :)
  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Treadclimber for 60 minutes @ 2.0
    Front raise
    Bench dips
  • RubyDarling
    RubyDarling Posts: 171 Member
    4.5km run, 4.5km walk.