30 Day Shred - 08/08/11



  • jayne51998
    Hiya joimichele.

    Hiya tahoe.

    I started level 2 today and I have never sweated so much in my life. It sure is a hard workout but well worth it for the feeling of having done it afterwards.

    I was achy for a few days but it does go. :happy:

    I was thinking of starting Jillians yoga meltdown tonight. Do anyone know how many calories it burns? Cheers.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i'll be honest i find level 2 the worst but it gives the best changes so its tough but stick at it. you are welcome here anytime we really motivate eachother here :)
    i dont know about the yoga for burning calories, but i was googling how many calories you burn during sex ... lol well they have every other exercise on here ... hehe

    plus, where can i paste a Graze code for a free box for ppl ??
  • statia152
    Greetings Tahoe ~ LOL Jillian never breaks a sweat during the whole thing, she doesn't even get breathless. I'm super glad you continued to Shred and didn't give up, your body will thank you later. But I'm with Monkey with this one: "i find level 2 the worst but it gives the best changes".

    Ladies, I have a problem. Some time during L3, I thought I pulled a muscle in my arm doing punches (with weights). But I'm a tough old bird, so I sucked it up and bulled through it. Last night at the doc's I found out I have "tennis elbow"., medical term is lateral epicondylitis. Its inflammation of the tendon that connects to the elbow. WTH Now I gotta ice 3 times daily, do wrist exercises (lol not much of a calorie burn) and stop doing anything that uses muscle / causes pain. Seriously? It hurts to buckle seat belt or wring out a dishrag! I will have to tweek the 30 DS to fit into the restrictions, maybe no more planks for a while? :happy: Oh, and my doc was impressed with my weight / inches lost. I will not give up 30DS, but will also add daily walks or stat bike.
    glad u not giving up statia but dont over do it as u might prolong the injury x x
  • joimichele
    Hi everybody! I did my shred today...! I really wasn't into it and felt like skipping today but I didn't. I still have to run later. Booooo! :yawn: Statia- maybe you should take a rest or do extreme modifications that don't mess with your elbow. Wow! Glad to see we actually have a group now and not just the lonesome three:laugh: . P.S. I don't even want to think about the next level. I'm pooped! Have a great day ladies!
  • joimichele
    Monkey- I hope your doggie gets better :brokenheart:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey all,

    I didnt do my shred today ive just had no energy coz i cried my eyes out this morning. Smudge is a bit better i think now, we really thought we were gunna lose him this morning though :(

  • jayne51998
    Hiya all.

    Monkey, I'm so glad your Smudge is better this evening. Must be a relief for you. :flowerforyou:

    Statia, you take care with that wrist of yours, Do what the doctors say and maybe modify some moves. :flowerforyou:

    No shred for me today. Bloody cold has wiped me out and all I have had energy for is crawling into bed, That's where I have spent most of my day.

    Nose is blocked, throat is burning and my chest feels clogged, also got a cough. :sad:

    Just had a lovely warm bath with albus oil and I'm off to bed again.

    Hope I wake up feeling a bit more refreshed than this morning although I did put in 10 mins of super hula hoop on the Wii.

    Goodnight all and have a great evening.

  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hiya all.

    Monkey, I'm so glad your Smudge is better this evening. Must be a relief for you. :flowerforyou:

    Statia, you take care with that wrist of yours, Do what the doctors say and maybe modify some moves. :flowerforyou:

    No shred for me today. Bloody cold has wiped me out and all I have had energy for is crawling into bed, That's where I have spent most of my day.

    Nose is blocked, throat is burning and my chest feels clogged, also got a cough. :sad:

    Just had a lovely warm bath with albus oil and I'm off to bed again.

    Hope I wake up feeling a bit more refreshed than this morning although I did put in 10 mins of super hula hoop on the Wii.

    Goodnight all and have a great evening.


    aww no! get well soon hun!! xxx
  • jayne51998
    Feeling slightly better this morning. Cold seems to be dying on me but my cough is still raging.

    I am hopeful of doing my shred later, That's if my breathing will let me but I'll see how far I can get.

    May even sweat the illness away. Lol.

    Hope everyone is well. :happy:

    Edited to poke my pointy stick at Monkey. Statia said that you started all this passing a cold through the thread business. :tongue:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Feeling slightly better this morning. Cold seems to be dying on me but my cough is still raging.

    I am hopeful of doing my shred later, That's if my breathing will let me but I'll see how far I can get.

    May even sweat the illness away. Lol.

    Hope everyone is well. :happy:

    Edited to poke my pointy stick at Monkey. Statia said that you started all this passing a cold through the thread business. :tongue:

    HAHA! yes i did have the 1st cold i spose it is my fault :P xxxx
  • statia152
    Sorry ladies -- no Shred for me yesterday or today. Today I have to shop for snack shack, get my brattgirl to the chiropractor (old hockey injury -- just a "tune up") then working snack shack tonight. I'm hoping to at least get in my walk this morning with the dogs. LOL The neighbors must think I'm crazy!! I walk my beagle (15 and fat) half a mile, come back to the house and walk my black Lab (5 and hip problems). Yesterday I met the "walking grandma" with the beagle, and on her way back, I had the Lab. LOL She did a double take and I stopped to explain to her why I switched dogs. She walks twice a day with her grandchildren, thus the nickname.

    Everybody have a great day! JoiMichele ~ keep doing it, don't you feel better after working out? Monkey ~ I hope those (grrr) ladies in the office stop with their attitude. I wonder if they ever take a day off for their sick child? To me, its the same thing! Jayne ~ Go easy on the cardio, march in place to catch your breath so you don't cough up a lung. In one of your pics you've got a ciggerette in your hand (i smoke too:blushing: ), just make sure cough doesn't develop into something worse.
    Angel ~ Thanks for your support! I want this elbow to heal without injections, so I am following doc's orders. You keep going with the Shred, and its ok to do modified stuff. But just keep moving and pretty soon it will become a "habit". I have absolute faith that you can do this and in the end, you'll be amazed with yourself and your body changes. That's what keeps me going every day. I may not do 30DS, but I walk, ride stat bike, do wood ... and the first 30 days of the shred has increased my muscles, helped my back and greatly improved my stamina in everything I do! Love to you all, my friends ~ Statia XOXO
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sorry ladies -- no Shred for me yesterday or today. Today I have to shop for snack shack, get my brattgirl to the chiropractor (old hockey injury -- just a "tune up") then working snack shack tonight. I'm hoping to at least get in my walk this morning with the dogs. LOL The neighbors must think I'm crazy!! I walk my beagle (15 and fat) half a mile, come back to the house and walk my black Lab (5 and hip problems). Yesterday I met the "walking grandma" with the beagle, and on her way back, I had the Lab. LOL She did a double take and I stopped to explain to her why I switched dogs. She walks twice a day with her grandchildren, thus the nickname.

    Everybody have a great day! JoiMichele ~ keep doing it, don't you feel better after working out? Monkey ~ I hope those (grrr) ladies in the office stop with their attitude. I wonder if they ever take a day off for their sick child? To me, its the same thing! Jayne ~ Go easy on the cardio, march in place to catch your breath so you don't cough up a lung. In one of your pics you've got a ciggerette in your hand (i smoke too:blushing: ), just make sure cough doesn't develop into something worse.
    Angel ~ Thanks for your support! I want this elbow to heal without injections, so I am following doc's orders. You keep going with the Shred, and its ok to do modified stuff. But just keep moving and pretty soon it will become a "habit". I have absolute faith that you can do this and in the end, you'll be amazed with yourself and your body changes. That's what keeps me going every day. I may not do 30DS, but I walk, ride stat bike, do wood ... and the first 30 days of the shred has increased my muscles, helped my back and greatly improved my stamina in everything I do! Love to you all, my friends ~ Statia XOXO

    Sometimes things do get in the way and even though its only 20 minutes sometimes you just can fit it in, dont worry theres always tomorrow :) I noticed you said you lab had hip problems mine does too, what hip problems has yours got? Mine had his since birth and because we didn't know before we could get him insured he had his first problem so no insurance for us so every little problem we have to pay for...expensive but he is so worth it!

  • statia152
    She has the hip displasia that's common for the breed. But we don't have $ 7,000 for the surgery. :( We give her arthritic meds, and try to limit her play time. She will run and run until she can't walk. So shorter walks more often work better for her. With the beagle, I'm just afraid he's gonna drop dead on me. Plus, he slows down alot on the walk back. LOL Its kinda funny. He starts out almost at a dead run dragging me along. And on the way back, I'm dragging him. Each animal has his/her own personality and I love them all dearly. I'm really glad Smudge is doing better. But he sounds old, like my beagle. I don't expect mine to live another year. But I know he's lived a good life since he's been with us (7 years).
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    She has the hip displasia that's common for the breed. But we don't have $ 7,000 for the surgery. :( We give her arthritic meds, and try to limit her play time. She will run and run until she can't walk. So shorter walks more often work better for her. With the beagle, I'm just afraid he's gonna drop dead on me. Plus, he slows down alot on the walk back. LOL Its kinda funny. He starts out almost at a dead run dragging me along. And on the way back, I'm dragging him. Each animal has his/her own personality and I love them all dearly. I'm really glad Smudge is doing better. But he sounds old, like my beagle. I don't expect mine to live another year. But I know he's lived a good life since he's been with us (7 years).

    Omg smudge has hip displasia too!! Have you tried swimming? when smudge was a puppy we took him to a local farm who had a pool for horses and it has helped SO MUCH!! it builds the muscles around the joints which help ease it, honestly if you can find a lake or a pool you can use take your lab swimming! :D Smudge is on alot of pills for arthritis etc as he has got that in his front joints now too where they have componsated for his back ones. We didnt think he would get back 10 because of it and we dont have the money for surgery either, he is now 12 and i think that is down to swimming :D

  • jayne51998
    Done my shred, Counting it as day 1 again of level 2 as I missed a day.

    Struggled through the cardio and didn't push myself as hard because of my chest, but my heart was banging all the way through so I hope today still makes a difference. Wore me out though. :yawn:

    I do smoke still Statia but I am hoping that once I'm strong enough to go running I can give them up as I can go for a run if I'm craving. :bigsmile:
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    did L2 today too that one always tires me out :( xxx
  • joimichele
    I did my shred today! Hey Monkey, I just noticed your bday is in October! So is mine! What day?
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    I did my shred today! Hey Monkey, I just noticed your bday is in October! So is mine! What day?

    the 21st how about yours??? :D
