Labor Day Shredders!



  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    So I'm late for the weigh in, sorry. But I did weigh in that day. I started at 194 and went up to 195. Ugh. So discouraging. However the workouts are feeling so easy to do now and at first I wasn't able to do all of the jumping jacks and jump ropes but now I can no problem so that's good. I hope the scale starts to move.

    So, I've been wondering... how hard are levels 2 and 3?! What in the world do we do in those levels? I'm scared of them...
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Level 2 &3 are harder.... level 2 I dont like at all. level 3 i hate all the jumping. Erica great job pushing yourself to go lower and feel the burn!
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm extremely late on weighing in, but my daughter has been sick. She is feeling better now though. I weighed in Friday and was at 237 which is down 3 lbs. I am happy. I however did not get to work out Saturday or Sunday. So I'm hoping to jump back in today.
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Day 8 done.

  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    D8L1 complete! Yay! Only 2 more days of Level 1!!!! Wahooooooo
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    I am excited about starting level 2 soon. Nervous but excited. Level 1 is getting easier and it seems to be flying by.
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    yeay!! I did my 30 DS level 1 last night and I already did it this morning for the day :) since I slacked over the weekend, I may do it another round tonight to make up for it!!!!! Im liking the results ALOT!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Great job Mimi! I say do it tonight and get caught up, that way your on track with us. The results are amazing, I LOVE the shred... obvoiusly since this is my 3rd round! :wink:
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Cannot believe that today is Day 9, excited to get home and SHRED...I did my normal weekly weigh-in today and I am sooo HAPPY with the results! Of course my body is totally hating me! My EVERYTHING hurts! I am terrified of Level 2.
    BTW anyone notice that girl (Natalie) cheating on the squats? I hate her...looking so good and cheating?? And how about Jillian?? Does she actually workout in these videos??
    Sorry, I love yelling at the tv because it motivates me,lol..
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Stef! haha... yes, natalie then "challenging" one is a joke! I work harder then her! And Jillian doesnt even break a sweat while I am dripping with it! LOL Level 2 is my enemy.... but there is hope cuz i love level 3. Cant wait till thurs to weigh in, when i have peaked at the scale its been a jerk :grumble:
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Cannot believe that today is Day 9, excited to get home and SHRED...I did my normal weekly weigh-in today and I am sooo HAPPY with the results! Of course my body is totally hating me! My EVERYTHING hurts! I am terrified of Level 2.
    BTW anyone notice that girl (Natalie) cheating on the squats? I hate her...looking so good and cheating?? And how about Jillian?? Does she actually workout in these videos??
    Sorry, I love yelling at the tv because it motivates me,lol..

    lol so true! she really does cheat!!!! but I will continue to work hard.. have you notice how she doesnt really come down much during the punching cardio routine... my legs shake at the end of that!!!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Day 9 is done. I get angry every time I see that girl cheat. :explode: I wonder why they didn't edit that out. Probably just to drive people like us insane and give us something else to think about instead of how hard it is :laugh:
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Cannot believe that today is Day 9, excited to get home and SHRED...I did my normal weekly weigh-in today and I am sooo HAPPY with the results! Of course my body is totally hating me! My EVERYTHING hurts! I am terrified of Level 2.
    BTW anyone notice that girl (Natalie) cheating on the squats? I hate her...looking so good and cheating?? And how about Jillian?? Does she actually workout in these videos??
    Sorry, I love yelling at the tv because it motivates me,lol..

    lol so true! she really does cheat!!!! but I will continue to work hard.. have you notice how she doesn't really come down much during the punching cardio routine... my legs shake at the end of that!!!

    Yeah! I am totally kicking my own butt more than her!! and PROUD of it, I am actually surprised that I noticed her cheating but I was watching once as Jillian was explaining how she goes SOOO deep into the squats, then walks over to the other girl, the camera moves back over to her just before Jillian talks about the other girl and she is only moving her arms!!! MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME and she is only moving her arms??? WHAT!!!! Craziness
  • kabatoff
    Day 9 complete... One more day at Level 1... I am scared of Level 2. Is is alot harder? I am feeling pretty good a Level 1 so hopefully I will be OK. I am excited for results day after Day 10!

  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Im excited too thursday is our first big weigh in and measurements!!! Level 2 is just harder on my knees i think is why i hate it so much. At 25 i have the body of a VERY old woman...:laugh: Arthritis on my hips & knees, bursitis in the left knee... Im a mess! The high knees and some of the lunges just do me in, but ive done level 2 all the way through both rounds so i will this round too!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Ready for Day 10!!
    Tomorrow we weigh and give measurements, is that correct?:wink:

    BTW watched Natalie the whole time last night while I was shredding and I have decided that "WE" are all better than her so it doesn't matter if she cheats...because you can be skinny and not healthy--- its a challege to be skinny & healthy!!! I say keep up the good work LDShredders!!! Whoo Whoo
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Wahooo I'm sooo excited for this to be the last day of Level 1!!!!! Scared to get on the scale tomorrow as I cheated and got on the other day and was still the same...........ugh............oh well I think I'm def seeing a difference in my double chin and my love handles.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Erica- Remember to take your measurements again tomorrow. I have always lost good amounts of inchs even if i only lost a lb or 2.

    Everyone remember tomorrow is our finaly weigh in for level 1!!! Be sure to post your weight and measurements!

  • steffyjomartin
    So I have been sick for the last 4 days and am now just getting to feeling better. So that means that I will restart my 30DS starting tonight. So it looks as if my last day of the program 13th of October. I feel a lot better than I did on Saturday and Sunday! So I hope everyone is doing great on the program and keep pushing not only each other but yourself!

    PS I am going to need some major motivation to do 10 days straight of each level until I am done! And I will weigh myself tomorrow and do my measurements just to keep on track with the original plans!


  • leeka77
    leeka77 Posts: 31 Member
    Very excited last day of level 1 :drinker: ....Congrats to everyone who has made it this far...Way to go guys. .:happy: