Labor Day Shredders!



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    PS- if everyone doesnt mind, after posting like this, please include your name. That makes it easier to remember eachother with out having to go back several pages! :wink:

  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    Kristyn - Thanks for pointing out that we might see a weight gain for a few days... i am up 2... it couldn't have been from the beer and McDonald's last night.... :embarassed: that is besides the point I am usually around my starting weight no matter what I eat or drink... Kind of a plateau I think. So I hoping this 30DS will kick the plateau funk I am in. Although I NEED to get my eating in check...

    Jayden (my son) has his first day of Kindergarten tomorrow :sad: It might be an emotional day for me... no emotional eating though!

    Wish me luck in volleyball tonight. I have one girls game and two co-ed games. (a mommy and daddy fun night) :bigsmile:
  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    Opps.... pretend there is ~ Angie~ under my post!!! haha :tongue:
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Kristyn-thanks for the advice...Where can I get an HRM? I would love to have one, but don't have alot of extra money to spend on them. So I should log it in exercise as a Circuit training for 25 min? I have to do my measurements, but don't have a tape so I need to get one before getting too involved...

    Forgot to put
    Heather :)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Angie- Good luck tomorrow, it is hard sending our babies out into the real world!!! :cry:

    Heather- They are kind of spendy $100+ But circuit training for 25 min is pretty accurate on here to what mine says.

  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    Angie- Good luck tomorrow, it is hard sending our babies out into the real world!!! :cry:

    Heather- They are kind of spendy $100+ But circuit training for 25 min is pretty accurate on here to what mine says.


    Thanks Kristyn!!! I appreciate it...
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Day 3 done. This is kicking my butt. And the scale said that I gained a pound this morning. :angry: If it wasn't for this group I wouldn't have done the workout tonight. I had a killer headache and thought up every excuse possible to get out of it. But I knew I had to stick with it with the rest of you guys. :smile:
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Day 3 is done and in the books! I can tell a big difference already with the exercises getting easier. I just got done doing a round of Chalean Extreme so I really have to change my mindset. That program is heavy weights and fewer reps and this is like the exact opposite. I had great results with CX lost 24 pounds and 25" in 90 days so I am cuious to see how my body reacts to such extreme opposites! I can really feel my legs getting stronger already. Hope everyone got day 3 done!

  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    OK so I was suposed to do 30DS twice today to make up for yesterday... that will have to wait, after three hours and 9 games of volleyball I am pooped... So TOMORROW will be the day I do two workouts. But I am still proud I woke up early and got one workout in with her!!

    Off to bed, we have an early morning with the first day of KINDERGARDEN!!!
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Finished D3L1 a couple hours ago. Ate back my calories by having a protein shake and 100 cal popcorn and I am starving! And sore!! My metabolism must be going good!! lol Off to bed I go!
  • Jbugfit2011
    Arms-12 1/4
    upper Thighs-24
    Calves-14 1/4

  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    I did L1D2 yesterday and I am soooo sore this morning... I got on the scale this morning and have only lost .6 lbs :grumble: I hope it gets easier...I'm sure it will..I do feel better about myself by doing it though...I hope everyone has a great day...
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Feeling way LESS sore the morning after D3L1. Woke up feeling great! Have a great day everyone and good luck on D4L1!
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    OK so I finally took my measurements and here they are

    Chest: 40.5"
    waist: 32.5"
    Mom pooch: 40.25 (yuck!:grumble: Soooo want to get rid of this :frown: )
    Hips: 39.5"
    Aductors: 36.25"
    LT: 20"
    RT: 20"
    LB: 11"
    RB: 11.25"

    I will be doing day 4 when I get home and I have to say that I am not anywhere near as sore today as I was yesterday and I am really starting to feel stronger! Have a great day!

  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Bug1114- Way to push through even though you really wanted to skip it. That is why i love being in a group like this. I think of all of you, then i just do it.

    Angie- Good luck on Kindergarten, its a bittersweet day for us Mommies

    Heather- Glad the scale is already moving down for you!

    Erica- Glad day 4 is feeling better to you. Day 4 is always the day I start to feel good!!

    Dont forget everyone, our 1st half way weigh in is tomorrow morning. I wont be shocked if we are all up from our initial weigh in, but dont let it get us down. Just log it and we'll see good numbers on day 10!!!

  • tiggerfan
    I'm getting myself some new scales 2morow, so think my weight is going to be different, because they're new, (just hope its not that bad)
    L1D5 2morow, so it only gets better from then on
  • steffyjomartin
    So I did day 1 of Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and it literally kicked my butt and I was dripping sweat like no other! But good news I felt great about making through the entire 20 minutes without a break. I was not able to get in Day 2 yesterday however today I did Day 2 this morning and will do Day 3 this evening! That will catch me up to be on target for the weigh-ins and measurement days! I am super pumped and excited to see the resutls after 30 days and how far I have come. BTW my triceps are killing me but my "wings" are slowing fading away!!! Awesome feeling and awesome job to all who have continued to pushing through the pain and getting fabulous results! Keep up the great work everyone!


  • steffyjomartin
    I will post all my numbers this evening when I get home1 I forgot to post Monday night when i did all the measurements and weigh-in! OOPPSS!!!
  • leeka77
    leeka77 Posts: 31 Member
    Did Day 3 last night and it does seem to get a little easier each time...Feeling really good about the workouts.....Getting ready to tackle Day 4 when I get home this evening.
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!
    I am doing day 3 tonight.. my thighs are aching but it feels soooo great :) I'll do day 4 tomororw moning and probably play catch up over the weekend so I can be with everyone else by Monday :)

    Height- 5'4
    Start Weight- 153.0
    9/9 Weight-
    L2 9/15 Weight-
    9/19 Weight-
    L3 9/25 Weight-
    9/28 Weight-
    10/5 End Weight-