Labor Day Shredders!



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    L1D4 DONE! Glad to have it out of the way, was dreading it. Took my baby sister out for her 21st bday last night, went to bed @ 2am, got up to nurse the baby @ 4am and then got up for good @ 6am.... But I made it through and it wasnt too bad. Great job to everyone who is getting it done, and those of you who are getting yourselves caught up!

  • steffyjomartin
    So days late but here are my measurements:

    Bust: 47 inches
    Arm: 15 inches
    Upper Waist: 41 inches
    Lower Waist: 47 inches
    Hips: 52 inches
    Thighs: 28.5 inches
    Calves: 17 inches

    Start Weight: 248 lbs
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Kristyn, that is some major dedication concidering the amount of sleep that you got. Way to go!

    I finished L1D4 this evening. I had some minor distractions from UPS and the dogs barking, so I missed about two-three minutes of the video. :ohwell: I guess we'll see what the scale says in the morning. :huh:

  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    *Celebrate* I am all caught up.. Did my Day 2 and my Day 4 today. It was like "Last Chance Workout" haha :laugh:

    Jayden's first day of Kindergarten went "awesome" ... so happy about that!!

    Have a great night and see ya in the morning for weigh in... I am glad Kristyn explained about the possible weight gain cause it looks like I may have one and that is "normal" for the first weigh in.

    Nighty Nighty.... :yawn:
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Day 4 complete! Feeling great! I am lucky because my husband has been joining me every night so far!
  • kabatoff
    Help!! I am exhausted and need motivation to get off my *kitten*... I am on Day 4... help!

  • steffyjomartin
    Good morning all! Hope this Friday finds everyone well! So I just did L1D3 and feel great! As the days progress and I get used to the workouts it gets better! I have gained about 2 pounds which is what I expected from the all posts on here! But that will not discourage me from pushing on! I am going to lose those 2 pounds plus 2 pounds for next weeks weigh-in! I love this group of people on this Labor Day Shred group and love all the motivation as well! Hope everyone has a awesome weekend!

  • leeka77
    leeka77 Posts: 31 Member
    L1D4 completed last night..Gonna do D5 tonight...Way to go everyone, hope you all have a great weekend!
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Good morning everyone! Hope everyone is feeling fabulous!
  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! :drinker: (that is coffee in my hand... not a drink!!)

    Its our first weigh-in day and as I suspected... a gain. :grumble: BUT.... looking forward to a loss at the next weigh in!!!

    Have a marvelous day. :flowerforyou:

    Start Weight- 180.8
    9/9 Weight- 181.6 +.8
    L2 9/15 Weight-
    9/19 Weight-
    L3 9/25 Weight-
    9/28 Weight-
    10/5 End Weight-
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Height- 5'5
    Start Weight- 149.1
    9/9 Weight- 147.5
    L2 9/15 Weight-
    9/19 Weight-
    L3 9/25 Weight-
    9/28 Weight-
    10/5 End Weight-

    Moving in the right direction again. First few days are hard because you gain! :grumble: But keep going ladies, especially if any of you seen a gain today.

  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Every one get your numbers in! It's the 1/2 way weigh in day for L1... :smile:

    Jennifer- Thanks, it wasnt too bad while lacking sleep but yesterday around 3 it all hit me hard, I was mean and grouchy and needed sleep so i was REALLY glad I had done it first thing yesterday! :laugh:

    Angie- Great job getting caught up! Awesome work, and you did have a gain but it was pretty small, the normal seems to be a 2lb gain so your doing good! :wink:

    Erica- How awesome of your hubby to be doing it with you! :heart: My first round my husband did day 1.... then that was it! :tongue:

    Janet- Get off your @$$ and get shredding!!! :wink: Is that the motivation ya needed???:laugh:

    Although it appears I am down 2lbs... I am really back to what i was... Monday my scale was up to 149 from the crap eating I had done over the weekend... So dont be too proud of my 2lb loss! :ohwell:

  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Ok well I weighed myself this morning despite not wanting to and I am at 194. I am not sure if I want to count this as a gain or staying the same because last weekend was my birthday and we ate out multiple times and I made not so great decisions plus had a bottle of wine and didn't I probably had gained back the 2 which is why I didn't weigh myself on Monday. lol

    So D5L1 weight is 194
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!! I completely forgot that today was weigh-in! I was shocked when I stepped on the scale this morning and the results were 150.8 :happy: :happy: :happy: I still wont log it on my check in for the website till Monday.... wish me luck that it stays or moves down even more :):) I am soo glad that Kristyn let me know about this group! I am still one day behind but I must play catch up this weekend... and also tomorrow I have my first 5K sooo very excited!

    Height- 5'4
    Start Weight- 153.0
    9/9 Weight- 150.8
    L2 9/15 Weight-
    9/19 Weight-
    L3 9/25 Weight-
    9/28 Weight-
    10/5 End Weight-
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Day 4 completed last night and day 5 will be when I get home. My weight as of this morning was 151.4 so I am down a little. Today is a horrible food day for me. Birthday cake at work and my birthday dinner tonight with my family. Oh well I guess it only comes once a year! Have a great day everyone!

  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Tracy- Enjoy your birthday! One bad food day wont kill us.

    Mimi- Almost out of the 150s!!! So close I pray it sticks come monday! and good luck tomorrow on your 5k!!!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Height- 5'7"
    Start Weight- 175.6
    9/9 Weight- 175.8
    L2 9/15 Weight-
    9/19 Weight-
    L3 9/25 Weight-
    9/28 Weight-
    10/5 End Weight-

    I nearly passed out when I saw the scale this morning. It said 178. Since it's digital, I figured I had to have been standing on it wrong lol. Thankfully after immediately weighing myself three more times, I got 175.8 for all three. Don't know what that first one was about. I think my scale likes to mess with me. :huh: So a little gain, but not much. Wish it was moving in the other direction though.
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    Me too with the night workouts!! I wish I could do them in the morning, but the twins wake at 5-530 , I would have to workout at 4am and that just isnt happening. LOL
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    How does everyone feel today? I'm a little sore (mostly legs). Also, anyone who can't do the regular push ups? I can do around 3 total then switch to modified.

    Okay, I can do 10 before going to modified, and I was in the military!! So I think as long as you do them it doesn't matter!!

    KEEP strong!
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    I am so embarrassed about my push-ups... i have such weak arms it is bad... :blushing: I did the modified and was still only able to go down an inch... :laugh: Please tell me I will get better with time!!!

    YOU WILL---no worries!!