Labor Day Shredders!



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Symota- Glad to have you!!! 9 Children!! That is amazing! My 2 wear me out!!!
  • AngelaKaylani
    AngelaKaylani Posts: 44 Member
    We should add height to the information/get to know each other questions. I like to know how tall people are just to compare? Ya know? Or maybe add it to our first weight in post?
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I am 5'5 but lets add it to our weigh in info! :smile:
  • heatherjames84
    heatherjames84 Posts: 203 Member
    I am 5'2"
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join in on this too! I've started the Shred before and did about ten days of it, but they were broken up. I'm hoping that being accountable to someone will keep me motivated!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Hi, I'd like to join in on this too! I've started the Shred before and did about ten days of it, but they were broken up. I'm hoping that being accountable to someone will keep me motivated!

    Glad to have you! Being in a group definitly helps to motivate and hold you accountable! Please copy the rest of us, and tell us all about yourself! :smile:
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Name- Naomi

    Age- 31

    Husband&Kids- Together with my hubby for 15 years married for 4. I have 3 kiddos ages 14, 10, and my baby is 3.

    Job- Oncology patient advocate

    Location- Co

    Ever Shredded- This will be my 2nd round.

    Goals- To break in to the 130's currently 7 lbs away
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Naomi! This is horrible, we have been friends on here for so long, and I never knew anything about you! :blushing: Glad we are changing that!!! :smile:
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I'm in. I'm going to try to keep up this time! A little about me:

    Name- Nicole
    Age- 39
    Husband/Kid-One age 38
    Location- Chicago Suburbs
    Ever Shredded- I started doing it in August, but couldn't do it every day, it KILLED me getting used to it, but I think this time I'll be able to keep up. PLUS I just bought a body tape to measure myself!
    Goals- 130 or a Size 8 whichever comes first.
  • tiggerfan
    Everyone ready????
  • stefa777
    stefa777 Posts: 80 Member
    OKAY here we go nice and early....

    Bust: 34"
    Arms: L-12.5", R-12"
    Upper Waist: 33"
    Lower Waist: 35"
    Hips: 38"
    Thighs: L-41.5", R-41.5"
    Calves: L48.5", R-48"

    START Weight: 139.8 lbs.

    about me:
    Name- Stefanie

    Age- 39

    Husband & Kids- Keith, married for 4 years together for 14 years. Biological Children: Alexander 17, Joshua & Kaitlyn 13 months...Step Children: Philip 21, Ashley 20. 1 (step) grandchild- Chanel 7 months.

    Job- Teacher (5th grade)

    Location- Coral Springs, FL

    Ever Shredded- I'm a "newbee" and nervous but I know I can do it!! Looking to hit my LIFETIME goal!!!

    Goals- Original goal when I started was just preprenancy weight (152), but changed it to the "prepregnancy attempts" weight of 142 which is the lowest Ive ever been as an adult (at least that I can remember). Now I have a lifetime goal of 135 (which is the weight that I was told by "The Quick Weightloss Center" (5 years ago) was "unrealistic" because of my body shape!!
    and finally my dream goal is some where around 125-124 which is wear my Wii Fit tells me is an ideal weight for me!! So here I am....

    Shred Goal: 133.8 lbs (seems fair? 6 lbs in a month?)

    Come-on ya'll SHRED_SHRED_SHRED!!!!!
  • bug1114
    bug1114 Posts: 268 Member
    Alright, here's mine.

    Bust: 39"
    Arms: L-14", R-14"
    Upper Waist: 40"
    Lower Waist: 43"
    Hips: 42.5"
    Thighs: L- 24", R-23.5"
    Calves: L- 16", R- 15.5"

    START Weight: 175.6 lbs.

    Shred Goal: 170.00
  • tiggerfan
    Height 5ft 6"
    Bust: 38.5 "
    Arms: L- 12.5", R- 12.5"
    Upper Waist: 35"
    Hips: 44"
    Thighs: L- 22", R-22"
    Calves: L- 16.5", R-16.5 "

    All done, after workout, and breakfast & lunch

    START Weight: 179lbs.

    Shred Goal: 175.lbs
  • tiggerfan
    and I've also taken my b4 pics
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Everyone ready for a month worth of Jillians butt kicking???? Glad to see everyone is getting in their starting weight and measurements already. So here are mine, and I did take a before pic to share with my after pic at the end. Happy Shredding Ladies!!!

    Bust- 37 (Im nursing so this maybe up & down a lot)
    Arms- R-12 L-12
    UpperWaist- 31.5
    LowerWaist- 37.5
    Hips- 40.5
    Thighs- R-23.5 L-22
    Calves- R-14 L-14

    Height- 5'5
    Start Weight- 149.1
    9/9 Weight-
    L2 9/15 Weight-
    9/19 Weight-
    L3 9/25 Weight-
    9/28 Weight-
    10/5 End Weight-
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Also, I like the idea of extra little challenges along the way! So feel free to throw some out there and maybe we can add one extra little challenge a week! Also, anyone who has a closed diary, I challenge you to open it, and allow us all to look through eachothers. We can give eachother feed back, and learn tips or eating ideas from eachother. I recently have stopped logging because it seemed i lost weight when i wasnt logging. I realised 1200 cals just was not enough while nursing and i had my goals set to sedentary. I switched them to lightly active because unless im at the computer, eating a meal, or sitting on my excercise bike, I dont sit down! Im tendign to baby, doing something for Colton, or cleaning. Im too high strung to sit much and I think my body just wasnt getting enough calories. I also recommend everyone eat back their calories burned. OK enough rambling!!! :wink:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    I said the word 'also' far too much in that last post!!! :laugh:

    I forgot to mention my personal goal for the Shred... I am fitting back into my prepregnancy clothes, have been for sometime. Im still nursing, and with my 1st son i got back to normal size but was 10lbs heavier, stopped nursing and lost the 10lbs in a week. As of right now, Im back in my clothes, my hips are 2 inchs smaller then prepreg, waist 1in smaller, but im 5lbs heavier then prepreg weight. Again I blame the boobs, 3in bigger then prepreg bust measurement. So my personal goal is to hit my prepreg weight of 142, while still nursing!!!

    Thank you all for putting up with my rambling... you will find that I do it a lot!!! :bigsmile:
  • eab12191
    eab12191 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope you don't mind if I join you for the Labor Day Shred!! I am pretty new to MFP and wanted to do the shred with a group like this one, and most of the ones I had already found were already started or didn't start for a little while. So glad I stumbled upon this page this morning and I book marked it!

    My measurements:
    Bust: 44.5"
    Arms: L:13.25" R: 13"
    Upper Waist: 39"
    Lower Waist: 43.
    Hips: 46"
    Thighs: L: 25" R-25"
    Calves: L: 16.5 R: 16.25

    START Weight: I was at 192 a week or so ago. I don't plan to weigh myself for another week or two. I get really discouraged weighing myself too often.

    about me:
    Name- Erica

    Age- 25

    Husband & Kids- Tristan-married 4.5 yrs, together almost 7. Children: 1 little boy who is almost 7 months!

    Job- SAHM for now/military spouse

    Location- Oklahoma City, OK

    Ever Shredded- Just randomly my husband and I have done it together a total of probably 12 times. Only have doneI want level one and two.

    Goals- to fit into my size 10s comfortable. Would ideally like to lose around 40 lbs total before getting pregnant again.

    Shred Goal: to have my clothes fit looser. I wear all my pre-preg clothes and I am the same weight I was before pregnancy, but I was obese to begin with! Wouldn't mind losing 5lbs. :)
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Great to have you with us Erica!!!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I'm in. I'm going to try to keep up this time! A little about me:

    Name- Nicole
    Age- 39
    Husband/Kid-One age 38
    Location- Chicago Suburbs
    Ever Shredded- I started doing it in August, but couldn't do it every day, it KILLED me getting used to it, but I think this time I'll be able to keep up. PLUS I just bought a body tape to measure myself!
    Goals- 130 or a Size 8 whichever comes first.

    OK, here goes for today! I'm working myself up to doing the shred today. The weather is cold and dismal and making my mood follow it! I've done Level 1 several times and am comfortable with it. I tried Level 2 on Saturday and Level 3 yesterday and found them tough but not crazy. I tried to do this last month, but pulled so many muscles doing Level 1 at full tilt it took me 6 days to recover. This time I'm going to push, but not so much that I hurt myself like that! Good luck everyone!

    ANYWAY, here are my stats!

    Bust- 44"
    Left Arm 15.25"
    Right Arm 15.125"
    UpperWaist- 37.5"
    LowerWaist- 43.25"
    Left Thigh 28"
    Right Thigh28.25"
    Left Calve-17.5"
    Right Calve- 17.5
    Weight 220.0 (was 218.8 this am but am not counting that as I slept in and didn't have breakfast!)

    I'd like to lose 10 lbs in a month, but that's a stretch, I'll be happy with 2 lbs a week and inches off the bod!