P90X Support Group...



  • lmp176
    Good morning all! Good luck on Day 1 to all of the people just starting! Bring it!

    Started Week 2 yesterday. Arms, Chest, and Back. So sore today, could barely lift my arms to wash my hair, but its amazing the increase in reps I was able to do in Week 2 alone!

    I didn't post over the weekend as I was stuck in the torrential downpour at the WVU game most of Sunday (my rest day). But the Legs/Back Workout and Kenpo X are my favorite days! Gives me yet another reason to look forward to Fridays!

    Keep up the energy today everyone. Plyo X for me tonight.
  • BrookeIsLIFE
    i will be starting this morning! this will be my first ever round of p90x wish me luck! :)
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Good morning everyone!!! Lots of activity here, I love it! Happy Day 1 to all of you starting today!

    I did Day 9 Plyometrics this morning! That workout is a BEAST!!!! But I feel like I improved from last time - only paused the DVD once for about 30 seconds and was less winded overall. My legs are like Jell-O!!

    I hope all you Day 1 starters are ready to BRING IT!!! You CAN do this!!!

    Have a GREAT workout today!

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    aspeakman82 great job taking before shots and on your loss so far!!! I still need to take my before shots DON"T FORGET everyone!

    I already did mine but they got lost at the end of the last page :sad:

  • drwstown76
    Good Morning... Good Morning... Good Morning Yall!

    Day One Workouts are in the books!

    Ive got a couple of things on my mind this morning. First off, I would like to thank EVERYONE in this group for the support, guidance, and effort they are putting in. I was in the middle of Ab Ripper X and I was just BONKING all over the place. I pushed myself all the way until "oblique V ups". I struggled with them and I wanted to just collapse. I was shaking and hurting and whaling like a little girl (haha). I paused it, laid there for a second, and focused... Here is what popped into my head....
    "What would Sassy do right now? Jaybone? Mike? Nikki? IMP? JME? Wendy? OCRunner???? What would my group do at this moment????"
    So... I pressed the rewind button and CRUSHED the oblique V ups. Thank You All for that!!!

    I was a couple of minutes late for work this morning, which is weird because I am usually right on time. After some thought, I realized I was late because I am moving at about HALF of my normal speed! I am freaking spent yall! hahaha! I can't wait for Plyo tomorrow!

    I hope I see EVERYONE checking in this morning!
    I took down my Day 90 photos and put up my currents... I am SOOOOOOOO unhappy and frustrated with these pics. However, they WILL fuel me to achieve greatness and WIN my competition.
    Life is perfect... I BELIEVE!
    Bring it!
  • drwstown76
    Also... Here is the link to my Round 1 of p90x video... I am not a coach anymore, but the results REALLY motivated me this morning... I hope they can do the same for you guys... :)


  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Here we go... Busy day today.

    I decided I wanted to make it look as if I started yesterday... So I am doing 2 workouts tonight making tonight be my plyo night, but doing weights too. I like having my rest day on Sunday.

    I also have karate tonight too.... So I got 3 hours ahead of me. Its all good though, did this in my first round too.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    Day one done!!! I did Chest and Back this morning! I was actually amazed I kept up with Marena in the video fairly well! We will see how I feel tomorrow! Yeah!!!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Is everyone starting their workouts in the morning?
    What seems to work best for those who have already done P90X? Morning or evening workouts?
  • lmp176

    I workout in the evenings. I am so not a morning person and I get up at 5:30 to begin with. I get home from work, veg out for 30 minutes, take my dog for a 45 minute walk and then get started with my P90X videos. But that is just my schedule. Some people love the morning workouts but I like the evenings.

    Good luck with Week 1!!

  • jackelyn14
    Hey everyone - today is day two of week two for me. If feels GREAT having finished the first week! I'm so excited for the results 30 days is going to bring. :) I have cardio x today. Haven't done it yet, but will get it in before lunch.

    Drew - you are a great motivator to this whole group - glad the group can return the favor.

    Its to nice to be able to go through the next 90 days (82 for me) with a great support group.

    Also, I don't think I posted after I did legs and back last week - and I have to say that I used the bands instead of the pullup bar. I feel like I got a better workout in that way. I just can't pull my body yet. But I'll get there!

    Have a great day today! Give your workout everything you've got. :)
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I'm an evening exerciser too. There's no way I could get up at 5:30 to do an hour and a half of yoga! As much as I love it all, it has to wait until after work for me. Of course that means that I (and the fiance, poor girl) don't get to eat my dinner until gone 8pm some nights but I can totally live with that.

    1:05 and counting down until my day 1 workout officially starts and I can start checking off the hours.

    90 days. 13 weeks. At least 95 hours of intensity in total. This aint no walk in the park people, this is P90X! BRING IT!!
  • drwstown76
    Jackelyn... Thanks! Very Much! :)

    Jrnygrl... I was NEVER a morning person. Still not in a lot of ways, but I love the way I feel after starting my day with an intense workout. I go hard and sweat it out. I feel like the endorphins last all day long. My attitude is better and it rubs off on others. I'm definitely an AM exercise honk. I love it...

    Have a great Day yall!
    Bring It!

  • drwstown76
    Wendy! You are awesome... The End. :smile:
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    I think evening workouts will work best for me since I can never seem to drag myself outta bed early enough.
    Everyone who is participating in this, have you taken all your before pictures yet?
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Personally I am a little jealous of everyones before photos!! I didn't even take any this time around. I did before I started the first time, too bad I didn't stick to it, I wouldn't be so jealous. LOL!

    Great job to everyone who has started today! To those evening warriors, I will be sweating with you tonight.

    Sass, I AM super pumped about week two! Core tonight, one of my favs.

    Drew, glad we can motivate you enough to hit rewind. Way to bring it!
  • perceyhearts
    Day 6 for me! Kenpo! Pretty excited to see what this workout is all about! BRING IT!
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Starting Sunday (which is only a few days away!). Can't wait and am happy to have found this thread.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Has anyone signed up with a P90X coach? I've had a couple people ask me to let them be my coach. What is that all about?
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
    This is my first time doing P90X and i was wondering do you guys take a rest day?