P90X Support Group...



  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Jaybone... I would still invest in a good resistance band if you can afford it. I love my weights, but I get really intense tri work in with the band. I like to use both... But your weights will definitely do the job!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Thanks Drew.

    I can get 6 plates comfortably on each dumbbell and at a push I can get another 2 on each at the ends and still close the spinlock. So I figure with the 5kg plates I'm picking up this week I can get 16.5kg comfortably on each with the option of throwing the extra 1kg on if I need to.

    Resistance bands may have to wait until next payday at the end of Sept - either that or they're going on the credit card! There's some on Ebay for about £11 that look ok.

    Really looking forward to getting this show on the road! :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Is it the sixth yet?? I am looking at resistance bands now on E-Bay I want them so I can start!!!

    Going to be a long 10 days til a rewarding and CHALLENGING 90!

    *have to get my motivation on the walls of my "gym" - any inspirational quotes? - mine (made before I saw Tony's but ironically similar... it's a sign) I made the DECISION, I'm making the COMMITTMENT, I will see the RESULTS* What about you? What will drive you on day 6, 16, 26 and so on??
  • bethanyjarvis
    bethanyjarvis Posts: 5 Member

    Aussie girl looking for some moral support to look super fine on the beach for NYE.. help??

    x B.
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    BethanyJarvis... You are welcome to join our group. P90X will get that body EXACTLY where you want it! (I'd love to have an Aussie on this team!)

    Sassy... I know what you are saying! I'm so fired up... the people in my life are probably tired of hearing about it so much. haha. It's exciting that you are as geared up as I am. You are gonna be a GREAT source of support for this group! ;)

    GoLeanWendy... WELCOME! You have already done some of the workouts so you know what to expect. I remember the first time I did Plyo, I thought I wasn't gonna make it to work that day. It kicked my butt! We are glad to have you.!

    Sassy, I have this quote that has been running through my mind constantly over the last couple of weeks. It really is fueling my desire to succeed. Not just with fitness, but with every aspect of my life...

    "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are. It will beat you to your knees and keep you there PERMANENTLY if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit... It's about how hard you can GET HIT and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. How much you can take and keep moving forward. Thats how winning is done. Now if you KNOW what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hits. And not pointing fingers saying you aint where you wanna be because of him or her or ANBODY. Cowards do that.. AND THAT AINT YOU! YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT!" ~ Rocky Balboa

    I can't get this outta my head... My life is plunging forward and I am so grateful for every opportunity I have and every challenge I meet head on.
    This group will succeed! I can't wait for September 6th... or December 2nd (Day 90).
    Gnite yall...
    Talk to ya soon...
  • tfearney
    Glad to see this group forming. Looking for the group support as I start the program. I am a previous gradute of P90X back in 2010. Loved the results. Unfortunately I let life get in the way and let the weight creep back onto my frame. It is definitely better to go through this process with support.

    Age: 42, 5'11"
    Current: 214lbs
    Goal: 175-180 (and to see my individual ab muscles again)

    Looking forward to the 6th.

  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    I am starting my first ever round of P90X Classic tomorrow, 8/29. Over the past 6 months I've done the original Power 90, and Power 90 Master Series. I am ready for the X and excited to get started tomorrow with Chest and Back and Ab Ripper X.

    I've got all my equipment ready:

    Bowflex adjustable dumbbells - up to 52.5 lbs. each
    Push up stands
    Pull up bar
    Yoga mat
    Cushioned interlocking floor tiles in my workout space
    Chair and stool

    Looking forward to reading everyone's updates and posting my own!

    BRING IT!!!!!!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Well... I just did my first ever P90x workout (just a teaser in advance of the main round) - Chest & Back. Man that's tough! Feels like a great burn though!

    I only got half way through the Ab Ripper X, I was in a trembling heap by then! I'll make sure to complete it every time once the round starts though, even if it kills me!

    I managed 114 pushups and 42 pullups through the workout (although the majority of my pullups were assisted ones.

    BRING IT! :)
  • mwgirl78
    mwgirl78 Posts: 16
    Count me in! I am getting married some time next year. We are eloping to do a destination wedding. I want to be in shape for me and for the nuptuals! This is my second round on the lean program. I think dieting is the hardest part. I eat when I am bored and right when I get home from work. Any suggestions to control these bad habits?
  • mwgirl78
    mwgirl78 Posts: 16
    Thanks for ur reply Wendy! Do u dress up ur celery? What abt baby carrots?

    Does anyone do the p90x diet?
  • JME67550
    JME67550 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm starting the "Lean" program today. I've been lifting on my own for about 6 weeks and have been eating clean that time. I'm starting today so I'll on my recovery week when I have to travel.

    I've done the "Classic" twice before and had fantastic results. I've never done "Lean" before, so it will be an adventure!
  • mwgirl78
    mwgirl78 Posts: 16
    Turns out I won't be able to start my program until September 7th. We have guests coming into town. It will be tough doing the workouts while they are in the house.
  • lcgonzo33
    Just started p90x this morning for the third time I really hope this time I can make it past phase 1! lol
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Just started p90x this morning for the third time I really hope this time I can make it past phase 1! lol

    I know it sounds simple but don't give up! When you are struggling just log on and let the team know and someone will respond with the encouragement you need to keep going, through phase two and three! You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to and this is absolutely NO exception.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Well I'm really sore today after my 'preview' of chest and back yesterday.

    Really looking forward to starting the round properly a week tomorrow! Everyone prepared and ready to bring it? ;)
  • jackelyn14
    Alright, I can't wait. I'm starting today. Sorry group... I really love P90X and am really excited for more results, so today is the day for me. I'll let you all know how I'm doing. I know I'll need support and motivation along the way. :)
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Tfearney... Welcome back sir! Glad to have you back on board! You already know what it takes to achieve results with this program... your experience will be a huge asset for this group! Bring it man... You got this!

    Mike... Congrats on your Power 90 and Master Series graduations! Way to go! Get ready to bring it man, p90 is one kick *kitten* program. The rewards greatly outweigh the effort we have to put in! Glad to have you on board sir!

    GoLeanWendy... Here is my thing with resistance bands. They are a powerful tool when you want to sculpt your tris and shoulders. But the problem is that it is vital to have good ones. The pricier bands are a more valuable piece of equipment and the less expensive ones ALWAYS break. It took me 3 times of buying cheap ones and having the handles fall off before I figured I would wait til I could afford a quality band. The good news is that you don't need resistance bands, as long as you have 10 - 12 lbs worth of dumb bells. :)

    JayBone... Awesome! I'm eager to know how you are feeling today.. way to go on getting a "test run" in there man. You have inspired me to get one in as well. I think I'll do Core Synergistics since we don't do that until the 4th week. Let us know how sore you are today man. Nice work!

    MWGirl...CONGRATS on the nuptuals and welcome to our group! I agree with GoLeanWendy 100% on the diet. Protein... pretty much any kind of protein will really help curb your appetite. As far as snacking during the day... I love almonds. They always make me feel full. They have to be baked and unsalted, but they are still tasty to me. When I am in the actual program, I follow the p90x nutrtion guide to a T. I was so happy with my results that I encourage everyone to do the same. I NEVER saw my abs during my first 30 years on this planet and I FINALLY DID at age 31. I couldn't be more pleased. The nutrition guide is as big a part of achieving results as the workouts (even bigger in my opinion).
    btw... It's ok that you can't start til the 7th... Just follow our path! We'll get you there!

    JME... GREAT JOB on completing p90x twice! That is so awesome! I honestly can't wait til I can say the same thing. Welcome to the group! :)

    ICGONZO... Welcome. YOU CAN DO THIS. Eeverything we do is a choice. You can choose to keep pushing play everyday. Everyone in this group is here for support. For me, it's accountability. I will be sure to push play every day because I want these folks to know that I am right here with them. You keep on hopping on here and let us know how you are doing. The effort is wirth the reward!

    Well yall, We have one week left of summer. One week before the hard work begins. For me... It's round 2 of p90x, 15 credits this semester, and both jobs. I am certainly gonna enjoy this week. I'm not sure what we are gonna do, but I can tell you it's gonna be fun! :)
    What is everyone gonna do with their last week before Tony kicks ur butt?
    talk to yall soon... Have a great Monday!
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Jackelyn.... WAY TO GO! You go ahead and get started! Let us know how you are feeling tomorrow! I can't wait to hear!

    Jaybone... haha. I figured you would be sore! It's a good sore though... way to bring it man.

    Sassy... You rock! The End!

    Talk to yall soon!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Drew - I'm LOVING the soreness. Don't know if it's psychological or what but I SWEAR my pecs feel huge today!

    Just tried a test run at Plyometrics - man, that's an epic workout! I managed 40 minutes including warm up and cool down. Had to skip to the cool down with 25 minutes left on the timer due to a crippling stitch :(

    Tell you what though, I'll be doing my damn best to get closer to the full hour every time I hit it!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    P.S. - If any of you guys would like to add me, go right ahead. I'll more than likely be posting updates to my news feed, it would be great to have some of your support!