P90X Support Group...



  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Day 3, Shoulders & Arms / Ab Ripper X DONE.

    I'm feeling pretty sore overall... Still sore from Monday's Chest & Back, and now sore in the legs from yesterday's Plyo... Took a little while to loosen up the arms and shoulders this morning because of the stiffness, but once I got going it was all good.

    Shoulders & Arms was a good workout... I like the pace of it. And I improved a little bit on Ab Ripper X today. Don't get me wrong, it still kicked my *kitten*, and I was like Jell-O by the end, but I got more reps done, and my form improved somewhat from day 1.

    Tomorrow....... Yoga X. Mommy, help me.

  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Mike - I found I had a delayed response to the aching from Plyo. Didn't feel it much at all yesterday which was one day after the workout but I'm really feeling it today - all up my calves. How strange!

    Starting my Yoga in T minus 45 minutes and counting. I'll check back in about 2:15 and let y'all know how it went!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Haha moment - So I told you guys that I picked up the P90X for my bfs birthday September 27 but am going to start the program with the group on the 6th (and admittedly have already started using it because I am like a child and could not leave it in the packaging).

    SO I am on the phone with him *we don't live together* and he is telling me how he has been using his brothers set and is coming down for the weekend so he figured he would bring a few of the disks for us to do on the weekend. HAHA :laugh: So I am on the phone secretly dying because I have the set for him at my place and have to say "that sounds great I would love to do them" :laugh:

    Can't wait till (a) I give him the "gently" used set for his birthday and (b) :blushing: I give him the rest of his gift :wink:

    .... results baby - keep your minds out of the gutter! :noway:
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    Is it to late to get in on this group? I've had P90x for 2 years and never did it. Been working out at the gym for the last three weeks to get ready and hoping to start on 9/5. Little worried about it, I've got a slightly herniate disc in my c6/c7 that i start physical therapy for tomorrow. dont want to aggravate that any more or next step is surgery.
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Sassy! hahahahaha! @ "The rest of the gift!"... I cant wait to hear how your boyfriend reacts to the gently used gift!

    BikerMike.... It's never too late to join our group man. WELCOME! Glad to have you on board! I will say that p90x is an intense workout regimen... I would definitely consult a doctor to make sure your back can handle all of it.
    Let us know how you are doing man! Bring it!

    Talk to yall later...
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Hey group - I just wanted to say that I was checking out some other threads on P90X and I think that (so far) ours is the most supportive! I think we are going to make MFP history with the amount of encouragement we pack into these little posts. Keep up the great work - lets try and get those original eager beavers out and posting about what they are doing to prepare, how they are feeling and how to stay committed!!

    Let's do this!!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    If your looking for a great way to track your workouts, there are some good spreadsheets out there. This is the one I'm going to use.

  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    WOW!!!! Where do I start??? You guys FREAKING ROCK!

    Spitfire... Im really excited for p90x2 to come out. We will be starting that particular program on 1/8/12. Its gonna be awesome.

    Hell yeah man! I can not wait!! Make sure you pre order ASAP though! Which bundle are you getting? Or you just getting the DVD's?
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I know a lot of people ***** about Yoga X so I may be in the minority but... I really rather enjoyed it!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    I know a lot of people ***** about Yoga X so I may be in the minority but... I really rather enjoyed it!

    I thought it was hard when I started the first time, but started to love it after a few times. I burn hella calories and can't wait to get to it.
  • mikjenna
    mikjenna Posts: 14 Member
    I just logged on to see this thread and I'm wondering if I can join too. I've done P90x once, but only did the workouts and not the diet--big mistake. I didn't really see any results. This time I'm hoping to really stick hard to the diet. Maybe we could post daily intake/meals? That would give some accountability and maybe get some suggestions as to what else we should be eating. . .
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    I am down to join :D i am a newbie and I am kind of scared lol we will see how it goes:D
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member

    Can't wait till (a) I give him the "gently" used set for his birthday and (b) :blushing: I give him the rest of his gift :wink:

    .... results baby - keep your minds out of the gutter! :noway:

    :laugh: Love it!! My mind was totally in the gutter!

    So I had to switch my workout to after work, which is all good either way. Just knocked out day 2-cardio, felt great! Burned 627 calories. I just hope I can keep the pace up for 13 weeks.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Nikki... haha Yeah, it's where mine went too when Drew suggested the results will be gift enough haha

    Did KEMPO tonight! Kempo, KeMpO, KEMPO!!! Love it, always LOVE it and can't wait to get into the full routine!!
  • JME67550
    JME67550 Posts: 39 Member
    Time for bed and I didn't get my workout in tonight. I'm PO'd. It's partly my own fault, in that I pulled a dumb move yesterday and am still suffering the consequences. I'll pick it up again tomorrow and get back on track. I'm trying not to fall off the wagon. On the bright side, my lamb chops were tasty!

    Keep up the great work, fellow P90X-ers!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Just had a thought... Should we have a P90x group banner for our signatures? I've knocked up a quick one below but I could make it a bit more funky if people think it's a good idea...?


    Code for it is:


    What d'you all think?
  • jojo309
    jojo309 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi folks :happy:

    I'm looking to start p90x on Mon 5th sept can I join your gang? .
    I am hugely overweight (obese) due to health problems and being on steroid treatment for the past few months but fairly fit as I have been going to gym to stave of the worst effects of the steroids :( the steroids are now being reduced so I thought I would give a more structured programme a go and p90X is going to be it , just trying to decide which program will be best for me at the mo Classic or Lean ? and how to merge it into my gym sessions as I do enjoy going to my local one the pool and the spa being the best bit :happy:

  • ymccoy82
    ymccoy82 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in. I love Beachbody and need a team to maintain motivation.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Here's another 2. I think I prefer these ones as they aren't as cumbersome in the signature.

    They're the same one but with UK date format and one with USA date format so you can pick whichever you prefer.


    Here's the link (change the IMG at each end to img to post them to your sig)


    Here's the link (change the IMG at each end to img to post them to your sig)

    That's about the limit of my banner making skills I'm afraid but if anyone can do better, throw them in! :)
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Jay... YOU ROCK I am so adding that to my signature - thanks for thinking of the idea! (PS UK and Cnd are the same farmats haha) Thanks again!