P90X Support Group...



  • lmp176
    Day 3 in the books. Arms and shoulders. I am sore, but its a good pain. I have no upper body strength so I am loving these workouts. Struggled through Ab Ripper but I did it. And I got a 45 minute walk in with my yellow lab in the rain prior to doing the workouts so I was beat last night. I have mixed emotions about Yoga today. Have heard both good and bad, but I have my blocks and mat and we'll see how it goes. Halfway through week one and feeling good! Can't wait for you all to start next week!

  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Awesome Lisa! I also am on day 3, arms and shoulders. Looking forward to it, since my legs are like rocks today. The Ab ripper is not my favorite, but I will try my best.
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    Already started the program a few weeks ago, but love to frequent all P90X topics as it's great motivation. Good luck everyone!
  • jackelyn14
    Nikki and Lisa - looks like we're on the same schedule! :) How are you guys feeling?

    I love Arms and Shoulders, but I really struggled through ABX last night. Yoga today, I'll let you all know how it goes.

    So I find that I struggle with nutrition. I am breastfeeding my 7 months old still, and plan to keep doing so till he's a year old. When I tried to follow the p90x nutirtion plan when I didn't my first round of p90x 6 months ago, I started to lose my milk. And as much I as want the results (I REALLY REALLY do!) I don't want to have to stop breastfeeding my little guy. So where I struggle, is knowing where to have my calories, protien/carbs/fat, to maximize the results, but yet still keep my milk. Any suggestions or advice would be great.
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Looks like we are pretty close, I actually have arms, shoulders, and abs today. I do my workout after work, and yes the ab workout is tough. I love the yoga! Burns hella calories, but is is tough.

    I also breast fed my little guy and had trouble with keeping my milk supply up, so I had to stop at 5 months. I wasn't working out as much then, but I was going to school and working full time, so I just couldn't keep up. I would suggest drink LOTS ans LOTS of water. That always helped me. Good luck.!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, this group just keeps on growing!!! That's great! Welcome to all the newbies, and for those starting next week, the clock is ticking!!!

    I completed Day 4, Yoga X this morning.

    Now I know lots of people ***** and moan about this particular disc, some people skip it or swap it with a cardio workout or even a non-P90X yoga workout. But I actually didn't really mind it. It was hard, don't get me wrong... I struggled through several of the balance poses, and the whole upward dog/plank/downward dog/warrior/triangle/etc. phase seems to go on forever.

    But I was reasonably well prepared for this after doing Power 90 and Power 90 Master Series for the last 6 months. Both of the previous programs have Tony's "Power Yoga" for 10-15 minutes, 2 or 3 days per week. So I've been exposed to most of those moves before, of course in smaller doses. But the balance poses in the 2nd half were mostly new to me. (CRANE??? Are you KIDDING ME??? LOL)

    Then it rounds out with a bunch of stretching at the end, which was very relaxing.

    All in all, I didn't mind it. It was a little long, but I will get used to it. And I'm looking forward to improving on the poses over the next 90 days!

  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    (CRANE??? Are you KIDDING ME??? LOL)

    :laugh: For real! I will be in childs pose tomorrow while this is going on!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Now I know lots of people ***** and moan about this particular disc, some people skip it or swap it with a cardio workout or even a non-P90X yoga workout. But I actually didn't really mind it. It was hard, don't get me wrong... I struggled through several of the balance poses, and the whole upward dog/plank/downward dog/warrior/triangle/etc. phase seems to go on forever.

    But I was reasonably well prepared for this after doing Power 90 and Power 90 Master Series for the last 6 months. Both of the previous programs have Tony's "Power Yoga" for 10-15 minutes, 2 or 3 days per week. So I've been exposed to most of those moves before, of course in smaller doses. But the balance poses in the 2nd half were mostly new to me. (CRANE??? Are you KIDDING ME??? LOL)

    Then it rounds out with a bunch of stretching at the end, which was very relaxing.

    All in all, I didn't mind it. It was a little long, but I will get used to it. And I'm looking forward to improving on the poses over the next 90 days!


    I agree! I found it quite enjoyable! And for some reason I sweated much more than in any of the cardio workouts I've done so far.

    But then it was my first one... Maybe I'll feel differently in December after I've done 24 hours worth of Yoga!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Ladies you rock!

    Nikki ... Day 3 girl that is awesome, glad you are loving the pain! It is intense but I am confident it will all be worth it - push through and let me know how Yoga-X goes! I am sure you will rock it, you have been doing great so far!

    Imp ... SOLID - walking the dog +1 hour daily is going to be similar to me! It is a great warm-up or cool-down depending on when you do it LoL - I am hoping that when I "officially" start the program on the 6th that I will wake up, work-out, walk the dog and then start the day. You are a trooper - keep it up!

    Jackelyn ... good work on day three! You ladies are going to make a solid support team for eachother and are already providing tuns of motivation for the rest of us! Can't wait to hear all the feedback on the ever controversial *sp I know* Yoga-X! Can't wait to weigh in on that discussion next week *yes I am putting it off as long as possible unless the bf brings it this weekend*

    Looking forward to AWESOMENESS
  • lmp176
    Jackelyn... I tried looking at the diets in P90X but am actually following the calories here and not eating the "additional exercise" calories. We'll see how it works on the scale after a month and if I need a change, I will. I couldn't imagine doing this with a young child, but you'll probably need to bump yourself up to the next level of the P90X diet or find some place in between to see results but keep your milk production. That is what I would try. Also, yes plenty of fluids.

    Hope that gives you a place to start!

    So glad to have you all as support!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Imp... by the calories here I hope you are not referring to the minimal calories that MFP suggests you eat?? You will "bonk" in no time if that is the case. I know it is difficult but eating all the calories set out in the nutrition guide is going to be an important part of this lifestyle makeover. These are INTENSE work-outs and as fit as you are you need to make sure you are adequately fueling your body. MFP caloric intake is NO WHERE near accurate unfortunately. It is just an excellent tool for tracking calories and nutrition in a given day *usually for people who over eat without realizing it or eat the wrong foods* it is more of a wake-up call than an actual sustainable diet plan.

    I think others will agree... and may have some advice as well.
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    Yes, you need to eat while doing P90X. I used to estimate my calorie burn until i got an HRM. Now I'm around 145 pounds and for the 45 minute cardio workout I burned 450 calories. Kenpo--400 calories. Not eating back those calories will put you well below the threshold and you won't be able to continue.

    I try to follow the nutrition guide but not exactly how it is laid out. I just try to eat a lot of protein. I did count each food group and it did work well. It was just a pain to keep track of.
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    This is great to see so many on this startup date of September 6th!!! I am 2 months new to MFP, so how do I reply to a quote on this page? I though if I hit the reply button it would do this, but it just adds to the bottom of the page. I really like the dialog that this group gives, so many of you have done P90X, this is my first go around and appreciate your input! Thanks in advance :flowerforyou:
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome! If you hit quote on the end of the box you want to quote from and then you will be sent to a new page, like the reply, everything will be between two [ quote] marks. Just keep what you want to quote between those marks. I hope you can understand that mess lol.
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Oh I forgot to say before.... One thing I noticed about Yoga X is that it seems to have relieved some of the soreness in my legs, which is a good thing since I have Legs and Back tomorrow!!!

    BRING IT!!!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Ok - so I am back and forth for tonight - Plyo or a "weight" workout? I did Cardio Tuesday, Kempo Wednesday and now do I want another cardio workout or do I want to bust out my resistance bands?

    PS - super excited I bought those foam puzzle pieces (like the ones for kids flooring) for my basement - blue for the bf and rec for me! Can't wait to have my padded floor until I finish the gym!!
  • drwstown76
    Wow! Look at this group yall!!!!!!!!!!

    We certainly have started this thing off right.... I'm super excited.

    I have some interesting news on a personal front. Someone invited me to join a "weight loss" competition at the local herbal life depot. I went down to check it out and it turns out that you don't have to buy the products to be in the competition. I entered. It cost me $35 to get in. The competition isn't about lbs lost, rather, it's starting bmi vs ending bmi. The competition is 6 weeks long. I am winning this competition you guys... I KNOW I can do it.

    I agree with Sassy on the nutrition topic. I know it sounds weird, but you have to eat more to lose more. I have tried a number of weight loss programs and attempted a few crazy things that I thought up on my own. When I followed the p90x diet plan, I lost 38 lbs of fat in the 90 days. Unreal... I LOVE P90X!

    I hope you all are having an AWESOME day... to the warriors who have already started, keep pushing play. You are inspiring the rest of us!... To the rest of us, 5 more days! time to start flipping switches and revving up! We got this...

  • ymccoy82
    ymccoy82 Posts: 5 Member
    I agree but ladies dont be afraid if you gain weight the frist couple of weeks. This will be my second round of P90X and I gained 10 pounds when I first began but at the end I went from 220 down to 167 and trying to reach my GW of 140. Commit to Suceed!!! You can do it, just put your mind to it.

    Drew, You will win it!!!!

  • ymccoy82
    ymccoy82 Posts: 5 Member
    You look amazing. BMI doesn't matter when one is committed. Good Luck!!!
  • ymccoy82
    ymccoy82 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you, so excited.