P90X Support Group...



  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Nikki... gf there is never a problem starting now! We are here for support no matter when you start, it is just the idea that we will all be around the same page feeling similar pain and recovering together. You being a week early only means that we can count on you to cheer us all on while you are on recovery week and we are busting balls to get through week three. You and Mike will have tuns to talk about as you motivate the group!!!
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I found this "tread" under my topics, wasn't sure how to access your page. I do have one question, I am not a fan of Yoga so can I just replace it with Stretching that day?
    I do appreciate you getting us all together, it so much fun to be part of a group, I found great pleasure with my running team and I seem to do much better when I join a group verse a solo player.
    Enjoy the Day!:flowerforyou:

    I am not a yoga entheuasist *sp* but the yoga in P90X is intense and an excellent work-out. Give it an honest try and see how much you sweat haha.

    I agree! I hated doing yoga after my first time! So I switched it out with cardio X. But I decided to give it another try at the beginning of my 3rd month.. And now I love YogaX! Even when I'm not working on P90X I stick it from time to time.
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    I'd like to join. Should I be scared?
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    You being a week early only means that we can count on you to cheer us all on while you are on recovery week and we are busting balls to get through week three.

    Well thanks! I think I can be your cheerleader, I may be a weak one from busting my butt, but count me in!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Day 3 of my preliminary test run week. Shoulders and arms done - and guess what, I managed to complete Ab Ripper X all the way through too! Although I only got about half the number of reps as Tony and the crazy kids :)

    Might have a rest day tomorrow and run Yoga X on Thursday - or I might just jump in tomorrow :)

    Loving it! :D
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    WOW!!!! Where do I start??? You guys FREAKING ROCK!

    Jackelyn.... Way to go on getting started. You are tearing it up already. I'm actually kind of jealous!

    imp... Awesome job getting the ball rolling. AB RIPPER X is literally my favorite workout of all time. I am eternally grateful for THAT workout in particular. Changed my life! You mentioned that you are gonna do Ab Ripper after every workout. If that means you are gonna do it after yoga, plyo, and kempo, I encourage you to not do that. Your abs are like any other muscle in your body, if you over work them, they will not respond as quickly for you. The experts will tell you that you need at least a one day rest period in between ab workouts. I don't agree with that entirely, I would say that you can work your abs 5 times per week. But they cant all be the same workout. Soooo... I would suggest picking up another short ab workout if you want to work your abs more than three times per week. Message me if you want some suggestions... there are a couple of really good ones out there. Nothing can top ARX though! It's the best...

    Nikki... Welcome! It's definitely nice having trail blazers (like you) clearing the way for us. We are here to cheer you on... You keep it up!

    Sassy... I think you made the right choice. I totally forgot about Plyo not being in the lean version... Plyo rocks.

    Jaybone... Dude, you are kicking *kitten*! Its incredible that you are so eager to get kicked off with this program. I love it! You are doing P97X! Way to go man!

    gsenriquez...That's an interesting question. Should you be scared? Well, I was pretty nervous before I started my first round of p90x. BUT, looking back at it now, it was the best 90 days of my life. Welcome!

    Thank you all SO MUCH for jumping in and for all of the support you are giving. You guys are truly AWESOME!

    Someone needs to name this group.... If anyone has any ideas, please feel free.

    Spitfire... Im really excited for p90x2 to come out. We will be starting that particular program on 1/8/12. Its gonna be awesome.

    m0 0m... welcome! I can't believe you made it 75 days in last time! wow! This time you will definitely make it all the way through! We have your back! get ready to bring it.

    MIKE! PLYOMETRICS! It's one hell of a workout... .I thought I was gonna croak after the first time i did. I cant wait to get there with ya man! Way to go... Keepp bringing it!

    This group is making my (and my fiance's) last week of summer very interesting. Every night we climb into bed and I say "Maybe we shoud just start tomorrow hon."
    And every night she says "If you wanna start, go ahead. I'm not letting you talk me out of these 2 dinners and tialgating on Monday for the Phillies!"
    hahaha... She is just as ready to bring it, but she is sticking to her guns! I wonder how the conversation will go tonight! haha..

    Talk to yall later! Have a great evening!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Hey all, I'm really happy this group is here. This seems like an awesome bunch, and I can't wait to see everyone else get started! Welcome to all the new folks, and to those of you who have already started, I'm glad there are a few of us "paving the way" so to speak!

    Drew, You're a great resource for us as well, having done the program before. I'm sure I'll be picking your brain at some point. :smile:

    I can't wait for Shoulders & Arms in the morning (I'm a 5:45am workout guy, have to get it in before work!!). Tomorrow is my first day back to work after being on vacation for the last week and a half.

    By the way, that spreadsheet on one of the previous pages looks great, I have one for P90X+ that looks just like that. I'm using a different one for P90X, I got it here in case anyone is interested: http://www.weightloss-hq.biz/weight-loss-forum/p90x-forum/p90x-classic-routine-excel-spread-sheet.html

    By the way, you guys can all feel free to add me for support/encouragement, etc.

    BRING IT!!!

  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    My nutrition guide came in this morning, getting the list of items I need to be successful for the first week. I must say alot of new items to try :happy: One workout at a time and one meal at a time! Bring it On :flowerforyou: Count down to September 6th, I already marked the calendar 90 days from that date, December 4th, Just in time for Christmas, Woohoo!:heart:
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    I got it, I got IT, I GOT IT!!! I picked up everything I need tonight and I could not be more excited... Is it the 6th yet?!?!?! :bigsmile:

    I am waking up early tomorrow to do a test run... plyo or cardio?? Maybe Kempo??? So many choices - but it is all GREAT!!!

    Bring it on!:bigsmile:
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    I got it, I got IT, I GOT IT!!! I picked up everything I need tonight and I could not be more excited... Is it the 6th yet?!?!?! :bigsmile:

    I am waking up early tomorrow to do a test run... plyo or cardio?? Maybe Kempo??? So many choices - but it is all GREAT!!!

    Bring it on!:bigsmile:

    Nice!!! Love the excitement!

    Hmmm.... what to preview... I think I would do Kenpo. Have fun!
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Mike... I couldn't wait til the morning. Haha - did Cardio tonight! I was reading through the guides etc and planning out the 90 days and I couldn't hold it in any longer! I caved and pushed play tonight for fun!! I am SO looking forward to Kempo in the morning!!! Love it :heart: Man this is going to be AWESOME!!! Gotta get some sleep so I can kick butt in the morning.
  • jackelyn14
    Day 2 of done - just finished cardio x. :) I usually do my workout in the morning, but ended up doing it in the evening today just cause of the way things went with the kids today. And it was actually nice. Definitely takes away any urge to munch!

    Sassy - I agree with Mike, Kenpo! How did you like cardio x? Kenpo is probably my very favorite workout of all of them. I'm sure you'll enoy it tomorrow.
  • JME67550
    JME67550 Posts: 39 Member
    Started P90X Lean Monday. Core Synergistics is a butt kicker. After the vid, I did a short (very short) cool down run. I felt like I worked hard during this video. I burned a lot of calories and kept my heart rate up.

    Yesterday was Cardio X. I'm kind of torn about this video. Maybe the problem is me. Maybe I didn't push myself hard enough. I just didn't feel like it was a good, complete workout. I burned what I would call an adequate number of calories, but just didn't feel like I kicked my own butt.

    This afternoon I will do Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper X. I love shoulders. I think shoulders are my favorite body part to work. I love the Ab Ripper too. I'm looking forward to today's workout. Not so much with tomorrow's Yoga X....
  • tfearney
    Perfect. Thank you.
  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    jackelyn... Kempo is by far my fav aswell and I am looking forward to it today. I ended up sleeping in this morning after a late night but am pumped that I get to leave work early and can push play when I get home - burn it up and rock it out!!! Can't wait to get on the program and mix it up with the "weight work-outs" because I haven't tested out any of those as of yet.

    For the brave early risers - I plan on doing my routines before walking the dog in the mornings - how do you make sure you have enough energy not to crash first thing in the morning? I would love some tips LoL
  • lmp176
    lmp176 Posts: 14
    Well Day 2 of my P90X is in the books... Plyo kicked the crap out of me to the point I didn't even attempt the Ab Ripper. (Thanks Drew for the suggestions of other workouts) I am going to work super hard at it tonight since its a strength day. I am also taking my dog for a 45 minute walk before my workout since I have been slacking the past 2 nights due to late nights at the office. Tonight will be interesting. Can't keep up with the video but its only week one. I have set goals for myself to attain after I go through each workout to push myself that much harder in week 2. Starting a week early gets me right into the beginning of basketball season so I am excited. Hoping to buy a smaller sized officials uniform this year. :smile:

    Thanks for the support... please don't let me fall off the wagon after the first few weeks, I will need your motivation and excitement to keep me going. That has been my biggest fail with my health. I do great for the first few weeks and then back to my same old routine.

  • Sassy_Cass
    Sassy_Cass Posts: 408 Member
    Lisa - if there is anything that this group will NOT do is let you fail. We will do our very best (hopefully speaking for the team but definately know I am speaking in line with Drew) to support you through the weeks. There are bound to be ups and downs. Days where you rock it and days where you struggle to keep up but that is normal and expected when you are working your body 6/7 days a week for 90 days. You CAN do this! And we WILL support you!
  • nikkif87
    nikkif87 Posts: 193 Member
    You got this Lisa! I know how easy it is to fall off the wagon.I woke up super late today, so I have to wait until after work to do my day 2. Cardio tonight and I am super excited, it was always my favorite.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey, we're all in this together, whether it's your 3rd round of P90x or, like me, it's all new to you. We'll keep each other going!

    I'm already planning how I can fit it in on days I KNOW my normal schedule is going to be interrupted.

    Eg. Friday 30th Sep I have to go out on a work function straight from the office and in all likelihood I aint gonna get the usual workout in (which will be X Stretch on recovery week) so I plan on taking that day as rest day and shifting it all a day forward for the rest of the week - so I'll do X Stretch on Sat, Core Synergistics on Sun, Yoga X on Mon and be back on track for the start of phase 2 on Tues!

    I'll be here to give everyone whatever support and motivation they need - and you can be damn sure I'll be needing some back to help me over a hump at some point when it all looks impossible!
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Good Morning Yall... :smile:

    Lisa... You can DEFINITELY do this. I just know you will be in that smaller official's uni in no time! You just keep on pushing play and check in with us as much as possible! You are ALREADY 2 days ahead of most of us! :) Way to go!!!

    Sassy... That's an interesting question. Like you, I am definitely an AM burn chaser. I have my coffee pot set for 5 minutes before my alarm goes off. I wake up, brush my gibbers, and throw on my workout clothes. By the time all of that is done, I'll pour my coffee and push play. At first I am a little groggy, but by the time the "warm up" is done, I am fully charged and focused on the workout. There are definitely days where I start to "bonk" at the end of a workout... esp plyo. I have read that raisins are an awesome energy booster in the morning, but I don't wanna waste my serving of fruit before breakfast! haha!

    JME... Interesting point about Cardio X. I have a similiar feeling toward that workout. I say give it one more shot next week and REALLY try to push yourself. Make the kicks, punches, and jumps as intense as possible. Really follow through on the punches and "go down to fo up" on the jumps. If you still don't feel enough burn, I say switch over to plyo. Plyometrics will definitely kick your butt... Let us know how you are doing.

    I am DYING to move forward yall... I can't wait to join you. Keep on pushing play and PLEASE keep on signing in!

    btw... jaybone and sassy... You are fully equipped now! BOOM! Awesome!