Exhausted with Low/No Carb Eating



  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    that is why low carb diets work. thank you so much. you now understand.

    when you dont eat as many carbs protein and fat intake must increase. protein and fat make you feel full and satisfied which prevents you from eating more and helps prevent extra snacking,
    >less calories
    > weight loss

    im not trying to saw low carb diets dont work, im saying carbs arent bad for you nor do they make you fat.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    i meant my original post to the person saying carbs make you fat
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    the original argument was that carbs make you fat. i just used an extreme example to show that it isnt true.

    No, the OP said low carb had made them cranky asked if they should add complex carbs back in slowly. It was probably more the crazy fad diet masquerading an endorcement from the Mayo Clinic that made the OP cranky.
    i meant to reply to you
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    It would be very difficult if not impossible to eat 4,000 calories from protein and fat alone. I know I couldn't do it.

    I would "weigh" more just from the volume of the food. But would they promote fat gain? not necessarily. Would it be healthy for ME? not necessarily. Am I also body building while eating this 4,000 calorie diet? Competing? What other factors are at play? How much is fat and how much is protein...do you see my point? It isn't as simple as calories. In Why We Get Fat, Taubes suggests that the research points to calories in/calories out in terms of why we eat more and move less. Conservation of energy. He suggests that the obese eat more and move less because they are obese - and their body either has to take in more calories, or move less to maintain mass. We would go for a walk or skip a meal to make ourselves hungry for a big dinner later, and we used to say someone might "work up an appetite", but this is the same advice that has been given to the overweight - eat less, move more - and we expect them to do this and then society looks at those who fail as "lacking willpower". Reduced calorie diets are fine, as long as adequate protein and fat are consumed to maintain body functions without cellular starvation that leads to binges and cravings. I accomplish this by eating according to my hunger, counting my carbs (staying around 50g), moderate protein (about 1 g per pound of lean body mass), and as much fat to satisfy me. Because I eat a generous amount of fat, I am not hungry. So I naturally eat an average calorie deficit. However, where you would attribute my "weight loss" to a calorie deficit (which is partially true), I attribute my "fat loss" to my carb deficit. On a high carb, low calorie diet, I would feel cranky, hungry, tired, - lose some weight, plateau a lot, and be more likely to binge. I would lose weight, but lose lean mass and less fat, if any fat at all. I know because this is the story of my life until this year.

    I make my decisions on how I eat based on my ideas and beliefs about what makes me healthier. If you don't want to live a low carb lifestyle, more power to you! But you won't convince me that your opinions and studies are more valid than mine, any more than the opposite is true. We CAN agree to disagree. Calorie deficits do create "weight loss". But that is not what I am after. I don't care about my scale. I care about my body fat, and my health. That's what Primal living is giving back to me after years of SnackWells, low fat yogurt, oily cheese, boring lean meats, fat free dressings, man made oils, low fat cardboard in a box. My food is actually food again. I can eat any of it raw. It tastes amazing, and I feel amazing. I don't really need your approval to experience that for myself :)
    i meant to reply to you
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    the original argument was that carbs make you fat. i just used an extreme example to show that it isnt true.

    Ssssshhh... it's ok.
    lol im sorry. these people are getting me worked up
  • thegoodner
    thegoodner Posts: 113 Member
    that is why low carb diets work. thank you so much. you now understand.

    when you dont eat as many carbs protein and fat intake must increase. protein and fat make you feel full and satisfied which prevents you from eating more and helps prevent extra snacking,
    >less calories
    > weight loss

    im not trying to saw low carb diets dont work, im saying carbs arent bad for you nor do they make you fat.

    I never misunderstood. It really isn't about the calories. I still don't agree with you, because I could eat 2300 calories a day carb restricted and burn fat and my body composition would change and I would look much different than eating 2300 calories of pop tarts. But I really don't care anymore. I believe that excess carbs that your body doesn't need are stored as fat, and that insulin response prevents fat loss - and you disagree. No one said carbs are evil or bad for you (I have said several times how I love vegetables and fruits), and we have been explaining all along how low carb diets work. No need to get worked up. We just disagree. And that's fine.
  • batlou
    batlou Posts: 97 Member
    that is why low carb diets work. thank you so much. you now understand.

    when you dont eat as many carbs protein and fat intake must increase. protein and fat make you feel full and satisfied which prevents you from eating more and helps prevent extra snacking,
    >less calories
    > weight loss

    im not trying to saw low carb diets dont work, im saying carbs arent bad for you nor do they make you fat.

    Carbs are not good for you and they can make you fat. When you take in a large amount of carbohydrates the resulting insulin response helps turn those sugars into fat storage for future use. High Carb diets can also create Insulin resistance in some people. Insulin resistance can impede the absorbtion of glucose to muscle and fat cells which raises blood glucose levels. This will eventually lead to diabetes, weight gain, high triglyceride, high blood pressure and vascular disease. Google is your friend here.

    However, your argument is that some guy once ate twinkies for 10 weeks and lost 27 pounds and we can conclude from this that it's as simple as calories-in calories-out. Seems hardly scientific as there is no baseline, no control groups and only one subject. :noway:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Carbs are not good for you and they can make you fat. When you take in a large amount of carbohydrates the resulting insulin response helps turn those sugars into fat storage for future use. High Carb diets can also create Insulin resistance in some people. Insulin resistance can impede the absorbtion of glucose to muscle and fat cells which raises blood glucose levels. This will eventually lead to diabetes, weight gain, high triglyceride, high blood pressure and vascular disease. Google is your friend here.

    You are slightly misinformed.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    For those of you that "think" losing weight and changing body composition is as simple as calories in, calories out -

    Please go read Good Calories, Bad Calories and This Is Why We Get Fat both by Gary Taubes.

    Weight loss is not that simple. Like I have said 1,000's of times on this site.

    I have eaten the same 1,800 calories of being low fat and eating in moderation only to gain weight and get fatter and sicker........

    Changed to low carb eating 1,800 or more calories of fat and moderate protein and lose weight, not only pounds, but shed loads of fat too.

    All calories ARE NOT created equal.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Carbs are not good for you and they can make you fat. When you take in a large amount of carbohydrates the resulting insulin response helps turn those sugars into fat storage for future use. High Carb diets can also create Insulin resistance in some people. Insulin resistance can impede the absorbtion of glucose to muscle and fat cells which raises blood glucose levels. This will eventually lead to diabetes, weight gain, high triglyceride, high blood pressure and vascular disease. Google is your friend here.

    You are slightly misinformed.


    No, they are spot on with the information.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    i meant my original post to the person saying carbs make you fat

    However, carbs do you make you fat and increase your insulin sensitivity which is what insulin resistance is.

    Since you are so found of pub med...............


    See the detrimental effect on the high carb group of people where insulin sensitivity increased significantly?
    Both the high-carbohydrate and high-protein groups lost weight (-2.2+/-0.9 kg, -2.5+/-1.6 kg, respectively, P <.05) and the difference between the groups was not significant (P =.9). In the high-carbohydrate group, hemoglobin A1c decreased (from 8.2% to 6.9%, P <.03), fasting plasma glucose decreased (from 8.8 to 7.2 mmol/L, P <.02), and insulin sensitivity increased (from 12.8 to 17.2 micromol/kg/min, P <.03).
  • batlou
    batlou Posts: 97 Member
    Carbs are not good for you and they can make you fat. When you take in a large amount of carbohydrates the resulting insulin response helps turn those sugars into fat storage for future use. High Carb diets can also create Insulin resistance in some people. Insulin resistance can impede the absorbtion of glucose to muscle and fat cells which raises blood glucose levels. This will eventually lead to diabetes, weight gain, high triglyceride, high blood pressure and vascular disease. Google is your friend here.

    You are slightly misinformed.


    Perhaps I should have been clear..."refined" carbohydrates. The article you posted a link to confirmed what I posted. Diets hihgh in carbohydrates cause all sorts of health problems in otherwise healthy people. I will see your article and raise you one? :)

  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Just end the thread, it's pointless. High carb proponents will find research to denounce low carb proponents will find research to support low carb, and jordan will continue to spout nonsense.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    ive already addressed this. you are proving to me once again that you dont read any of the information i post. If you wish to continue this conversation go back to page 1, read everything, and PM me
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    i meant my original post to the person saying carbs make you fat

    However, carbs do you make you fat and increase your insulin sensitivity which is what insulin resistance is.

    Since you are so found of pub med...............


    See the detrimental effect on the high carb group of people where insulin sensitivity increased significantly?
    Both the high-carbohydrate and high-protein groups lost weight (-2.2+/-0.9 kg, -2.5+/-1.6 kg, respectively, P <.05) and the difference between the groups was not significant (P =.9). In the high-carbohydrate group, hemoglobin A1c decreased (from 8.2% to 6.9%, P <.03), fasting plasma glucose decreased (from 8.8 to 7.2 mmol/L, P <.02), and insulin sensitivity increased (from 12.8 to 17.2 micromol/kg/min, P <.03).
    i meant to quote you
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    Just end the thread, it's pointless. High carb proponents will find research to denounce low carb proponents will find research to support low carb, and jordan will continue to spout nonsense.
    gtfo you werent even here at the beginning of this thread. you havent read any of the links i posted. quit acting like you know what youre talking about
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113
    I had an entire reply typed out to Jordan, but i'm not going to bother. Anyone who tells someone else that it's okay to eat pop tarts everyday like he has in a previous post dosen't have the slightest clue about nutrition.

    of course you can eat pop tarts. your body breaks food down into its smallest parts it doesnt recognize that this is pop tarts, its not good for, so it turns to fat.

    that was worded awkwardly but you know what i mean.

    im going to use another example that everyone has side stepped so far.

    if you need 2000 calories to just maintain your body ( not adding or taking away any muscle, fat etc) and you ate 1800 cals of pop tarts what would happen to your weight?

    also same scenario with 2200 of lettuce, what would happen?

    tomorrow on this website go to your foods for the day and put pop tarts in for everything until you reach your caloric goal. tell me what it says will happen to your weight. if you dont understand energy in vs energy out theres no reason for me to argue with you.

    im trying to make your goals easier to attain. if you want to be scared of bread for the rest of your life go ahead but im going to have bread and get the same results as you

    Once again, you are not understanding it is not about the QUANTITY.....it is about QUALITY.

    Its not as simple as energy in, energy out as the government leads you to believe.

    How about this. You do you and I will keep doing me. Sound fair, good luck with the inflammation cuased by grains in your future.
    why would the government lie about that?lol there is no way you believe that. you are a very good troll
  • heartlessangel7
    heartlessangel7 Posts: 3 Member
    Body/Mind needs Cards. I did Atkins and ran into same prob. I would say focus on High Protein/Med Carbs/Low Fat ie. 50%/30%/20% Just try to eat complex carbs to fuel you. Drink 8cups/1gallon of water a day and add a soup somewhere too every other day or so.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Just end the thread, it's pointless. High carb proponents will find research to denounce low carb proponents will find research to support low carb, and jordan will continue to spout nonsense.
    gtfo you werent even here at the beginning of this thread. you havent read any of the links i posted. quit acting like you know what youre talking about

    I read enough to know you do not understand this stuff. You said 1800 calories worth of pop tarts correct? Ive also read enough books and articles from experts to understand the benefits and pitfalls of eating certain ways.
  • Wilfred808
    Wilfred808 Posts: 113

    The last time that I checked most people weren't just on this site to lose weight, but to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I'm sure you could lose weight eating crap all day long, but you can also lose weight by sticking your finger down your throat & making yourself puke. Does that make it healthy? Nope. You can sit there & argue it however you would like, but different things work for different people. I could print every diary entry off of fitday.com that I entered back when I was doing low calorie. I never ate more than 1500 calories a day, exercised the same amount that I do now, but couldn't make my weight budge more than 5 or so lbs. Now, I eat the same amount of calories, perform the same amount & type of exercise, and I don't eat refined carbs or starches yet the weight & fat are melting off. Please explain that to me since it's all based on calories in vs calories out in your opinion? Oh, and could you also please explain to me how I eat low carb ( all of my carbs come from veggies & low sugar fruts), a lot of fat, and yet my bad cholesterol (LDL) along w/triglycerides have dropped?
    i used the pop tarts as an extreme example to prove a point. i never promoted eating junk food all day, i even said most of your nutrition should come from whole foods but if at the end of the day poptarts fit in your macros and caloric intake then its fine.

    im not arguing anymore on this thread. if you still want to argue go read all my posts, and PM me
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