Hufflepuff Common Room



  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I did one set of twenty crunches... Kinda disappointing, but I despise them and I had to do them on a concrete floor. :P

    And I drank three cups of water...

    Not a good day, but tomorrow will be better.
  • hufflepuffin
    Today's NSV for me? I learned I can do crunches without hurting myself by using a yoga ball!! Still tough since I have very little core strength but it didn't hurt my back or my neck. Woo Hoo!! I'll report my number of sets a little later when I've finished my day.


    OMG!! You are a Genius!! I totally forgot about my Exercise Ball!! I googled different ways to do crunches!! Yay!! Fun!!

    I will edit when I finish how many sets I get in!!

    **I did 8 sets of 25 crunchies (50 Thanks to 30 Day Shred!)
    At least 15 glasses (8oz) of water... I work out a ton, thus drink a ton more... Maybe we should have a max number that count a day?

    Max number sounds fair.

    What do you guys think the max water points should be?

  • hufflepuffin
    Hey Huffles!

    It's the wee hours of Monday morning from where I'm sitting, and I've been received updates on weight from all of you except:


    Try to get 'em in today at some point so we can see how much weight we lost as a group, and so we have updates weights for the first Quidditch match, which may start tomorrow (need to confer with other Heads).

    Great work on the crunches so far, too!
    I haven't done any myself today (really off day today), but I'll get on 'em tomorrow. :embarassed:
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey Huffles!

    It's the wee hours of Monday morning from where I'm sitting, and I've been received updates on weight from all of you except:


    Try to get 'em in today at some point so we can see how much weight we lost as a group, and so we have updates weights for the first Quidditch match, which may start tomorrow (need to confer with other Heads).

    Great work on the crunches so far, too!
    I haven't done any myself today (really off day today), but I'll get on 'em tomorrow. :embarassed:

    Also, tklarakis! :smile:
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    100 oz of water today and 200 crunches, which is 8 sets I think. :)
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    ok only did 100 crunches yesterday but ouch i am feeling it this morning but determined to do more today
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    whoever mentioned they were gonna do reverse crunches as well as regular and oblique is a sadist lol i could only do 50 they were killing me soooo hard
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Happy Monday All!!

    It is 6:10am in Chicago... I just weighted in.

    On Thursday 8/25 I was at 176.6
    Today 8/29 I am at 169.4

    7.2 Lost - Whoot Hoot!! I wish the upcoming week would be the same, but I don't think it possible. I am focusing on eating great and keeping up my crazy lady workout routine!

    Start your week Amazing!! :-)
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Ok, 9 glasses of water yesterday and 7 sets of crunches.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Also, no weight lost since it's TOM. That's ok, the scale is totally unreliable this week and I have no doubt there will be a change at the end of the this week or beginning of next.
  • NannyMagnolia
    Good morning ... today I'll be bringing the daughters back to the airport ... then I'll be able to get back into my routine. I love love love when they visit. But I'm a creature of habit and I'm looking forward to my old routine again. Happy Brand New Week to you all.

  • Molly_Louise
    Wooo, I've lost 1lb! I had a slight gain but losing the 1lb means I am back at my original starting weight and it's down from here, no more gaining!
  • becky_turcotte
    Hey Huffles!

    It's the wee hours of Monday morning from where I'm sitting, and I've been received updates on weight from all of you except:


    Try to get 'em in today at some point so we can see how much weight we lost as a group, and so we have updates weights for the first Quidditch match, which may start tomorrow (need to confer with other Heads).

    Great work on the crunches so far, too!
    I haven't done any myself today (really off day today), but I'll get on 'em tomorrow. :embarassed:

    Sorry I've been out of commission. Working so much lately. But I am back.
    I had no weight loss or gain last week. BOO!! Well, at least it wasn't a gain.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I've been MIA, we went out of town this weekend, but I'm back and still weighing in at 175.2.

    Soooo...I just went back over the MANY pages that I missed while I was out of town and DANG! I am so far behind! Gonna try my hardest to make up for it this week, despite it being TOM! I know it's probably too late to report in for last week but it is worth mentioning that I got my water in each day, and I also had a NSV this weekend in that I had to buy a new bra because mine are officially too big now! (why do boobs always go first?!)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    NSV today! in zumba class, our instructor walked around the room while were were dancing and commented to everyone that i gave 120% all the time and that she got tired just watching me. later, she was up on the stage and she stopped in the middle of a routine and told everyone to watch what i was doing because 'i wasn't messin' around'! it was sooooo cool - i'm becoming the zumba queen!

    ps~i also did 100 crunches - 4 sets, i believe.

    happy day, everyone!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    NSV today! in zumba class, our instructor walked around the room while were were dancing and commented to everyone that i gave 120% all the time and that she got tired just watching me. later, she was up on the stage and she stopped in the middle of a routine and told everyone to watch what i was doing because 'i wasn't messin' around'! it was sooooo cool - i'm becoming the zumba queen!

    ps~i also did 100 crunches - 4 sets, i believe.

    happy day, everyone!

    Way to go Zumba queen! Have you ever considered becoming an instructor? I burn more when I'm teaching than when I'm it obligates me to NEVER miss class! Way to go girl!
  • hufflepuffin
    NSV today! in zumba class, our instructor walked around the room while were were dancing and commented to everyone that i gave 120% all the time and that she got tired just watching me. later, she was up on the stage and she stopped in the middle of a routine and told everyone to watch what i was doing because 'i wasn't messin' around'! it was sooooo cool - i'm becoming the zumba queen!

    ps~i also did 100 crunches - 4 sets, i believe.

    happy day, everyone!

    Way to go Zumba queen! Have you ever considered becoming an instructor? I burn more when I'm teaching than when I'm it obligates me to NEVER miss class! Way to go girl!

    Sounds like a good idea to me! You should look into it! :smile:
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    Weigh-in Maintained my weight 198
  • Man_in_Motion
    Down 2.8 lbs from Hufflepuff starting weight (264 to 261.2).
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    So question- how many crunches is the suggested amount for this week?