Hufflepuff Common Room



  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    so I didn't realize weigh-ins were due till just now, so I just weighed myself at 121.6 pounds (up 1.6 pounds :/) but usually I do them on wednesday morning before breakfast and I just ate lunch. so. not sure exactly how much of that is actually gained, though I have been going over calorie limits lately, so it's possible. blah.

    We won't go by that. Your two meals deep into the day and who knows how much water. Get a morning weight in when you can. No worries. :smile:
    thank you! and since we're going to be turning them in on mondays, I might start doing another one on sunday or monday just so I have another number that's a little more updated.
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    no crunches yet, but 9 glasses of water so far today... Probably will drink at least 1 more with my nightly allergy pill
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    Ok I have a friend in here and I would love to join is it too late to join?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am at 10 cups of water. ... I am still recovering from being sick but I will do crunches while watching football and check in. NSV- Saw my dr today who I haven't seen for several months and this very fit lady said you look awesome! :happy:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Ok, I would like to report in with 12 cups of water and 100 crunches!! (being accountable to you guys really helps me...I want to get my numbers up!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    How many sore Huffle-tummies do we have out there?!

    I just did 150 crunches, 25 of which were reverse crunches. (Ouchies!)

    Meeee!!! Isn't it weird how, after doing crunches, your core muscles just kind of...stay contracted? Does that make any sense? I am sitting here and realize that I was unintentionally holding my tummy in when normally I would be all slouched down and lazy. yay!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Ok I have a friend in here and I would love to join is it too late to join?

    She rocks! I vote her in - Oh, wait, I have no voting powers... Te-he-he-he!!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    So, I meant to go to the gym today... But I didn't.

    However, I did get on Pottermore and get sorted.

    I cried. Like literally cried. They put me in Gryffindor and I started bawling. Please don't make me go be one. :sad:

    And also, check out my new pics. They are from the premiere.
    Total representing. :)
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    the internet at home is down so i'll post my crunches and water in the morning when i get to work. night!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Right, sorry guys I have been a tad busy over the weekend.

    For Sunday I can't remember what I did now or if I even posted anything on here. I know that I got 10 glasses of water down though. Sorry about that.

    For Monday I only drank a measly 6 glasses of water but I did do 150 crunches, 50 reverse crunches and 50 bicycle crunches. Do they all count?

    Also Jen suggested that I have a NSV having logged in 15 days in a row. Plus my boyfriend and my sister have said that I am "looking really good" if that counts too. Otherwise I apologise if I appear to be boasting!

    Night night
  • NannyMagnolia
    Hey hey ... finally got home after a long day in the car ... no crunches for today but got 9 glasses of water in today and a bit of walking in between. Sweet dreams all ... back to a regular routine starting tomorrow. So looking forward to that.

  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    OK 150 crunches done during commercials! Yay! Keep up the great work!
  • msrobinson77
    You Huffies are amazing! I could only muster 1 set of cruches again today. Man those things hurt-maybe I need to try them on a ball??? Also, 7 cups of water:-)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Whew!! Ready to be asleep... for days.

    300 crunches
    15+ glasses of water... One hour at the gym equaled me drinking 9 glasses... Geez! I was thirsty! Always am!

    Nighty-Night Huffles! Sleep Tight!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    This week I lost that pound I gained last week during my vacation!!! :smooched: ... today's weight= 159.8 :happy:

    80 minutes aerobics
    8 sets of 25 crunches (that's 200 crunches!) ok, tummy getting sore now :wink:
    2 sets of 25 side leg raises
    2 sets of 25 straight leg inner thigh lifts
    2 sets of 25 pelvic lifts
    2 sets of 8 shoulder shrugs

    9 cups water :)
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    176! And as a NSV, I dropped a jean size!
    Woohoo!!! :D
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Oops. Dbl post
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    drank 8 cups of water. no crunches yet :/ a NSV was that I chose a pretty good snack at the snack machine today during my astronomy class (a nature valley bar instead of chips or candy).
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    8 cups of water and 50 crunches today. I am soooo sore!
  • hufflepuffin
    @bumflapassassin - Any variation of a crunch counts! :smile:

    @rawrkeia - If you're a Hufflepuff at heart, you belong here - no matter what Pottermore says! :bigsmile:

    @iluvsparkles - That's totally weird. I noticed that today, too after I did mine! My abs were tight for hours afterward!

    @momie0205 - Welcome to Hufflepuff! :bigsmile:

    You guys are kicking butt!!! Not that I expected anything less.. Hufflepuffs are hard workers!! :wink:

    As a group, we've lost 33.9 pounds in less than a week!

    End of the day tomorrow is the deadline for OWLs and NEWTs counting toward the September Prefect selection. The crunches/water challenge still goes until Saturday night, and those points will be added toward Prefect Selection for October.

    I think I need some input though, on how to go about choosing Prefects. Originally, I was going to choose one Prefect based on OWL scores and one Prefect based on NEWT scores. But I have *someone* on the spreadsheet that has a pretty good chance of having the highest score in BOTH categories!

    So, I thought choosing the top two from OWLs and NEWTs combined? What do you guys think?

    If I did it this way, I'd have one Prefect assign the exercise challenge for the week and the other assign the food challenge, and the following week, they'd switch and assign the opposite. Does that make sense?

    What other duties and such should we assign to Prefects?