Hufflepuff Common Room



  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    no crunches for yesterday but 9 cups of waters
    this morning i did a set of crunches on my medicine ball. everyone here is really motiviating me
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    Hey all good job!! I have done 3 sets of jack knifes for a total of 30 crunches so far, but I'm betting I'll do more after I get done with my homework and off of work! Almost at my water goal of 8 glasses (probably will go over-I chase after 2 year olds for 4 hours a day)
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    major flop day for me! TOM came to visit and so I have been super lazy. No crunches for me today :( And I've only had 5 cups of water. Le sigh...I just wanna crash for the rest of the night!
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    OMG this group is awesome it has really made a difference to me this last couple of days
    Sunday 100 crunches & 4 water
    monday 300 crunches &9 water
    tuesday 400 crunches &6 water
    wednesday 600 crunches & 10 water

    so my totals are 1400 crunches (56sets) & 29 glasses of water

    really proud of the water total as defo find that the hardest to keep at
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    who's TOM? i see that on a lot of posts but have no clue what is it
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    OMG this group is awesome it has really made a difference to me this last couple of days
    Sunday 100 crunches & 4 water
    monday 300 crunches &9 water
    tuesday 400 crunches &6 water
    wednesday 600 crunches & 10 water

    so my totals are 1400 crunches (56sets) & 29 glasses of water

    really proud of the water total as defo find that the hardest to keep at

    omg whoa! that's so amazing keep up the good work.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    who's TOM? i see that on a lot of posts but have no clue what is it

    I translate it as "time of the month" but I may be wrong...

    Today I have done 86 mins exercise and only managed 50 crunches. My spine was still feeling it from yesterdays crunches and I've got a killer toothache at the moment and on spacey painkillers so there are my excuses! Water-wise I have had 15 glasses.
  • NannyMagnolia
    Good evening my fellow huffies ... hope your day went well. I'm just reporting in ... 3 sets of crunches (that's 75 singles) and 10 glasses of water ... and took a long power walk to kill off any extra calories I may have eaten. All in all its been a good day.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Only 8 glasses of water and 100 crunches.... Yawn!! It is not even 8 and I am so ready to sleep... Stupid TOM! He is an evil MAN! Te-he-he! (Time-Of-the-Month)
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    13 cups of water today! 300 crunches! It was a nice day off work. I got a lot done!
  • msrobinson77
    You have every right to feel proud of that pound! It's a hard journey and even worse when you don't have supportive people around you. I remember being so excited when I lost 2 pounds a few years ago and the guy I was dating at the time said, "big deal, you probably lost that taking a dump." What a *&^%$#@!

    I've lost 1lb! Woo! I know this may not seem like much but I cried with happiness, yes, I really did.

    I have very little support at home from my mum and step dad regarding my weightloss and so losing even 1lb feels like I've climbed a mountain, especially because I'm doing it alone. I know I have the amazing MFP community and you're all wonderful, so I just want to thank you for all the supportive messages etc while I've been on here. You're all wonderful and I can't thank you enough for the support you've given me and will give me.

    Okay, soppy post over.
  • msrobinson77
    Probably should've added this to my last post-1 set of crunches and 6 cups of water. I can't seem to get past one set of those darn crunches-they just kill my neck. Blah!!
  • farrellb2
    Hey all good job!! I have done 3 sets of jack knifes for a total of 30 crunches so far, but I'm betting I'll do more after I get done with my homework and off of work! Almost at my water goal of 8 glasses (probably will go over-I chase after 2 year olds for 4 hours a day)

    So to add to my post (quoted above) I've done 4 sets of jack knifes for a total of 40 crunches- and I've drank 11 glasses of water today
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Bad day. Woke up with a migraine and was nauseated half the day, not to mention my eyes were all weird and I had to use reading glasses to see my computer screen at work which is not normal. As a result, I did no crunches today (didn't work out at all as a matter of fact) and only drank 7 cups of water. I went for some soda to try and settle my stomach a bit and so I'm not counting that as water consumption. It did help my stomach though. Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.

    On the upside, I got a new laptop today so as long as my current dinosaur lasts until I can get files transferred, I won't have to live in fear of losing access to school work at any minute any more. Mind you, I'm so thankful the old one has worked well for 8 years, but that's a very long time for a laptop and I'm afraid that death is imminent. So I did have something to brighten my day :)
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Today's accomplishments are... :smooched: ...

    Went to doc for checkup and she said I've lost 10 whole lbs since December :D, my blood pressure is still doing great without any more medication, I haven't been needing any medication for my acid reflux in quite a while, and my ibs hasn't been bothering me either!!! She said that 10 lbs made all the difference! :bigsmile: I feel really great today!

    60 minutes aerobics (25 minutes JM Ripped in 30, which was an awesome workout, but exhausting! Just purchased it this afternoon)
    These were done first thing this morning...
    7 sets of 25 crunches
    1 set of 25 side leg raises
    1 sets of 25 straight leg inner thigh lifts
    1 set of 25 pelvic lifts
    2 set of 8 shoulder shrugs

    12 cups water :)

    On a side note... This is the absolute MOST inspired I've been since joining mfp. Thank you sooo much Hufflepuffin for taking the time to stay on top of things I know I can finally reach my goal!!! I'm already window shopping for a sexy new dress for my hubby's company Christmas party!!! Gotta decide whether to buy it now for the constant reminder ~or~ wait till I reach my goal.
    Edited by Linda302 on Tue 08/30/11 11:12 PM
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey! Sorry for my absence today, but I just sorted through all the posts and crunched the numbers and I have the Prefect situation all but sorted out. Any crunches done from tomorrow morning until Saturday night count toward October Prefect selection.

    Thanks for participating! There's some fierce competition goin' on here. You guys are awesome! :bigsmile:
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    11 cups of water! no crunches though :/
  • Page2777
    dont todays water and crunches count towards octobers total as well?
  • farrellb2
    Good Morning Hufflepuffs! Have a good day and make healthy choices! Best of luck!
  • NannyMagnolia
    Good Morning Good Morning.
