Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    hufflepuffin you are a great leader of this group :D
  • hufflepuffin you are a great leader of this group :D

    I couldn't agree more!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i think missed the post but are we reporting minutes exerciesed daily too? 8 cups of water down.
  • i think missed the post but are we reporting minutes exerciesed daily too? 8 cups of water down.

    Not yet
  • hufflepuffin you are a great leader of this group :D

    I couldn't agree more!

    Thank you, girls! :blushing:
  • First of all, I totally agree ... Hufflepuffin Rocks!!!

    Secondly ... my report for today ... 10 glasses of water and 200 crunches (4 sets). My belly muscles are feeling it big time ... I totally respect those who can do more ... in fact, I'm in awe.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yup, I'm with y'all, Hufflepuffin is super great (it's so awesome to have a dedicated leader!)

    I'm coming in at 8 cups of water and 50 crunches today!
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    10 cups of water- I did 2 sets of Jack knives on the wii fit (I hope they count as crunches cuz they hurt like a crunch) for a total of 20 jack knives...wish I could do more but I had homework, school, work, and food to make for the rest of the week

    NSV I climbed 4 flights of steps today before I felt winded (I usually can't get past 2 or 3)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I am singing your praising to Lady!!

    I would have made of mess of everything already!!

    Feeling *Blah today... Only 11 glasses of water and 200 crunches.
  • No crunches today:-( 6 cups of water.
  • momie0205
    momie0205 Posts: 232
    12 cups of water today and no crunches :frown: I will work hard tomorrow night. Back on routine for sure.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    105 minutes aerobics
    6 sets of 25 crunches (that's 150 crunches!), tummy sore!
    1 set of 25 side leg raises
    1 sets of 25 straight leg inner thigh lifts
    3 set of 15 shoulder shrugs

    12 cups water :)

    On a side note... This is the absolute MOST inspired I've been since joining mfp. Thank you sooo much Hufflepuffin for taking the time to stay on top of things :flowerforyou: I know I can finally reach my goal!!! I'm already window shopping for a sexy new dress for my hubby's company Christmas party!!! Gotta decide whether to buy it now for the constant reminder ~or~ wait till I reach my goal.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I drank 11 cups of water and did 45 crunches! I've been sticking to bicycle and reverse cause when I try normal ones and their variations I always manage to strain my neck. ugh.
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    So I drank four glasses of water today!

    And I've done like... no crunches so far. But I plan to do some in just a bit. I will report back how many I do.
  • First of all - I want to sincerely thank everyone for the compliments! I was so excited when I was invited by Head of Gryffindor House to start this group. Hufflepuffs are made of the best stuff on Earth, and it's a pleasure to maintain such a great group. I'm especially thankful that you're all so hard-working and involved. I hear from almost every one of you on a daily basis and it makes running the House all the more enjoyable knowing that you guys are so into it. Hopefully we can keep this going for a long, long time. :bigsmile:

    Not much tonight in the way of updates, but Slytherin's Common Room is up now. Link posted in the blog.

    200 crunches for me today, and I just met my water goal. My points don't count, of course.. just want you all to know I'm sweaty and sore right along with ya! :wink:

  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    I will post this evening as i havent had any water yet and still have my crunches to do but will post around 10pm coz its around then that i do my cardio exercise
  • I've lost 1lb! Woo! I know this may not seem like much but I cried with happiness, yes, I really did.

    I have very little support at home from my mum and step dad regarding my weightloss and so losing even 1lb feels like I've climbed a mountain, especially because I'm doing it alone. I know I have the amazing MFP community and you're all wonderful, so I just want to thank you for all the supportive messages etc while I've been on here. You're all wonderful and I can't thank you enough for the support you've given me and will give me.

    Okay, soppy post over.
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    Yesterday I drank 9 cups of water and did 3 sets of crunches. Currently chugging down today's first 3 cups. Hangovers suck!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    yesterday I drank 10 cups of water and did 3 sets of crunches. Woke up with a migraine today so not expecting to do much :(
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Tuesdays update: 4sets of crunches, 9 cups of water.

    I'll update today, tomorrow. :)
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