Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    So question- how many crunches is the suggested amount for this week?

    I think I'm right in saying it's as many as you want!

    25 crunches make 1 set, and 1 set is worth 1 OWL. Obviously the more you do the more points you'll get and the more exercise you'll do! :)
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    so I didn't realize weigh-ins were due till just now, so I just weighed myself at 121.6 pounds (up 1.6 pounds :/) but usually I do them on wednesday morning before breakfast and I just ate lunch. so. not sure exactly how much of that is actually gained, though I have been going over calorie limits lately, so it's possible. blah.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    oh and for crunches--are we only counting standard, or are we ok to mix in bicycle, the ones where you like put your feet up in the air and try to touch them, backwards ones, etc?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    oh and for crunches--are we only counting standard, or are we ok to mix in bicycle, the ones where you like put your feet up in the air and try to touch them, backwards ones, etc?

    I have personally been doing a mix of any kind I can find online... Some on floor and some on the exercise ball.

    *If this is wrong I will need to adjust my numbers!*
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    so didnt realise it was weigh in today :( ok my starting weight was 185lb (26 aug) and just weighed myself and nothing has changed still 185lb but i shouldnt be surprised done very little exercise so deserve it
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I got my Pottermore letter today!

    I haven't been able to eat from all the excitement.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i changed my weight in day to mondays and i was 301.4#
  • hufflepuffin
    so didnt realise it was weigh in today :( ok my starting weight was 185lb (26 aug) and just weighed myself and nothing has changed still 185lb but i shouldnt be surprised done very little exercise so deserve it

    Aww. Well, staying the same is much better than a gain, sweetie. :smile: Chin up, k? :flowerforyou:
  • hufflepuffin
    I got my Pottermore letter today!

    I haven't been able to eat from all the excitement.

    Ahh! Where's the "jealousy" smiley? :grumble: I guess that one will do. I haven't gotten my letter yet. :ohwell:
  • hufflepuffin
    i changed my weight in day to mondays and i was 301.4#

    Congrats on the loss! :bigsmile: I've updated your numbers!
  • hufflepuffin
    oh and for crunches--are we only counting standard, or are we ok to mix in bicycle, the ones where you like put your feet up in the air and try to touch them, backwards ones, etc?

    I have personally been doing a mix of any kind I can find online... Some on floor and some on the exercise ball.

    *If this is wrong I will need to adjust my numbers!*

    Go ahead and mix 'em up! :bigsmile: I know, for me, mixing them up is going to help me to do more of them. (My OWLs don't count of course, I can't be Prefect AND Head of House! but I do the challenges anyway!)
  • hufflepuffin
    So question- how many crunches is the suggested amount for this week?

    I think I'm right in saying it's as many as you want!

    25 crunches make 1 set, and 1 set is worth 1 OWL. Obviously the more you do the more points you'll get and the more exercise you'll do! :)

    No suggested amount, but I can tell you some of our students have been cranking out 100 or more a day!
  • hufflepuffin
    so I didn't realize weigh-ins were due till just now, so I just weighed myself at 121.6 pounds (up 1.6 pounds :/) but usually I do them on wednesday morning before breakfast and I just ate lunch. so. not sure exactly how much of that is actually gained, though I have been going over calorie limits lately, so it's possible. blah.

    We won't go by that. Your two meals deep into the day and who knows how much water. Get a morning weight in when you can. No worries. :smile:
  • hufflepuffin
    *** I've just heard from Gryffindor Head of House that students that have not reported a weekly weight for two consecutive weeks will not have their numbers count toward the inter-House Quidditch Matches, which again are weekly weight loss percentages for each House. ***

    Some of you who are very active in this House might have been worried about non-participants bringing down our averages, and that won't happen. Students who don't weigh in today (if you already have, you're good!), or tomorrow (absolute deadline) cannot be counted as part of our weight-loss percentage for the week.

    Weight-loss percentages will be calculated based on number of participants, rather than number of people on my spreadsheet.

    Since we haven't been a team for a full week yet, the first Quidditch Match will wrap up next Monday, September 5th. I will report the numbers to Head of Gryffindor House, and she will announce the winner in the Great Hall.

    September 5th is also the start date of our first inter-House competition for the House Cup. I'll get you details on that as soon as I can.

    Any questions, you know what to do. :wink:
  • hufflepuffin
    How many sore Huffle-tummies do we have out there?!

    I just did 150 crunches, 25 of which were reverse crunches. (Ouchies!)
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    176! And as a NSV, I dropped a jean size!
  • hufflepuffin
    176! And as a NSV, I dropped a jean size!

    Wow! Congrats! :happy:
  • Molly_Louise
    How many sore Huffle-tummies do we have out there?!

    I just did 150 crunches, 25 of which were reverse crunches. (Ouchies!)

    I ache! Haha. It hurts to laugh :(

    Great job with the crunches though. I managed two sets today, plus 13 cups of water!
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    13 cups that is awesome i am just finishing no 9 and i am done for the night the crunches front has gone really well but gonna be in agony tomorrow did 100 regular crunches 100 reverse crunches and 100 oblique crunches i hasten to add this was done throughout the day not all in one go
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    today's stats:

    cw: 192.6
    crunches: 100
    water: 12 servings