Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    what a great idea i will be mixing it up with my crunches have already done 100 (4 sets today) of the standard crunches but will defo do the reverse and oblique so my target today is 100 of both of those and see where i go from there as i have some calories i need to burn off from my sunday roast
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    So, I've got some questions.
    What's NSV?
    And reverse crunches?
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    So, I've got some questions.
    What's NSV?
    And reverse crunches?

    Non-Scale victory

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    NSV = non-scale victory

    and here's one for me: i have a stalker! i am stalker-worthy. let's just hope the creeper doesn't decide to flay off my skin and make a skirt out of it...
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    I like the idea of getting counted for each cup of water. Yay for crunches! I'm going to get started.
  • Molly_Louise
    I managed 2 sets of crunches today, plus 10 cups of water :)
  • hufflepuffin
    ok final total 10 sets of 20 jumping jacks and 20 cups of water so i filled my 32oz water bottle up 5 times. how do you guys track the jumping jacks on exercise tracker? I just start my phone's stop watch then stop it when i need a breather and repeat till i'm done then just add the total minutes to my exercise tracker

    That seems like a good way to do it!

    thanks! great leadership hufflepuffin!

    Thank you. I try. :bigsmile:
  • hufflepuffin
    Good Morning Everyone. I'm just heading out to spend another day with my visiting daughters ... today it's out for breakfast, pedicures, afternoon tea, more shopping, and the casino. It's fun but truly exhausting ... and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Anyway, hoping to hop back on later in the day to see how we're all doing. Have a great day.


    Sounds like lots of fun! Enjoy! :bigsmile:
  • hufflepuffin
    Gained 2lbs since yesterday so today I am in an awful mood! Very disappointed :( Feeling a lot better today though so I'm going to work on losing the extra weight. We're now onto our crunches challenge aren't we?

    Well done to everyone who did the jumping jacks challenge, you all did amazingly!

    Yes, we're on to crunches! 1 OWL per set of 25. Glad you're feeling better!
  • hufflepuffin
    NSV = non-scale victory

    and here's one for me: i have a stalker! i am stalker-worthy. let's just hope the creeper doesn't decide to flay off my skin and make a skirt out of it...

    o_O Fingers crossed for ya. Haha
  • hufflepuffin
    Good morning all! Hey Hufflepuffin-do you want us to share our crunches/water each day or just at the end of the week? I was a little late joining in the group so I missed last week's challenge but am starting today:-)

    You can do whatever feels right to you. :) If you'd rather keep a running total for yourself and report it all at once, that's fine.
    I check the Common Room multiple times a day, though.. so if you do post daily I'm unlikely to miss it.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    NSV- I have been very sick and the dr told me I could eat only ice cream ... I said no thank you and took the italian ice which is 40 calories and the ice cream was over 450. Yay me! Even though I feel like I am on my death bed I still remembered my calories! I have been drinking nothing but water so I definitely made that daily goals. I'll get on my crunches when I get out of the hospital. Hopefully I can do this challenge but if I have an emergency tonsillectomy then I probably won't be able to get this one done. :mad:
  • hufflepuffin
    NSV- I have been very sick and the dr told me I could eat only ice cream ... I said no thank you and took the italian ice which is 40 calories and the ice cream was over 450. Yay me! Even though I feel like I am on my death bed I still remembered my calories! I have been drinking nothing but water so I definitely made that daily goals. I'll get on my crunches when I get out of the hospital. Hopefully I can do this challenge but if I have an emergency tonsillectomy then I probably won't be able to get this one done. :mad:

    No worries about the challenge! Your health is more important. Feel better soon!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Sort of an NSV for me.

    I only ate one plate at the Chinese Buffet. Oh how I adore Chinese food...
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    6 sets of crunches and 8 cups of water :)
  • NannyMagnolia
    Today's NSV for me? I learned I can do crunches without hurting myself by using a yoga ball!! Still tough since I have very little core strength but it didn't hurt my back or my neck. Woo Hoo!! I'll report my number of sets a little later when I've finished my day.

  • NannyMagnolia
    Okay ... so I did 75 crunches (3 sets) and I drank 10 glasses of water today. I'm off to bed now. Sweet Dreams my MFP Badgers.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Today's NSV for me? I learned I can do crunches without hurting myself by using a yoga ball!! Still tough since I have very little core strength but it didn't hurt my back or my neck. Woo Hoo!! I'll report my number of sets a little later when I've finished my day.


    OMG!! You are a Genius!! I totally forgot about my Exercise Ball!! I googled different ways to do crunches!! Yay!! Fun!!

    I will edit when I finish how many sets I get in!!

    **I did 8 sets of 25 crunchies (50 Thanks to 30 Day Shred!)
    At least 15 glasses (8oz) of water... I work out a ton, thus drink a ton more... Maybe we should have a max number that count a day?
  • msrobinson77
    1 set of crunches (man those are hard!!) and 4 cups of water for today.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Exercises today:
    4 hours cleaning house (sweeping, mopping, rearranging furniture, laundry)
    + 1 hour stationary bicycling

    Strength Training: (*all TWICE the number I usually do in a day! :happy: heeheehee!)
    200 crunches
    + side leg raises (2 sets of 25, each leg)
    + straight leg inner thigh lifts (2 sets of 25, each leg)
    + pelvic lifts (2 sets of 25)

    12 cups water :happy: