Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    just did another 10 sets and my 8 month old joined in :) he was in his walker and bouncing up and down with me hands in the air so hufflepuffin was so right we are setting an example to our kids

    ps do any of the other mums feel this sorry if TMI but while doing the jumping jacks keep feeling like i need a wee :s
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    just did another 10 sets and my 8 month old joined in :) he was in his walker and bouncing up and down with me hands in the air so hufflepuffin was so right we are setting an example to our kids

    ps do any of the other mums feel this sorry if TMI but while doing the jumping jacks keep feeling like i need a wee :s

    See kids pick up on our habits at a VERY early age. And How cute are you two!! :-)

    *As a mother as well - JJ have become an issue!! I think I need poise pads or depends to do them!! I go to the bathroom before I do them, do 100, go to the bathroom AGAIN, repeat. * The joys of motherhood. So many wonderful things... and then a few not so wonderful!!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    afternoon chaps and chapettes. I have just got in from the gym - I did 65 mins workout today. Am I right in posting this info or have I got the wrong end of the stick? I will do jumping jaks and update you on progress later...
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    thank goodness it is not just me :) i wouldnt mind but i shouldnt be falling to pieces just yet only 27 altho i feel 70 a lot of the time maybe that explains it lol
  • hufflepuffin
    afternoon chaps and chapettes. I have just got in from the gym - I did 65 mins workout today. Am I right in posting this info or have I got the wrong end of the stick? I will do jumping jaks and update you on progress later...

    We'll be counting minutes of exercise for the inter-House competition, which begins on September 5th. :)
  • NannyMagnolia
    Good Morning all ... it's a Bloody Brilliant Day here in Niagara, Ontario. I think I'll weigh in on Saturdays ... as in today ... I weighed in at 204.9 lbs this morning.
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey Huffles!

    You will never, EVER see me awake at 9:20 am on a Saturday... EVER again, so enjoy this! Haha. I'm drinking so much water lately that my bladder won't let me sleep! TMI? Maybe, but I'm sure most of you have been there!

    We're continuing with Jumping Jacks for the rest of the day, but let's take a vote on our (full)weekly challenge to start tomorrow until September 3rd!

    Remember, this is the last time we'll vote for our weekly challenges. From next week on out, our challenges will be selected by the Prefects. First set of Prefects will be chosen based on OWL and NEWT scores on September 1st.

    Heeeere are your options!

    For our exercise challenge to begin August 28th and end September 3rd, would you prefer...

    Crunches, or

    Also taking ideas for our food challenge. Let 'em fly, and we'll settle on one later.
  • hufflepuffin
    Good Morning all ... it's a Bloody Brilliant Day here in Niagara, Ontario. I think I'll weigh in on Saturdays ... as in today ... I weighed in at 204.9 lbs this morning.

    That's great! Congrats! :D
  • hufflepuffin
    our lovely head of house has told me i can still get involved in this weeks challenge as i was kidding myself that i would be able to get out of the jumping jacks so will be doing sets (they are 20 in a set right?) thoughout the day when i have a spare few minutes and will post tonite how i get on aiming to at least do 5 sets through the course of the day

    well already went and did my 5 sets of 20 and ran up&down the stairs six times will do more in a bit whilst son is asleep

    You're doing awesome!
  • NannyMagnolia
    Hmmmm ... I'm thinking push-ups. Yes, I'll vote push-ups for this one :happy:

  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I'd be down with anything. I like cruches because I know a few variations of them (thanks to various workout dvds and high school gym) so I'd be less likely to get bored and that is the area I need to tone up the most. but pushups would be a challenge for me too, since I am SO BAD at them, even the modified ones! and I like squats. so whatever you guys decide, I'm down :)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I'd prefer crunches but I could probably use the stupid push-ups the most! Ugh!

    And I am right there with you and drinking soooo much water up at 6am on Saturday, because I could wait no longer... Sigh!

    **I am still giggling at the dancing chicken nugget guy... :-)
  • HeidiRoseC

    If you're seeing this post and you're not a member (but you're a Hufflepuff at heart!) you can still join! Say hello and jump right in!

    Hi I'm Heidi-Rose. my first week on mfp. starting weight 218.
  • msrobinson77
    I'm voting on the push ups...God my arms are jiggly!!!
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    i vote for crunches coz use work on tummy area have to say squats would kill me lol

    have done another 5 sets but only had one glass of water so gonna have to get drinking will post full total later
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    push ups suck the most. i vote for those!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    just did another 10 sets and my 8 month old joined in :) he was in his walker and bouncing up and down with me hands in the air so hufflepuffin was so right we are setting an example to our kids

    ps do any of the other mums feel this sorry if TMI but while doing the jumping jacks keep feeling like i need a wee :s

    Hahaha! I have to go to the bathroom just before I do them otherwise it turns out bad!
    I just had my daughter (1st child) March4 so I wasn't exactly aware of the consequences! hahaha WOOPS.
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    I vote for crunches! Let's work on our abs!

    Also, did my weigh-in this morning and I'm down 4.8 pounds, from 264.8 to 260.0! Yay!!
  • becky_turcotte
    I vote crunches. Need to get this belly into shape.

    PS Someone please show me had to add that Hufflepuff crest onto my signature. Thanks, Hugs
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi guys!

    Sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been unwell for the past few days. I'm still not feeling 100% but I'm hoping that by Monday I'll be right as rain! No weight lost this week which sucks, I'm going to rethink my weight loss goal and I might work at a slower pace to achieve it. I'm struggling to meet my daily calorie intake of 1220, I'm barely eating 1000 a day which isn't good for me, nor my weight loss so if anyone has any tips on how to increase this (foods to eat etc), then I'd really appreciate that. I thought I ate a lot (3 meals a day, plus snacks!) but clearly the amount I was eating before wasn't the issue, just the type(s) of food. Gah. I'll get there eventually!

    No other news from me. Thinking of you all on the US east coast, stay safe x