Hufflepuff Common Room



  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    i weight in on wednesdays but i can change dates. how many jumping jacks in a set? i'm just going to set a timer and see how many i can do before i want to pass out.
  • hufflepuffin
    i weight in on wednesdays but i can change dates. how many jumping jacks in a set? i'm just going to set a timer and see how many i can do before i want to pass out.

    20 in a set, for purposes of tracking points. :) How'd you do on water intake today?
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    water intake at 10 cups. i did 5 sets with 20 to 30 seconds of rest in between sets.
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    Drank approximately 100oz. of water and did 40 jumping jacks on Thursday. I don't usually do jumping jacks, it was a nice change of pace!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    water intake at 10 cups. i did 5 sets with 20 to 30 seconds of rest in between sets.

    oh yeah and i did them in front of a full length mirror. i hope one day not to jiggle or need to rest so much on my way to 100 jumping jacks.
  • NannyMagnolia
    Good morning everyone. Yesterday I drank well beyond the 8 recommended glasses of water. Right now I'm heading out to pick up my daughter at the airport, she's in for a visit for the weekend for a mommy/daughter time. I'll talk to you all later. Hope you have an awesome day.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Hello, Hufflepuffs!

    Hope the picture I posted works.. Just wanted to show you the spreadsheet I'll be using to keep track of everything. I took this screen shot last night, before some of you posted your weight, so that'd be why all of the information isn't there. :)

    Anyway, the spreadsheet will automatically total our weight loss % as a whole.
    All Houses are calculating group weight loss %.
    The House with the highest % of weight-loss at the end of each week (probably decided on Sunday. I'll work that part out) will win the Quidditch Cup!


    By the way, uh... we weigh 3118.3 lbs as a group.. and there's still one person I haven't gotten a weight from yet. :laugh:

    Ugh!! I need to up my start weight!! Boo!! It was 176.6#... Thank you dear!!
  • hufflepuffin
    Hello, Hufflepuffs!

    Hope the picture I posted works.. Just wanted to show you the spreadsheet I'll be using to keep track of everything. I took this screen shot last night, before some of you posted your weight, so that'd be why all of the information isn't there. :)

    Anyway, the spreadsheet will automatically total our weight loss % as a whole.
    All Houses are calculating group weight loss %.
    The House with the highest % of weight-loss at the end of each week (probably decided on Sunday. I'll work that part out) will win the Quidditch Cup!


    By the way, uh... we weigh 3118.3 lbs as a group.. and there's still one person I haven't gotten a weight from yet. :laugh:

    Ugh!! I need to up my start weight!! Boo!! It was 176.6#... Thank you dear!!

    Yeah, I've changed it since I took that screen shot. :) No worries!
  • hufflepuffin
    Great work on the challenges!

    Jenn_W is in the lead so far with 200 Jumping Jacks - worth 10 OWLs!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Hello, Hufflepuffs!

    Hope the picture I posted works.. Just wanted to show you the spreadsheet I'll be using to keep track of everything. I took this screen shot last night, before some of you posted your weight, so that'd be why all of the information isn't there. :)

    Anyway, the spreadsheet will automatically total our weight loss % as a whole.
    All Houses are calculating group weight loss %.
    The House with the highest % of weight-loss at the end of each week (probably decided on Sunday. I'll work that part out) will win the Quidditch Cup!


    By the way, uh... we weigh 3118.3 lbs as a group.. and there's still one person I haven't gotten a weight from yet. :laugh:

    Ugh!! I need to up my start weight!! Boo!! It was 176.6#... Thank you dear!!

    Yeah, I've changed it since I took that screen shot. :) No worries!

    Yikes, me too. Weighed in this morning, 146.6.
  • hufflepuffin
    Hello, Hufflepuffs!

    Hope the picture I posted works.. Just wanted to show you the spreadsheet I'll be using to keep track of everything. I took this screen shot last night, before some of you posted your weight, so that'd be why all of the information isn't there. :)

    Anyway, the spreadsheet will automatically total our weight loss % as a whole.
    All Houses are calculating group weight loss %.
    The House with the highest % of weight-loss at the end of each week (probably decided on Sunday. I'll work that part out) will win the Quidditch Cup!


    By the way, uh... we weigh 3118.3 lbs as a group.. and there's still one person I haven't gotten a weight from yet. :laugh:

    Ugh!! I need to up my start weight!! Boo!! It was 176.6#... Thank you dear!!

    Yeah, I've changed it since I took that screen shot. :) No worries!

    Yikes, me too. Weighed in this morning, 146.6.

  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    300 jumping jacks today followed by loads more than 8 glasses of water and a shower!
  • hufflepuffin
    300 jumping jacks today followed by loads more than 8 glasses of water and a shower!

    Wow! That's great! Updated your points! :bigsmile:
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    just completed 40 jumping jacks on my break from work, almost lasted a full minute of continuous jumping jacks. so far today i drank 4 cups of water.
  • hufflepuffin
    just completed 40 jumping jacks on my break from work, almost lasted a full minute of continuous jumping jacks. so far today i drank 4 cups of water.

    Awesome. :) Gave you 2 OWLs for the Jacks. Let me know if I can give ya a NEWT for the water!
  • hufflepuffin
    Happy Friday!

    Make sure you weigh yourselves at some point this weekend. Let me know by Monday. :)

    Friday is my weigh-in day normally, and I've lost 2.2 pounds this week!
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    Hey im Julie happy to join the Hufflepuffs i weight 182 pounds which is pretty bloody awful and i want to get down to 140 so got a long way to go but thought by joining you guys making it a team as well as sole effort might help keep me going
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    well done hufflepuffin :)

    by the way i had a thought: since mfp is not just for weightloss and it's good practice to provide equal opportunities, perhaps points could be based on goals rather than weighloss? i.e. if my personal goal is to maintain my weight, points are gained for each week i'm the same. and if i'm trying to put weight on, points are gained for doing so. that way anyone can play and i won't be kicked out of school once i meet my ideal weight!
  • hufflepuffin
    well done hufflepuffin :)

    by the way i had a thought: since mfp is not just for weightloss and it's good practice to provide equal opportunities, perhaps points could be based on goals rather than weighloss? i.e. if my personal goal is to maintain my weight, points are gained for each week i'm the same. and if i'm trying to put weight on, points are gained for doing so. that way anyone can play and i won't be kicked out of school once i meet my ideal weight!

    Hmm.. that's a good point. How about we add a sort of ongoing personal goals challenge? Changing the basis on which the House Cup is competed for might rock the boat too much with the other Houses, I think. I do understand your point, though.

    Let's come up with a way to incorporate personal goals into our own in-House scoring system.

    And by the way, you will NOT be expelled from school for having reached your ideal weight! :laugh:
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey im Julie happy to join the Hufflepuffs i weight 182 pounds which is pretty bloody awful and i want to get down to 140 so got a long way to go but thought by joining you guys making it a team as well as sole effort might help keep me going


    I've added you to our spreadsheet. At the moment, we're giving out OWLs for Jumping Jacks (1 OWL for each set of 20) and NEWTs for meeting or exceeding water consumption. (More about OWLs and NEWTs in the blog: )

    This challenge runs until Saturday. We'll pick a new one on Sunday, AND you're just in time for our first inter-House competition! I believe that is starting on September 5th. Details haven't been announced yet, so stay tuned for that!