Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Right, bumflapassassin? :happy:

    Indeed - sounds ace :tongue:
  • NannyMagnolia
    Hey hey ... good evening. It's been a good day. Managed to stay good with the eating even though the three course lunch at the spa was a treat, drank all my water and then some, swam some laps, and did 40 JUMPING JACKS today ... wow, haven't done those in years ... I need a better bra :) Take care all.

    Oh ... and have we decided what day our way in is???

  • hufflepuffin
    Hey hey ... good evening. It's been a good day. Managed to stay good with the eating even though the three course lunch at the spa was a treat, drank all my water and then some, swam some laps, and did 40 JUMPING JACKS today ... wow, haven't done those in years ... I need a better bra :) Take care all.

    Oh ... and have we decided what day our way in is???

    Sounds like a great day! I feel your pain about the bra... Ugh!

    I have your points entered on to the spreadsheet!

    As far as the weigh-in goes, you can weigh-in and report it any time between Friday and Monday - that's the same for every week. The Houses all weigh-in at different times, but it's always within those days.
  • hufflepuffin
    Cute frog, by the way! :laugh:
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I posted on the great hall post, but since if I did join the challenge, I'd be a hufflepuff (woo!), so I'll ask here too :)

    Basically, I am going to school and working nights right now so I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with all the challenges, so I may not be able to participate as much as I'd like. I was wondering if it would be ok if I could still try to give this a go?

    Absolutely! Just post your current weight here and you're in!

    Here's the blog post with the School and House rules.

    Welcome aboard! :D

    Yay! Thanks!

    CW: 120
    GW: 110-115

    And it looks like we're doing a jumping jack challenge?
    Ok, so this is going to sound crazy, but back when I was in driving school, they told us to do these things called cross crawls, where you lift your left knee and meet it with your right hand and do the same with the other hand and knee, so you're kind of crossing over your body while hopping, if that makes sense. Apparently this is supposed to help integrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain, so you can have a better connection between both sides and be better coordinated. so we literally did these for 2 min before we got in cars and dodged cones and did driving obstacle courses. But apparently doing jumping jacks actually does the opposite with your brain hemispheres? I just tried to googled it and came across blogs and other sites, but noting along the lines of a scientific study, so it could be a bunch of hoopla. But you never know!

    So I may do some cross crawls after my jumping jacks, is it cool if I count those too?

    EDIT: The challenge goes on till tomorrow, duh! Nevermind :)
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Sorry I'm possibly running a little late in updating but I haven't felt well the last couple days. Feeling a little better now, though :)

    I did manage to do 40jumping jacks and get all my water in, though!
  • hufflepuffin
    I posted on the great hall post, but since if I did join the challenge, I'd be a hufflepuff (woo!), so I'll ask here too :)

    Basically, I am going to school and working nights right now so I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with all the challenges, so I may not be able to participate as much as I'd like. I was wondering if it would be ok if I could still try to give this a go?

    Absolutely! Just post your current weight here and you're in!

    Here's the blog post with the School and House rules.

    Welcome aboard! :D

    Yay! Thanks!

    CW: 120
    GW: 110-115

    And it looks like we're doing a jumping jack challenge?
    Ok, so this is going to sound crazy, but back when I was in driving school, they told us to do these things called cross crawls, where you lift your left knee and meet it with your right hand and do the same with the other hand and knee, so you're kind of crossing over your body while hopping, if that makes sense. Apparently this is supposed to help integrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain, so you can have a better connection between both sides and be better coordinated. so we literally did these for 2 min before we got in cars and dodged cones and did driving obstacle courses. But apparently doing jumping jacks actually does the opposite with your brain hemispheres? I just tried to googled it and came across blogs and other sites, but noting along the lines of a scientific study, so it could be a bunch of hoopla. But you never know!

    So I may do some cross crawls after my jumping jacks, is it cool if I count those too?

    EDIT: The challenge goes on till tomorrow, duh! Nevermind :)

    WHAT is that man in your Hufflepuff Crest doing?! LOL That is TOO funny!!!
  • hufflepuffin
    Sorry I'm possibly running a little late in updating but I haven't felt well the last couple days. Feeling a little better now, though :)

    I did manage to do 40jumping jacks and get all my water in, though!

    Got your points marked down! Glad you're feeling better! :)
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I posted on the great hall post, but since if I did join the challenge, I'd be a hufflepuff (woo!), so I'll ask here too :)

    Basically, I am going to school and working nights right now so I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with all the challenges, so I may not be able to participate as much as I'd like. I was wondering if it would be ok if I could still try to give this a go?

    Absolutely! Just post your current weight here and you're in!

    Here's the blog post with the School and House rules.

    Welcome aboard! :D

    Yay! Thanks!

    CW: 120
    GW: 110-115

    And it looks like we're doing a jumping jack challenge?
    Ok, so this is going to sound crazy, but back when I was in driving school, they told us to do these things called cross crawls, where you lift your left knee and meet it with your right hand and do the same with the other hand and knee, so you're kind of crossing over your body while hopping, if that makes sense. Apparently this is supposed to help integrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain, so you can have a better connection between both sides and be better coordinated. so we literally did these for 2 min before we got in cars and dodged cones and did driving obstacle courses. But apparently doing jumping jacks actually does the opposite with your brain hemispheres? I just tried to googled it and came across blogs and other sites, but noting along the lines of a scientific study, so it could be a bunch of hoopla. But you never know!

    So I may do some cross crawls after my jumping jacks, is it cool if I count those too?

    EDIT: The challenge goes on till tomorrow, duh! Nevermind :)

    WHAT is that man in your Hufflepuff Crest doing?! LOL That is TOO funny!!!
    He is eating chicken nuggets with a heavy side of swag :)
    I don't know, I think it's one of the funniest gifs in the world.
  • hufflepuffin
    He is eating chicken nuggets with a heavy side of swag :)
    I don't know, I think it's one of the funniest gifs in the world.

    LOL!!! I can't stop laughing at this!! That's just amazing!! :laugh:
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello all! just finished 4 sets up jumping jacks, didn't time myself this time and i hit 8 cups of H20 for the day. also need to ditch 1 of 2 extenders on my watch hopefully sometime in the middle of september.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I drank my 8 cups of water today. And I gott 40 minutes on the elliptical (300 calories!)! I haven't worked out for that long or hard in a REALLY long time, and usually I can't go more than 20 or so on the elliptical before my feet get numb. I still had to take off my shoes for the last 10 min but that's more than usual! Yay!
  • becky_turcotte
    Hey Puffies! Sorry I've been out of touch. TOO MUCH going on at work. But now I'm back. I hope that you all had a wonderful week. Hugs to my fellow badgers.
  • hufflepuffin
    Sounds like you all had a pretty good day!

    Numbers have been updated (Thanks for being awesome)! See you all tomorrow!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    I completed 25 minutes of exercise today, including 100 crunches and 100 leg lifts and walking on the treadmill, 11 cups of water, and stayed within my calorie goal! :D WooHoo! Off to a good start!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    I drank my 8 cups of water today. And I gott 40 minutes on the elliptical (300 calories!)! I haven't worked out for that long or hard in a REALLY long time, and usually I can't go more than 20 or so on the elliptical before my feet get numb. I still had to take off my shoes for the last 10 min but that's more than usual! Yay!

    Your shoes are too small. Get a new pair 1/2-1 size larger than normal to account for feet swelling during exercise. :) Make sure to get roomy toes.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I drank my 8 cups of water today. And I gott 40 minutes on the elliptical (300 calories!)! I haven't worked out for that long or hard in a REALLY long time, and usually I can't go more than 20 or so on the elliptical before my feet get numb. I still had to take off my shoes for the last 10 min but that's more than usual! Yay!

    Your shoes are too small. Get a new pair 1/2-1 size larger than normal to account for feet swelling during exercise. :) Make sure to get roomy toes.
    Ohh! I didn't even realize feet swell during exercise! I do have wide feet, but I think that posture might be my problem--I find myself sliding forward in them and to one side a bit too so it may be too much pressure on the balls and toes of my feet? They're also running shoes (Nike BRS 1000 from two years ago--mom gave them to me cause she only wore them a couple times and prefers new balance, and we wear the same shoe size, though her feet are wider), and I should probably invest in some cross trainers.
  • faythe
    faythe Posts: 245
    Drank my water on Friday (about 80 oz.) and did 60 jumping jacks. :)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Morning, today is weighing day and I stayed the same this week.

    Exercise-wise, I have completed :
    Thursday: 0 mins
    Friday: 77 mins

    I will be going to the gym today so will let you know how long I sweat it out later.
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    our lovely head of house has told me i can still get involved in this weeks challenge as i was kidding myself that i would be able to get out of the jumping jacks so will be doing sets (they are 20 in a set right?) thoughout the day when i have a spare few minutes and will post tonite how i get on aiming to at least do 5 sets through the course of the day

    well already went and did my 5 sets of 20 and ran up&down the stairs six times will do more in a bit whilst son is asleep