Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I vote push ups ... They are require more strength IMO
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    im giving up for the night hufflepuffin but heres how i did today

    i did 500 jumping jacks so managed 25 sets and just going to have my 4th glass of water hope i did enough to gain some points
  • hufflepuffin
    Hi guys!

    Sorry I haven't been posting much, I've been unwell for the past few days. I'm still not feeling 100% but I'm hoping that by Monday I'll be right as rain! No weight lost this week which sucks, I'm going to rethink my weight loss goal and I might work at a slower pace to achieve it. I'm struggling to meet my daily calorie intake of 1220, I'm barely eating 1000 a day which isn't good for me, nor my weight loss so if anyone has any tips on how to increase this (foods to eat etc), then I'd really appreciate that. I thought I ate a lot (3 meals a day, plus snacks!) but clearly the amount I was eating before wasn't the issue, just the type(s) of food. Gah. I'll get there eventually!

    No other news from me. Thinking of you all on the US east coast, stay safe x

    It's tough to offer suggestions without access to your diary, but just as a general rule, try eating more calorie-dense foods, like nuts or peanut butter. Glad you're feeling a little better!
  • hufflepuffin
    im giving up for the night hufflepuffin but heres how i did today

    i did 500 jumping jacks so managed 25 sets and just going to have my 4th glass of water hope i did enough to gain some points

    You did great! You have more OWLs than anyone else so far! :D
  • hufflepuffin
    I vote for crunches! Let's work on our abs!

    Also, did my weigh-in this morning and I'm down 4.8 pounds, from 264.8 to 260.0! Yay!!

    That's fantastic! 2% of your body weight - GONE! I have you updated on the spreadsheet. Great work. :)
  • hufflepuffin

    If you're seeing this post and you're not a member (but you're a Hufflepuff at heart!) you can still join! Say hello and jump right in!

    Hi I'm Heidi-Rose. my first week on mfp. starting weight 218.

    You've been added to the spreadsheet. Welcome! :)

    Check the blog, if you haven't already, for the rules
  • hufflepuffin
    Hello my lovely Puffies! I have a few updates for you!

    Some of the weight-loss reports are in for the week, and as of right now, our group has lost 14.2 pounds!

    *round of applause*

    Also, as it stands right now, we've done 2,110 Jumping Jacks!!! That's 105.5 sets!!! That's amazing!!!

    The OWL leaders at this point are Jubilee1724 with 30 and Jenn_W with 25.

    NEWTs are tied up at 2 between Jenn_W,bumflapassassin,faythe, and NannyMagnolia.

    Once again, the inter-House competition begins on September 5th. At that time, we're going to be asking everyone keep track of their exercise minutes and report them in the Common Room for House Points.

    Also, the weekly in-House challenge (beginning tomorrow) is still up for vote.

    Push-ups and Crunches are close, with 5 votes to 4 in favor of push-ups. If you'd rather do crunches, make sure you get your vote in if you haven't already! We'll close voting at 10 pm EST (5 hours from now) so I can get the specifics organized to be announced tonight or tomorrow morning.

    Last but not least, we've taken on two more students today. Jaelynsmith89 and HeidiRoseC bring our student count to 25! Last I checked, Ravenclaw has 27 and Gryffindor has about 30, so we're right up there!

    All of our Badgers on the US East Coast: stay dry, stay safe, and stay AWESOME.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Forgot to report my jumping jacks. My husband and I (he is in the U.S. Navy) did 1,000 jumping jacks ... and counting. Keep up the great work!
  • hufflepuffin
    Forgot to report my jumping jacks. My husband and I (he is in the U.S. Navy) did 1,000 jumping jacks ... and counting. Keep up the great work!

    Wow! That's great!!
  • Molly_Louise
    I vote crunches for our next challenge!
  • akgerweck
    akgerweck Posts: 11 Member
    For this week I met my water goal every day between Thursday and today. I only got in 20 jumping jacks Thursday night, so bummer there.

    I vote for crunches this week. That way I can work on improving my push up technique before we do them. LOL!
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    Current Weight 198
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Forgot to report my jumping jacks. My husband and I (he is in the U.S. Navy) did 1,000 jumping jacks ... and counting. Keep up the great work!

    Goodness!! I am gonna have to do a bunch to catch up with you!! Excellent Job!!

    **Got all my water in.... Now I need to do Jumping Jacks!!!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Before I read any more I'm putting in my vote for crunches!!! (I need to work on my core to help strengthen my bad back) Lunges in second place and push-ups far, far, far, far, far behind anything even remotely close to a finish line!!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in this week at 210.8 ... I lost so I am happy. Also today was measurement day for me and in the last month I have lost 4lbs not that great but I'll take it. I also lost 13.5 inches and reduced my body fat by 8.2% :happy: So overall it was a great month! My clothes are fitting better and I am almost certain I have dropped down a size. I know I will do even better next month!
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Hey! As of Thursday I weighed 176.2. No jumping jacks thus far. Tattoo will not allow me.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Before I read any more I'm putting in my vote for crunches!!! (I need to work on my core to help strengthen my bad back) Lunges in second place and push-ups far, far, far, far, far behind anything even remotely close to a finish line!!!

    Ps... I hate-hate-hate jumping jacks... And I'll tell you why... I get home from a long day at work, get comfortable... meaning: shoes/socks/bra-OFF & loose bottoms and floppy shirt come on, then stretch out on the recliner as the stress of the workday wears off and my body and mind relaxes enuff to think about MY needs (for a change). So, after a bit I wanna get in at least some of the challenges so I get up make an attempt to do a couple. After just 2 or 3 jumping jacks I painfully realize I need to go upstairs to put on a booby-squisher (sports bra) before I do one more. Wellhell at this point I already feel defeated because I just want to passively git'm'dun but to do this particular challenge I gotta "get dressed" all over again :(

    So, floor exercises, Calisthenics, walking, biking ... I'm all in for... As long as I don't have to get "dressed" for it, then I'm good to go!!! If jumping jacks/exercises will be regular exercises then are there other exercises which will work the same muscles but not so "bouncy"? :)
  • NannyMagnolia
    Okay ... so I'm well under (in fact maybe a bit too low) on my calories today, I've drank more then my share of water for the day, and I just did 60 JUMPING JACKS (not my favourite thing to do). Now my daughters are on their way to pick me up to go to karoke (they sing great ... I enjoy watching them). All in all a pretty good day :) Talk to you all tomorrow. Sweet Dreams.
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I did 300 jumping jacks today, drank my 8 cups of water, and for an NSV, this is my 30th day of logging in! Yay!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    OK, met my water goal and did 200 jumping jacks for the challenge.