Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Weighed in today and sadly no change so I'm still 174. I've been unwell the past few days so haven't been able to complete any jumping jacks which sucks. Feeling really low today so positive thinking for tomorrow!
  • hufflepuffin
    Weighed in today and sadly no change so I'm still 174. I've been unwell the past few days so haven't been able to complete any jumping jacks which sucks. Feeling really low today so positive thinking for tomorrow!

    Hey, that's alright! If you're sick, you need to rest.
    If you want to, you can weigh-in again Sunday or Monday and give me that number. Maybe it'll go down a little bit! :D

    No worries, though. We still love you. :flowerforyou:
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Any chance I can jump in?
    I'm so totally a Hufflepuff at heart.
    (even if everyone swears I'm a Slytherin.)
  • hufflepuffin
    Any chance I can jump in?
    I'm so totally a Hufflepuff at heart.
    (even if everyone swears I'm a Slytherin.)

    Absolutely! Just post your current weight, and you're in. :bigsmile:
  • hufflepuffin

    There have been edits to the blog regarding the inter-House competition.

    For those of you who have read it previously, I'm posting the changes here so you don't have to sort through the entire thing. :)

    - Head Girl/Head Boy will be selected, with no basis on gender as the women in this group greatly outnumber the men, from entire School based on number of House Points accumulated. (one House Point for each minute of exercise)

    - All Four Houses will compete in monthly inter-House competitions. One House Point is given per minute of exercise. Each House's TOTAL House Points are averaged out for a final score. Highest score wins the House Cup.

    Just a little different. We're basing House Points on exercise rather than weight-loss... leaving weight-loss to decide Quidditch Matches alone.

    Which.. works brilliantly for those of us just working to maintain! Right, bumflapassassin? :happy:
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I'm weighting in at 175 currently. :)
  • hufflepuffin
    I'm weighting in at 175 currently. :)

    Got it marked down!

    All of our Rules (for the School and our House) are laid out in the blog.

    We currently have an in-House challenge going on (until Saturday)
    1 OWL for each set of 20 Jumping Jacks and 1 NEWT for every day water goal is reached.

    Take a look at the blog, and if you have any questions post them in here and we'll clarify. We're helpful Huffles!
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    Yayyy! I'm now a Hufflepuff too!!! Thanks for letting me join :)
    Weighed today at 160.8 (have been stuck at 159.8, but gained 1-lb during my vacation this week.
    Ultimate goal is 135-140, depending on which feels right and healthy. Ht: 5'4"
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    are we going to report out minutes exercised weekly on a specific day? just curious. did 30 jumping jacks right now in the stairwell at work.
  • hufflepuffin
    are we going to report out minutes exercised weekly on a specific day? just curious. did 30 jumping jacks right now in the stairwell at work.

    Minutes exercised will be used for the inter-House competition which doesn't begin until September 5th. You may report your exercise minutes as often as you want. You can even keep a running total for yourself as long as you remember to post them here at the end of the competition (Oct 3rd, I believe). Do whatever feels right for you. :smile:

    I'm always checking the Common Room for updates and questions, so I shouldn't miss anything.
  • hufflepuffin
    Yayyy! I'm now a Hufflepuff too!!! Thanks for letting me join :)
    Weighed today at 160.8 (have been stuck at 159.8, but gained 1-lb during my vacation this week.
    Ultimate goal is 135-140, depending on which feels right and healthy. Ht: 5'4"

    Thank you for joining us! Good luck to you!
  • msrobinson77
    This is such a cute idea! How do I join your house?
  • hufflepuffin
    This is such a cute idea! How do I join your house?

    Just post your current weight here and you're in!
    Check the blog for details on the rules. :)

    Welcome to Hufflepuff!
  • Page2777
    Page2777 Posts: 91
    as i have pretty much missed this weeks owl and newt challenge looking forward to having a real go at next weeks gonna try really hard :)
  • hufflepuffin
    as i have pretty much missed this weeks owl and newt challenge looking forward to having a real go at next weeks gonna try really hard :)

    You can still earn some OWLs and NEWTs by tomorrow! They'll roll over into next week and I'll choose Prefects based on the totals on September 1st. :bigsmile:
  • msrobinson77
    So I'm finally a Hufflepuff. My current weight is 150lbs and I suppose my overall goal weight would be 125-130. Haven't even thought that far ahead-just taking it one day at a time:-)
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I posted on the great hall post, but since if I did join the challenge, I'd be a hufflepuff (woo!), so I'll ask here too :)

    Basically, I am going to school and working nights right now so I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with all the challenges, so I may not be able to participate as much as I'd like. I was wondering if it would be ok if I could still try to give this a go?
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Whew!! Trying to stay on top of the JJ Challenge...Nothing like good old competition to keep me motivated!!

    -H2O........Over 8 glasses
    -JJ........300 (Maybe I will punch out some more after I go swim some laps....)

    :-P Bring It On Huffies!! :tongue:

    **All in Love- Jenn :heart:
  • hufflepuffin
    Whew!! Trying to stay on top of the JJ Challenge...Nothing like good old competition to keep me motivated!!

    -H2O........Over 8 glasses
    -JJ........300 (Maybe I will punch out some more after I go swim some laps....)

    :-P Bring It On Huffies!! :tongue:

    **All in Love- Jenn :heart:

    You're in the lead once again!
  • hufflepuffin
    I posted on the great hall post, but since if I did join the challenge, I'd be a hufflepuff (woo!), so I'll ask here too :)

    Basically, I am going to school and working nights right now so I'm not sure I'd be able to keep up with all the challenges, so I may not be able to participate as much as I'd like. I was wondering if it would be ok if I could still try to give this a go?

    Absolutely! Just post your current weight here and you're in!

    Here's the blog post with the School and House rules.

    Welcome aboard! :D