Hufflepuff Common Room



  • momie0205
    I guess yesterdays don't really matter but I did 300 crunches and 10 cups of water.

    I have my first nsv too I went shopping and I can fit into size 12's haven't been here in 2 years yay!!!! I have a major muffin top but I got em on and zipped.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    yesterday 12 cups of water and just 1 set of crunches
    today 2 sets of crunches
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Probably should've added this to my last post-1 set of crunches and 6 cups of water. I can't seem to get past one set of those darn crunches-they just kill my neck. Blah!!

    I don't know if you do this already but some suggestions: Keep your neck straight, hands behind your head (you can craddle your head if you need to, otherwise just have finger tips), look up at the ceiling when you come up. Don't put any strain on your neck. As Jillian michaels says, "The neck isn't invited to this party" :) All in the abs.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Yesterdays updates: 4 sets of crunches, 12 cups of water.

    I'll update today later tonight and from then on I should be on point with everything. It's just been a busy week!
  • hufflepuffin
    dont todays water and crunches count towards octobers total as well?

    Yes. :)
  • hufflepuffin
    Hufflepuffs -

    It's September 1st! Time to announce the Prefects for the month!

    Our Top 2 this month are:

    Jenn_W with 133 combined OWLs/NEWTs and
    lhurtubise with 96 combined OWLs/NEWTs!

    Here are your badges!


    hufflepuff_prefect.png (And there's the code! As always, change IMG to img after pasting into your signature)

    On Sunday, we'll begin a new food and exercise challenge, which will be chosen by the Prefects. They may put it to a vote if they wish, but I just ask they give the other students a day or so to get their votes in. It's also within the rights of a Prefect to assign the challenge without a vote. However you decide to work it, is just fine.

    Jenn_W will be assigning this week's exercise challenge and lhurtubise will assign this week's food challenge. Next week, they'll switch.

    ** Crunches and Water challenge is still in effect, but all of your points have been reset. Today starts scoring for October. **

    Prefects, please have your challenges announced by Saturday - and Congratulations!! :bigsmile:
  • Page2777
    congrats guys :)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Yay! :blushing:

    Now... I get to be everyone's least favorite person!! :grumble: Whoot-Hoot!!

    So, I am thinking... PUSH-UPS! Yuck! Those terrible, terrible dreaded push-ups.
    (:glasses: Bright side: Like sit-ups there is a million ways to do them!)

    My thoughts... Sets of 10.

    Normal = Straight line from head to heel, good plank posture, hands down- further than shoulder width apart (Moving the hands changes which muscle you work...**Keep your booty down!!**)

    Modified (aka girly way)= Straight line from head to knees, same with hand placement

    Wall-Push-ups= Stand around 2 steps back from wall and have same posture as you would for a 'normal' one... Just push off the wall (I'd say watch a youtube video to get this right... Make sure you are making your body work!)

    Maybe an extra 5 points to the person whom can do the most 'Normal' Push-ups??
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
  • Molly_Louise
    Well done Jenn_W and lhurtubise!

    Jenn, the push ups challenge sounds good to me!
  • NannyMagnolia
    Jenn_W and lhurtubise .....

  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member

    Yuck. I dislike push-ups.
    But alas, I can/will do them. :)

    Anything to get my back up off concrete...
  • hipbonesthighgap
    Can I have in please?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    CW 220 lb

  • Molly_Louise
    So just to clarify, the push ups challenge starts on Sunday and the crunches challenge will continue until Saturday?

    I have been awful with my crunches. I've been SO busy preparing to go back to school next week but I'll be on top form for the push ups!
  • momie0205
    Jenn_W and lhurtubise
    Way to go!!!!:smile:

    My belly is so sore from all the crunches. I am down for some pushups I have to do the girly ones though just not coordinated enough to do the reg ones.
  • Page2777
    feel really awful so unmotivated and throat feels really sore so havent done any crunches today and now i feel really guilty about it :(
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    feel really awful so unmotivated and throat feels really sore so havent done any crunches today and now i feel really guilty about it :(

    Don't feel bad!!! Give your body a little TLC right now so you can kick butt later!!! :bigsmile:
  • hufflepuffin
    So just to clarify, the push ups challenge starts on Sunday and the crunches challenge will continue until Saturday?

    I have been awful with my crunches. I've been SO busy preparing to go back to school next week but I'll be on top form for the push ups!

    That's correct!
  • hufflepuffin
    Yay! :blushing:

    Now... I get to be everyone's least favorite person!! :grumble: Whoot-Hoot!!

    So, I am thinking... PUSH-UPS! Yuck! Those terrible, terrible dreaded push-ups.
    (:glasses: Bright side: Like sit-ups there is a million ways to do them!)

    My thoughts... Sets of 10.

    Normal = Straight line from head to heel, good plank posture, hands down- further than shoulder width apart (Moving the hands changes which muscle you work...**Keep your booty down!!**)

    Modified (aka girly way)= Straight line from head to knees, same with hand placement

    Wall-Push-ups= Stand around 2 steps back from wall and have same posture as you would for a 'normal' one... Just push off the wall (I'd say watch a youtube video to get this right... Make sure you are making your body work!)

    Maybe an extra 5 points to the person whom can do the most 'Normal' Push-ups??

    Push-ups challenge sounds great! We'll start this on Sunday!

    Although, it's just my opinion that we should keep all of the points for various forms of push-ups the same. Some of us just aren't at the fitness level where "normal" push-ups are possible. I know I'm not. :embarassed:

    Thanks for the detailing the different ways to go about it, though! Very helpful! :smile:
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    well done prefects!

    i'm looking forward to the push up challenge :happy:

    i have a confession: i have been so lame with my eating and exercising recently. i either work out loads and eat under my calorie goal or i don't work out at all (or very little) and eat like a gannet :ohwell: i have been busy though so, y'know.

    10 cups of water today. ZERO exercise/crunches. will try to do a bit better tomorrow. night :heart: