Hufflepuff Common Room



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I am so excited! I love this challenge! I am racking my brain and my husbands brain for ideas for the food challenge. I will post my idea asap! Great job everyone!

    Edited to add: I drank 12 cups of water plus 200 crunches. I was really sore but everyday they are getting easier! I am loving the push up challenge. That was my original choice!
  • msrobinson77
    Thanks for the tip-I think I must be doing something wrong. Love the JM quote:smile:
    Probably should've added this to my last post-1 set of crunches and 6 cups of water. I can't seem to get past one set of those darn crunches-they just kill my neck. Blah!!

    I don't know if you do this already but some suggestions: Keep your neck straight, hands behind your head (you can craddle your head if you need to, otherwise just have finger tips), look up at the ceiling when you come up. Don't put any strain on your neck. As Jillian michaels says, "The neck isn't invited to this party" :) All in the abs.
  • msrobinson77
    Right there with you Molly! This week has been uber busy preparing for the new school year to start. Went to dinner with my coworkers after a very long day and totally went "into the red." I'm way too sleepy to get myself back to green...(sigh)

    One set of crunches and 4 cups of water today and congratulations to the new Prefects!!!
    So just to clarify, the push ups challenge starts on Sunday and the crunches challenge will continue until Saturday?

    I have been awful with my crunches. I've been SO busy preparing to go back to school next week but I'll be on top form for the push ups!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    For today 11 cups of water and 12 sets of crunches.

    Hufflepuffin, aren't we supposed to be starting the inter-house challenge too? How exactly is that going to work?
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    hey everyone! Congrats to the prefects, you guys seriously KICK BOOTY!

    I had a rough day today with my 'TOM' but I still managed 8 cups plus 2 sets of crunches. Man I am so tired, and frustrated with all this water retention...ugh the joys of being a woman...
  • NannyMagnolia
    Hey hey, reporting in for the day. Did 2 sets of crunches and drank 9 glasses of water.

    On another note. I went to see a foot specialist because I've been using custom made orthotics for about 5 months now and the one still bothers me and my hip is often out. I thought it might be that it needs an adjustment or something. When I went back to the guy I got them from he said I just need to get used to them and offered me no help, so I saw this other specialist today just for a second opinion and some advice. He says I've been using the wrong kind of shoes so I got new shoes today ... what a difference already. You'd think the first guy who is supposed to be an expert would have noticed I was using the wrong shoes but he basically said suck it up. The new specialist showed me some stretches to do for my hip too so in a few days all should be well ... I have about $140 less in my pocket but my feet and hip will thank me for it I'm sure. When I have insurance coverage again next year you can be sure I'll go to the new guy. Boy ... that's a whole lot of story just to say I have new shoes LOL. Good night all and sweet dreams.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    hey everyone! Congrats to the prefects, you guys seriously KICK BOOTY!

    I had a rough day today with my 'TOM' but I still managed 8 cups plus 2 sets of crunches. Man I am so tired, and frustrated with all this water retention...ugh the joys of being a woman...

    TOM was kicking my butt a few days ago. Definitely one of the joys of being a woman! I hope you feel better. Just remember it will be over soon :-)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    10 glasses of water
    150 situps... Played with the new heart rate monitor all night... 2 hours in of exercise... only a few sit-ups tho....

  • momie0205
    10 cups of water and 400 crunches. My poor belly is feeling it tonight though.
  • Nuts4play
    Nuts4play Posts: 92 Member
    My tummy,and my entire legs (all the way around) is feeling SORE! Been a few days since I had a rest day, and I'm wondering if tomorrow should be one.

    Today my accomplishments were...
    30 mins JM Ripped in 30
    60 mins water aerobics
    9 cups water

    The only crunches I did were during Rn30. I didnt count them.
    On a side note... Although my body is sore enough to warrant a rest day... I know it's just a step, and not a step down. :) Full workday tomorrow so proba ly a good day to take a break and heal :)
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    I drank six cups of water today!
    No crunches.
    Woke up with a weird soreness on my left hip bone yesterday and now I can barely even bend to get my back pack. :(
  • Page2777
    ok hopefully i will be able to do the challenge altho push ups scare me will only be able to do the girlie ones but really want to give the wall ones a try so will be checking them out on youtube thanks for the tips prefects :D
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Yay! :blushing:

    Now... I get to be everyone's least favorite person!! :grumble: Whoot-Hoot!!

    So, I am thinking... PUSH-UPS! Yuck! Those terrible, terrible dreaded push-ups.
    (:glasses: Bright side: Like sit-ups there is a million ways to do them!)

    My thoughts... Sets of 10.

    Normal = Straight line from head to heel, good plank posture, hands down- further than shoulder width apart (Moving the hands changes which muscle you work...**Keep your booty down!!**)

    Modified (aka girly way)= Straight line from head to knees, same with hand placement

    Wall-Push-ups= Stand around 2 steps back from wall and have same posture as you would for a 'normal' one... Just push off the wall (I'd say watch a youtube video to get this right... Make sure you are making your body work!)

    Maybe an extra 5 points to the person whom can do the most 'Normal' Push-ups??

    What about tricept push-ups? We're not going to count them?
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Ah! I'm so happy!

    I have an NSV and I had to run back and tell everyone!

    So, usually I wake up and piddle around and right before I go to get dressed, I lift up my shirt to see my belly (I despise it), to keep motivation for the day. Well, today its sorta flat-ish. Like its not bulging out like normal. I'm so excited!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Oh, yeah, should have put this in my last post but I did weigh in this morning. 144.4 Only 12 more pounds to my goal weight!
  • Page2777
    still struggling to get my hufflepuff badge to show :(
  • becky_turcotte
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Yay! :blushing:

    Now... I get to be everyone's least favorite person!! :grumble: Whoot-Hoot!!

    So, I am thinking... PUSH-UPS! Yuck! Those terrible, terrible dreaded push-ups.
    (:glasses: Bright side: Like sit-ups there is a million ways to do them!)

    My thoughts... Sets of 10.

    Normal = Straight line from head to heel, good plank posture, hands down- further than shoulder width apart (Moving the hands changes which muscle you work...**Keep your booty down!!**)

    Modified (aka girly way)= Straight line from head to knees, same with hand placement

    Wall-Push-ups= Stand around 2 steps back from wall and have same posture as you would for a 'normal' one... Just push off the wall (I'd say watch a youtube video to get this right... Make sure you are making your body work!)

    Maybe an extra 5 points to the person whom can do the most 'Normal' Push-ups??

    What about tricept push-ups? We're not going to count them?

    Yes... That was the whole point... and yet I forgot to mention it... Geez! :bigsmile:

    **Placement of arms doesn't matter (just remember saftey) - I was trying to get the point across that ALL fitness Levels can do Push-Ups.

    (*The idea of the extra 5 bonus points was for the one whom did the most 'normal' push-ups all week long, I know I suck at them and wanna give props to the one who can rock them out best!)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I am losing my mind... Don't mind me!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    10 cups of water and 400 crunches. My poor belly is feeling it tonight though.

    OMG YOU GO GIRL! awesome

    yestersday's totals
    125 mins cardio
    10 mins toning dvd arms
    5 mins stretching
    5 sets of crunches (2 sets on a medicine ball, 3 on the floor)
    13 cups of water

    got in the scale this morning 3lbs up! argh, its all the sodium and stress eating.