Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    Hello! I think my current weight is... 180. BUT! I will weigh myself in the morning.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    oh yeah my current weight is 304lbs, cringe. i still can't believe i've typed out my weight.

    Hi Danielle! How much are you hoping to lose, if you don't mind me asking?

    approx 133 lbs that's what MFP calcuated for me. SW was 322 which means a GW of 189 but that seems a bit high.
  • Man_in_Motion
    Am I the only loud-and-proud male member of House Hufflepuff? 264 as of last weigh-in, always on Mondays (but I'll work with the system).
  • hufflepuffin
    Am I the only loud-and-proud male member of House Hufflepuff? 264 as of last weigh-in, always on Mondays (but I'll work with the system).

    We've got one more other than you, Will!
  • hufflepuffin
    (double post. sorry)
  • hufflepuffin
    Am I the only loud-and-proud male member of House Hufflepuff? 264 as of last weigh-in, always on Mondays (but I'll work with the system).

    We've got one more other than you, Will!
  • hufflepuffin
    I vote for starting our first Inter-House challenge in October and doing a month-long challenge. We Gryffs will be done with our current challenges, and you Hufflepuffs are going month to month, yes? I'm gonna see what Ravenclaw thinks and we can start planning!

    What do you think?

    First inter-House competition in October - seconded! Check with Ravenclaw. :)
  • hufflepuffin
    Hello Hufflepuff! Ravenclaw Head of House here. Glad to see you're getting the Common Room set up! Good luck to you all!

    Thanks! As always - Good luck to the Ravenclaws!
  • hufflepuffin
    oh yeah my current weight is 304lbs, cringe. i still can't believe i've typed out my weight.

    No worries, Danielle! The more you have to lose, the more House Points you stand to rack up! We'll do this as a team!
  • hufflepuffin
    Someone in Ravenclaw just suggested we make a Great Hall thread to post about suggestions for Inter-House stuff! What do you think?

    Great! Keeps things more streamlined! Start it up and link us? :)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    OMG!! I wanna be apart of this house!! Can I please, Please!! I am begging, sorry!!

    (Not sure what my current weight is... I have been off the wagon for 5 days!! Around 170... )

  • Molly_Louise
    I should be heading to bed soon but instead I've just put on the first HP film because I've really wanted to watch it since joining Hufflepuff tonight and so I am!
  • hufflepuffin
    OMG!! I wanna be apart of this house!! Can I please, Please!! I am begging, sorry!!

    (Not sure what my current weight is... I have been off the wagon for 5 days!! Around 170... )


    Welcome aboard, fellow Badger!
  • hufflepuffin
    Okay Huffles! Let's get started.

    We'll take a vote for our first in-House weekly challenge.

    Shall we do:

    Jumping Jacks, or
    Mountain Climbers?

    Since it's Wednesday, we'll just do a mini challenge and run it until Sunday, and we'll pick a new one for a whole week.

    Ready... VOTE!

    (Voting closes at 10 pm!)
  • hufflepuffin
    Okay Huffles! Let's get started.

    We'll take a vote for our first in-House weekly challenge.

    Shall we do:

    Jumping Jacks, or
    Mountain Climbers?

    Since it's Wednesday, we'll just do a mini challenge and run it until Sunday, and we'll pick a new one for a whole week.

    Ready... VOTE!

    (Voting closes at 10 pm!)

    That would be.. Eastern Standard Time. :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Okay Huffles! Let's get started.

    We'll take a vote for our first in-House weekly challenge.

    Shall we do:

    Jumping Jacks, or
    Mountain Climbers?

    Since it's Wednesday, we'll just do a mini challenge and run it until Sunday, and we'll pick a new one for a whole week.

    Ready... VOTE!

    (Voting closes at 10 pm!)

    Jumping jacks gets my vote!

    It's gone 10pm here so I hope I haven't missed the opportunity to vote :tongue: I am fully aware that I'm not funny, but I try! :laugh:
  • hufflepuffin
    Okay Huffles! Let's get started.

    We'll take a vote for our first in-House weekly challenge.

    Shall we do:

    Jumping Jacks, or
    Mountain Climbers?

    Since it's Wednesday, we'll just do a mini challenge and run it until Sunday, and we'll pick a new one for a whole week.

    Ready... VOTE!

    (Voting closes at 10 pm!)

    Jumping jacks gets my vote!

    It's gone 10pm here so I hope I haven't missed the opportunity to vote :tongue: I am fully aware that I'm not funny, but I try! :laugh:

    You're good, hun! Voting window is open for another 4 hours!
  • becky_turcotte
    I vote Jumping Jacks as well!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    hey hey, my name's nikki and I'm from the UK too :) my last weigh in (Saturdays) had me as 134.2. I'm afraid I'm using MFP more for fitness and toning than massive weight loss but I so want to be involved... Jumping jacks are fine by me. Not sure what mountain climbers are - I'll have to look it up on youtube. How many jumping jacks do we need to do and how often? Did I miss that part?
  • hufflepuffin
    hey hey, my name's nikki and I'm from the UK too :) my last weigh in (Saturdays) had me as 134.2. I'm afraid I'm using MFP more for fitness and toning than massive weight loss but I so want to be involved... Jumping jacks are fine by me. Not sure what mountain climbers are - I'll have to look it up on youtube. How many jumping jacks do we need to do and how often? Did I miss that part?

    Hi Nikki! No, you didn't miss anything. Since you're in the UK and ahead of me by 5 hours, check back in the morning for specifics!