Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    September 14 -

    OWLs 3
    NEWTs 3
    House Points 45
    Weight 170

    Total so far -

    OWLs 3
    NEWTs 4
    House Points 130
  • momie0205
    Yeah i messed up too I thought it started sunday. I am lost now. Ugh I will post my stats when I get home and can figure out it all. Thanks.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    omg mountain climbers even modified are kicking my butt!
    and did you know you can do them standing up too?
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    omg mountain climbers even modified are kicking my butt!
    and did you know you can do them standing up too?

    I think standing, they would just be basically high knees.
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Tosay's stats: 71 house points, 1 newt and 4 owls. Sorry, can't remember yesterday's and it's getting a bit late so I'm hoping you'll be able to collect mine daily. Let me know if not though and I'll get a different system. Ta!

    Edit: just realised that I'd only racked up 2 newts so that's 3 newts, 4 owls and 71 house points total so far.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    omg mountain climbers even modified are kicking my butt!
    and did you know you can do them standing up too?

    I think standing, they would just be basically high knees.

    i posted the modified mountain climber i'm doing but the ones standing up you lean against the wall and just move your feet/legs like scissors back and forth. personally those seem more difficult.

    hey perfects! ran across this website yesterday it has a bunch of excerises that we could potentially do for challenges...of course most of use would have to modify just to spice it up a bit.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    9/14 Stats...

    OWLs: 5
    NEWTs: 0 (Yuck!! Maybe I will work my way into them later - but I doubt it.)
    House Points: 72

    Having a weird day... Headache is still lingering around, not as severe as it has been. Thank God!!

    Hope everyone is doing AMAZING!! Go Hufflepuff!! Toot-toot!!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Mountain Climbers:0
    Exercise minutes:9

    Mountain Climbers:0
    Exercise Minutes:150minutes

    Mountain Climbers: 1 set
    Exercise minutes:34 mnutes
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    9/14 Stats...

    OWLs: 5
    NEWTs: 0 (Yuck!! Maybe I will work my way into them later - but I doubt it.)
    House Points: 72

    Having a weird day... Headache is still lingering around, not as severe as it has been. Thank God!!

    Hope everyone is doing AMAZING!! Go Hufflepuff!! Toot-toot!!

    I have lost my mind... I had 5+ servings of fruit and did NO mtn climbers... I need to draw myself a picture diagram so I can set things straight... Or maybe a remembrall... Now where did I put it....
  • momie0205
    If the challenge started monday then

    sundays stats: are 50 pushups no green veggies and 30 min of exercise.
    Mondays stats: 2 sets of mountain climbers 1 serving of fruit 55 min of exercise
    tuesdays stats: same and same, 85 min
    wedensday states: same same and same

    6 sets of mountain climbers, 3 servings of fruit, 155 min of exercise. Sorry for the confusion.
  • becky_turcotte
    Yesterday's Stats:

    Mt Climers: 0
    Fruits: 2
    Workout Minutes: 60
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Yesterday's stats:
    Owls 2
    Newts 2
    House points just 1 (1 minute of mountain climber :wink: )

    Tennis class again today so the numbers will be high tomorrow.

    Exciting news....I weighed myself today and I'm down to 142. That means I'm exactly 10 pounds from my goal weight!! I can't believe I'm almost out of the 140s.
  • momie0205
    Yesterday's stats:
    Owls 2
    Newts 2
    House points just 1 (1 minute of mountain climber :wink: )

    Tennis class again today so the numbers will be high tomorrow.

    Exciting news....I weighed myself today and I'm down to 142. That means I'm exactly 10 pounds from my goal weight!! I can't believe I'm almost out of the 140s.

    Congratulations!!!! :happy: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    1 newt, 3 owls and 20 house points for today, which makes:

    4 newts, 7 owls and 91 house points total so far.

    Torchwood is on later so I may just get some crisps from the car as a special treat while I watch (they're in there so that it's more difficult to *accidentally* eat them all at once)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Also, do I get a NSV for managing to do the lunges with bicep curl exercise in 30DS without giving up before Gillian allows me to? I've been doing the DVD for some time now (on and off) and I've never managed it before today
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    1 newt, 3 owls and 20 house points for today, which makes:

    4 newts, 7 owls and 91 house points total so far.

    Torchwood is on later so I may just get some crisps from the car as a special treat while I watch (they're in there so that it's more difficult to *accidentally* eat them all at once)

    Torchwood!! I love Torchwood. Wish I could get British shows online like I can American shows. I'm too cheap to pay for cable here.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    9/15 Stats....

    Fruits... 5
    Mtn Climbers....0
    House Points...175 (Whoot Hoot! To riding my bike to work got me in 120 mins of working out and burned over 1000 cals-HRM!!)
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Mountain Climbers:0
  • becky_turcotte
    9/15 Stats

    Fruit: 1
    Climers: 0
    Exercise: 50 mins
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Thursday's stats:

    Owls 0
    Newts 1
    House points 173

    Official Friday weigh-in (I didn't believe it either but I weighed myself 3 times and even zeroed the scale out again to be sure) 140.8