Hufflepuff Common Room



  • msrobinson77
    Looks like everyone had a great week. Proud to say I stayed strong last night at my GNO. The six of us ordered a few desserts to split and somehow I managed to have just one bite-woohoo!! That is definitely a first for me.

    Here are my totals since my last check in. This includes today.

    Owls 4
    Newts 14
    House points-255
    Weight 148lbs- down 1.5 lbs since last week's weigh in-can you see me cheesing from ear to ear???

    Enjoy your weekend ladies!!
  • momie0205
    Ok when did the other competition start?
  • hufflepuffin
    Ok when did the other competition start?

    Monday, the 5th
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! I just want to stop in and share some of my success! I finally posted progress pics! I always said I would do it once I was down 20lbs. Be warned I am in my underwear but I would like to share the link for anyone looking for some inspiration! Have a great weekend!
  • Molly_Louise
    Are we having a new challenge tomorrow or is the push ups/green foods challenge continuing?
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Are we having a new challenge tomorrow or is the push ups/green foods challenge continuing?

    As far as I understood myself and the other Prefect should be switching duties. If I am correct that means I pick the exercise challenge this week. I also think we are supposed to start the new challenges tomorrow. Hopefully our awesome leader will clarify everything for us soon!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Whenever we do switch over this week's exercise challenge will be mountain climbers! I know everyone is going to hate me but start of slow and you will be amazed at how quickly you can build up. Here is a video for everyone who doesn't know what a mountain climber is . Mountain climbers are difficult so I think 30 secs should be considered something like a set and should count for one OWL. I am having surgery Tuesday and I am afraid the recovery will leave me unable to participate in this challenge after Tuesday so I will get in as much as I can until that time. Everyone is doing awesome! :flowerforyou:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Stats for 9-10-11
    OWLs:0 (Rest day)
    House Points:0 (Rest day)

    Every little bit counts
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Stats for the week:

    OWLS: 42
    NEWTS 20
    House Points: 430

    That's Sunday to Saturday with House Points starting on Monday.

    My weight this week was a little jumpy, but my low weight was 153.6. (It was right there for 3 days and then jumped up 2 pounds suddenly on Friday morning so I'm sticking with the lower weight since I think the other must have been water retention.)

    NSV this week, had to buy clothes so that I would have things to wear to work and got some great deals at a consignment shop in the area. Spent more than I wanted, but got A LOT for what I spent. Anyway, I finally have legs that I feel confident enough in to wear leggings. I've never even imagined myself in leggings and NEVER considered buying any, but I look and feel awesome in them!
  • momie0205
    Stats for the week:

    OWLS: 42
    NEWTS 20
    House Points: 430

    That's Sunday to Saturday with House Points starting on Monday.

    My weight this week was a little jumpy, but my low weight was 153.6. (It was right there for 3 days and then jumped up 2 pounds suddenly on Friday morning so I'm sticking with the lower weight since I think the other must have been water retention.)

    NSV this week, had to buy clothes so that I would have things to wear to work and got some great deals at a consignment shop in the area. Spent more than I wanted, but got A LOT for what I spent. Anyway, I finally have legs that I feel confident enough in to wear leggings. I've never even imagined myself in leggings and NEVER considered buying any, but I look and feel awesome in them!

    That is so awesome about the leggings I hope to maybe look pretty good in some too. I have never wore them ever.
  • momie0205
    Does it go from 9-4-11 or 9-5-11?

    NEWTs: 5
    House Points:440

    I went from sunday to today if that is wrong I can change my numbers. I will weigh in on monday.

    Ok these are my totals for the week. I changed them. If I happen to do anymore push ups I will post it in the morning.
  • momie0205
    Ok I know it seems like I have no life. But I ended up doing 30 more min of workout and 50 more pushups which puts me at

    Sorry for so many posts. I have 3 kids so we stay home alot so all I have is time to workout and be on here. Plus, my husband works 6 days a week a lot so he is wore out in the evenings. Which is good for me cause I am losing weight and have not been happier just seems like I post way too much.
  • hufflepuffin
    Whoa, I'm sorry Hufflepuffs! I completely forgot we announce the new in-House challenge on Saturdays! :embarassed:

    Prefects, please post the in-House challenges for this week.

    lhurtubise, I see you've decided on Mountain Climbers! 30 seconds a set for one OWL is fine by me. Do them slowly at first if you have to, Huffles!

    Jenn_W, you'll be deciding our food challenge this week!

    Thank you, lhurtubise, for reminding me about the in-House challenge. The weekend just got away from me. :embarassed:

    My apologies again, my lovelies!
  • Molly_Louise
    Mountain climbers sound good to me. I've never really attempted these so I'm looking forward to doing them.

    I'd just like to share that I've lost another 1lb so I'm happy today. Only 18lbs to go until I reach my goal!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Stats for the week:

    OWLS: 42
    NEWTS 20
    House Points: 430

    That's Sunday to Saturday with House Points starting on Monday.

    My weight this week was a little jumpy, but my low weight was 153.6. (It was right there for 3 days and then jumped up 2 pounds suddenly on Friday morning so I'm sticking with the lower weight since I think the other must have been water retention.)

    NSV this week, had to buy clothes so that I would have things to wear to work and got some great deals at a consignment shop in the area. Spent more than I wanted, but got A LOT for what I spent. Anyway, I finally have legs that I feel confident enough in to wear leggings. I've never even imagined myself in leggings and NEVER considered buying any, but I look and feel awesome in them!

    Ugh, I did it again. Weight 143.6. It was such a victory for me to get below 150 and yet I keep recording my weight wrong!! I guess my mind just can't comprehend that I'm actually this little.
  • NannyMagnolia
    Weigh in: 203.4 lbs (stayed the same)
    Exercise Minutes: 1015 minutes
    Exercise Challenge: 1 set (too painful, I have a bad shoulder right now ... not an excuse ... a fact)
    Food Challenge: 34 servings (exceeded 3 servings on 3 days)

    This wasn't one of my best weeks ... considering what I've been eating I can't complain about staying the same. I'll do better for the team this week.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    This out to be interesting. MFP doesn't have mountain climbers as an excercise in the database. Not sure yet how I'll calculate those calories.
  • NannyMagnolia
    Wow ... just checked out the Mountain Climbers clip. Looks tough, like a good overall workout. That's what I love about this group, I'm trying things I wouldn't have tried before. Thanks for that :flowerforyou:
  • merryfaith
    merryfaith Posts: 81 Member
    I'm sorry guys, but I have an awful weekly update :(

    OWLs: 2
    NEWTs: 2
    House Points: 0! I've been busy lately so I've just been making sure to eat under my calories goals lately and that's it :/

    weigh-in: 117.6 (lost .8 pounds)

    I'll try to participate more in the challenges this week! I'm so sorry for bringing our totals down.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Whoa, I'm sorry Hufflepuffs! I completely forgot we announce the new in-House challenge on Saturdays! :embarassed:

    Prefects, please post the in-House challenges for this week.

    lhurtubise, I see you've decided on Mountain Climbers! 30 seconds a set for one OWL is fine by me. Do them slowly at first if you have to, Huffles!

    Jenn_W, you'll be deciding our food challenge this week!

    Thank you, lhurtubise, for reminding me about the in-House challenge. The weekend just got away from me. :embarassed:

    My apologies again, my lovelies!

    Hmmmm.... What should we do food wise....

    Fresh/raw fruit... a point for each serving, max of 5.... (There should still be affordable options out there for most - but I guess if not, frozen is next best.)

    My stats for the week: (minus Sunday & Monday)

    OWLs: 16
    NEWTs: 25
    House Points: 575

    Weight: 170.6

    Ugh!! I have been a bum this week!! I need to get back into my business. Stupid work isn't making my life any easier, Poop!!