Hufflepuff Common Room



  • momie0205
    I have a non nsv so I guess it is a scale victory I officially weigh less than my husband so happy!!!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I have a non nsv so I guess it is a scale victory I officially weigh less than my husband so happy!!!

    YAY!! That is an awesome one!! (I am always bigger than the guys I date... maybe I should start dating guys that weight more than 150#s... Hummm... :-P )

    ** I totally forgot we were counting minutes for the interhouse cup... Ugh! I will tally those up for my Weekly report... I got to play soccer with the kid yesterday - One of our favorite past times! And Walking, walking, walking, EVERYWHERE... That is what happens when you no longer own a car!!

    Nicole - You do rock!! And a weekly post will be simple and clean... these boards become a mess after a few weeks, just because. You are doing amazing. Thank you! And keep up the AMAZING WORK!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Hi fellow Hufflepuffs! Hope everyone had a good day. It's so tough going back to work after a long weekend, especially when it's dreary and rainy outside. The rain meant my tennis class was cancelled. Too bad, I was looking forward to including those minutes in my weekly totals :grumble: But I went to the gym and got on a treadmill so I pretty much salvaged the time. Now I'm getting a late supper of salmon, sweet potato and corn. Yum!!:bigsmile:

    Have a great night everyone, you're all doing great!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! I hope you are doing well with exercise and don't forget the green veggies!
  • momie0205
    I started level 3 of 30 day shred tonight boy did it kick my butt. I wanted to be able to add it to my minutes excersised though. I am also battling aunt flow right now she sure can go visit someone else for all I care ugh. Glad tomorrow is hump day the weekend went by way too quick even with a 3 day one.
  • msrobinson77
    NSV-:happy: Went back to work yesterday after being off for the summer. Two of my coworkers said, "Oh, you've lost some weight." Finally!!!!
  • NannyMagnolia
    NSV-:happy: Went back to work yesterday after being off for the summer. Two of my coworkers said, "Oh, you've lost some weight." Finally!!!!

    Congratulations, that's such a great feeling when people notice :)
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi everyone, I hope you're all well.

    I'm feeling really healthy today, I've drank a lot of water and little exercise and I feel great. I'm going out for pizza with my girl friends tonight so I'm not sure I'll be feeling so healthy after ;)
  • becky_turcotte
    Good morning everyone. I've been absent the last two days haveing internet trouble. Here are my totals for the last few days:

    Push ups: 200
    Water: 9
    Exercise Minutes: 120
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening all, today is the first time since Saturday I've finished the day under my calorie goal. Just thought I'd mention that since it's been bugging me that most days the number is red and I feel hungry and annoyed at myself.

    The push-ups are a good but difficult challenge and I'm enjoying eating more veg than I normally would. I hope everyone else is enjoying it too :)
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey Hufflepuffs! :smile:

    Those of you who have posted stats for this week so far, I have them written down. Exclude them from the totals in your next update.

    Just a reminder, the inter-House competition for the Cup is in full swing. Make sure your exercise minutes for the week are submitted with your weigh-in this weekend.

    You can read this for the rules:
  • momie0205
    Hope everyone is having a happy thursday!!! It is my payday and a present to myself is going to be some new weights :happy: I am excited. I have 8 more days of 30 day shred left and it has been a great 30 days. I am going to redo it when I finish. I hope everyone is getting their green veggies and push ups in!!! :happy: :happy:
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! I just wanted to stop in and see how everyone is doing. I feel like there isn't much activity since we aren't reporting on a daily basis. I hope everyone is still doing well. I really don't want this challenge to die out like so many others have :mad: I am having a surgery Tuesday so I think the liquid diet for 2 weeks will definitely cause me to have some big losses. Don't forget your green veggies!
  • momie0205
    I too feel like it has died down as well. I don't want it to end either. I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday! I am so glad the weekend is finally going to be here again.
  • hufflepuffin
    My computer is giving me the business tonight!!!. :grumble:
  • hufflepuffin
    Looking forward to weigh-ins this weekend? I'm definitely NOT. I hope all the birthday fun over the weekend doesn't come back to bite me! :grumble:
  • hufflepuffin
    Do we want daily updates back? If we all update with a summary of our points at the end, it would be a nice compromise.


    "checking in for the day. I did 10 sets of push-ups (3 sets of wall push-ups and 7 normal sets), ate all my veggies today and exercised 65 minutes total!

    OWLs: 10
    NEWTs: 3
    House Points: 66

    How's that? We get the instant gratification of reporting our numbers that day , a busier Common Room (which I think we all want!) and it keeps the numbers nice and neat for me so I can gather them quickly on my busier days, and double-check when I need to. :smile:

    I want to find something that works for everybody, so please let me know what you think!
  • hufflepuffin
    I have a non nsv so I guess it is a scale victory I officially weigh less than my husband so happy!!!

    YAY!! That is an awesome one!! (I am always bigger than the guys I date... maybe I should start dating guys that weight more than 150#s... Hummm... :-P )

    ** I totally forgot we were counting minutes for the interhouse cup... Ugh! I will tally those up for my Weekly report... I got to play soccer with the kid yesterday - One of our favorite past times! And Walking, walking, walking, EVERYWHERE... That is what happens when you no longer own a car!!

    Nicole - You do rock!! And a weekly post will be simple and clean... these boards become a mess after a few weeks, just because. You are doing amazing. Thank you! And keep up the AMAZING WORK!!

    Thanks Jenn! Not everyone's digging the weekly-post idea.. and it killed the Common Room's flow more than I thought it would. :frown:
  • msrobinson77
    Knowing I had to report daily was a nice motivator but, the logistics of keeping track of everyone's #s had a be a nightmare. It's definitely been quiet-did we lose some Huffles along the way??? Nicole, whatever you want us to do is okay by me.

    For now, I plan to report my totals tomorrow on my weigh in day. GNO tonight-hope I show some restraint! Happy Friday everyone!
  • becky_turcotte
    Hello my Badger friends! I hope your week has been great! Here are my totals for the last two days:

    Work out Minutes: 150
    Water: 8 cups
    Push ups: 0 (yeah I know I'm slackin')

    Good luck everyone. Enjoy your friday!!!