Hufflepuff Common Room



  • momie0205
    :happy: I am weighing in at 175.2 I lost 4.2 pounds since last week so excited. :happy: :happy:
  • NannyMagnolia
  • becky_turcotte
    I am 194.8, 3 more lbs down!! Whoo Hoo.
  • Molly_Louise
    100 girlie style press ups from me! Once again no weight lost (I can't remember if I said this yesterday or not) so disappointed but it could be worse.

    I have good news this week. Last night, my work had a summer party which I went to and OMG I felt amazing! I may even post a picture because I felt that good! I have serious issues with the way I look and have done for as long as I can remember, and it's probably a major contributing factor to my overweightness; so really an endless vicious circle. I may even post a picture of what I wore if I can find one on my camera! The party last night is probably the reason I didn't lose any weight this week and is definitely the reason I put on any weight I lost but I don't care, I felt amazing!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    this week i did a bit of stress eating and gained back 5lbs even after all the exercising i did. goes to show me that i not only need to be under my calorie limit but do it with better nutrition.
    saturday 0 crunches 6 cups of water
    sunday 100 crunches 50 modified push ups 12 cups of water
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Monday:60 girlie pushups

    I'm starting to build up my own work-out through what our weekly challenges are and bits and pieces of 30DS :) I've never been able to workout without a DVD so... I guess that's an NSV for me!
    Today I did, of course the 60 pushups, 100jumping jacks, 150crunches (various), 50 squats, 50 tricep extentions (25 each side), 50 bicep curls, 50 shoulder press, and 50 chest flies.

    I will update my water at the end of the day! I'm only down 2cups so far :x
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Yesterday about three cups of water.
    And no push-ups.

    I will do stuff today.
  • heyhaleylee
    heyhaleylee Posts: 31 Member
    I've never been so excited about a forum topic. Is that sad? The name's Haley, and stats are in the signature :)
  • hufflepuffin
    Hi Hufflepuffs!

    I apologize again for my scarce presence this weekend. It was a crazy one! I'm back now, though, and I really need to kick butt this week to make up for all the celebrating over the weekend!

    Mondays are our due-dates for weigh-ins, and I currently do not have updates for the following students:


    If you posted your weight here but you're on my list of those who didn't, I apologize. There was a lot for me to go through and while I was careful, I may have missed it. I need to submit our weights to Head of Gryffindor by Wednesday for the Quidditch Match. Please have them in by then, preferably sooner! :smile:

    Also, it sounds like some clarification is needed about our Competitions.

    1.) Our weekly House Challenges run Sunday to Saturday, and this week we're doing Push-ups and Green Vegetables.
    -The list of vegetables provided is just a guide.
    -We are no longer (as of Sunday) keeping score for crunches and water.

    2.) There are two types of inter-House competitions.
    -Our Quidditch matches are our weekly weigh-ins. All students in the school weigh-in over the weekend. The winner (biggest loss percent) of the first one will be announced Wednesday.
    - the inter-House competition begins today, and we're competing for most House Points achieved, with one House Point being given per minute of exercise. Your strength training as well as cardio counts as exercise.

    3.) I'm going to request that everyone now give their numbers on a weekly basis. When you weigh-in each week, report your minutes exercised for the inter-House competition, your numbers for the in-House exercise challenge and your numbers for the in-House food challenge all at once. We're steadily gaining students and a once a week report will make it much easier for me to keep track of who is participating and who isn't, and to make sure I don't miss anything. I want to give you all the credit you earn for your hard work!

    I've read through all the posts for this weekend, and you've all done so well. :bigsmile: I've said it before, and this won't be the last time you hear it, either.. So proud of my Huffles!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Reporting for yesterday ... 13 cups of water 70 mins of exercise and 75 regular push ups. I am detoxing this week so I got in 12 servings of green veggies because that's all I am eating. I am hurting today but I still plan on doing more push ups!
  • Molly_Louise
    Nicole, when you say reporting our numbers on a weekly basis, is that for both the Hufflepuff house challenges and the Inter-house competition? Or just the inter-house comp? I don't want to mess up! Haha
  • msrobinson77
    Thanks so much Hufflepuffin for keeping us all organized!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Um... So I ran away... LOL!!

    My kid is finally back.. Whoo-Hoot!! Now I have this week to figure out how to work-out & be a single mom, again. I have been spoiled (and lonely) with 6 weeks to myself...

    This weeks weight in... up a pound 170.4.... Grrrr!!

    I got all my water in for Saturday. Sunday & Monday got my 3 servings of 'green' veggies...

    Working out.... Ugh, none for the past couple days. I will try to get in some push-ups after my kid goes to bed... I better do some push-ups since I picked them!!!
  • hufflepuffin
    Nicole, when you say reporting our numbers on a weekly basis, is that for both the Hufflepuff house challenges and the Inter-house competition? Or just the inter-house comp? I don't want to mess up! Haha

    I would prefer, if possible, that everyone report all of their numbers for the week with their weigh-ins. :)


    Weigh in: 195
    Exercise Minutes: 700
    Exercise Challenge: 50 sets
    Food Challenge: 18 servings (exceeded 3 servings: 2 days)

    This would be so, SO much easier on me. :laugh:

    If I need an update before weigh-in day (like, if the inter-House competition for should end before then), I'll let you all know in advance.

    Everyone who already posted some numbers this week, I have you all marked down so far! So if you're going to wait until your next weigh-in to report the rest, don't count Monday, as you've already been given credit for it.

    Again, I apologize that this can be confusing at times. I'm working with the other Heads of Houses to find schedules and methods that work well for everyone. We appreciate your patience, understanding and your participation! :smile:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey everyone! I hope that everyone (especially the Americans) did ok with the big cook out day yesterday. I did NOT! I ate SO much bad crap!

    Could someone remind me when weigh in day is for huffles? I've forgotten and I am on several other groups on the board that all have different weigh-in days, so I need to get myself a calendar or something together so I don't forget when to post my stats.

    So, for the record, I maintained this week but didn't do anything extra on top of teaching Zumba, though I did get my 8 cups of water in each day.
  • Molly_Louise
    Nicole, when you say reporting our numbers on a weekly basis, is that for both the Hufflepuff house challenges and the Inter-house competition? Or just the inter-house comp? I don't want to mess up! Haha

    I would prefer, if possible, that everyone report all of their numbers for the week with their weigh-ins. :)


    Weigh in: 195
    Exercise Minutes: 700
    Exercise Challenge: 50 sets
    Food Challenge: 18 servings (exceeded 3 servings: 2 days)

    This would be so, SO much easier on me. :laugh:

    If I need an update before weigh-in day (like, if the inter-House competition for should end before then), I'll let you all know in advance.

    Everyone who already posted some numbers this week, I have you all marked down so far! So if you're going to wait until your next weigh-in to report the rest, don't count Monday, as you've already been given credit for it.

    Again, I apologize that this can be confusing at times. I'm working with the other Heads of Houses to find schedules and methods that work well for everyone. We appreciate your patience, understanding and your participation! :smile:

    You are such an amazing head of house Nicole! Credit to you for all you do for us Huffles. I don't know if I'm speaking for myself here, but postly weekly figures seems a lot easier for us all as it's a lot easier to keep track of posts!
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    Do we need to throw water in on that weekly post, too?
  • Molly_Louise
    Do we need to throw water in on that weekly post, too?

    The water challenge is now over, so I'm assuming no.
  • hufflepuffin
    Do we need to throw water in on that weekly post, too?

    The water challenge is now over, so I'm assuming no.

    Correct. Water challenge is over.
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey everyone! I hope that everyone (especially the Americans) did ok with the big cook out day yesterday. I did NOT! I ate SO much bad crap!

    Could someone remind me when weigh in day is for huffles? I've forgotten and I am on several other groups on the board that all have different weigh-in days, so I need to get myself a calendar or something together so I don't forget when to post my stats.

    So, for the record, I maintained this week but didn't do anything extra on top of teaching Zumba, though I did get my 8 cups of water in each day.

    Hufflepuff weigh-ins are anytime between Friday and Monday.