Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Sorry for not posting yesterday, I was busy during the day and then on a date in the evening. Here's my totals for yesterday, today and an updated weekly total so far.

    Thursday (Sept. 15)

    OWLs 2
    NEWTs 2
    House Points 30
    Weight 170

    Friday (Sept. 16)

    OWLs 3
    NEWTs 0
    House Points 85
    Weight 170

    Totals so far -

    OWLs 10
    NEWTs 6
    House Points 245
    Weight 170

    I'll post my final weight, plus final 'results' on Sunday.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    What part of the body should we focus on for next weeks exercise Points??

    I wanna hear it from the House then I will go pick something fun!! (Plus it might make the board a little more active... Yawwwnnn!! Luff Ya All!!)

    Vote! Vote! Vote!!

  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    We haven't done legs yet.
  • momie0205
  • momie0205
    I am going to start weighing in on Fridays. I was .2 of a pound so I am up to 175 even. I weighed myself a million times today. I finished 30 day shred last night. I plan to take the night off and start round two tomorrow. I am looking forward to great results.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in for 9/14-9/16.
    I am weighing in tomorrow so I will add that stat tomorrow.

    OWL:0 ( Just had surgery I can't exercise)
    Newts: 15
    House Points: 15 ( I have been low on energy so this is all I could muster up. Just small walks. I will be contributing more to the group when I am done with recovery. I am still heavily medicated and swollen.

    Everyone is doing awesome!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    For this weeks food challenge I would like to focus on not so much what you're eating but what is in the food you eat! That dreaded sodium. Often too much sodium and not enough water makes the scale jump a little. This week I want you to focus on your sodium intake. Read the labels on the food you are eating. Processed food has a ton of sodium in it. Try to stick with more natural options. I know sodium is often the culprit when I see a lb gain in one day. For each day you stay under your recommended sodium intake you will receive 3 Newts. If you drink 8 glasses of water in addition to staying under sodium you can earn 2 more Newts for a total of 5 Newts per day maximum. Hopefully everyone thinks this is a good challenge. I know it is not a challenge to eat a specific food, but I still think it's a good one!
  • Molly_Louise
    For this weeks food challenge I would like to focus on not so much what you're eating but what is in the food you eat! That dreaded sodium. Often too much sodium and not enough water makes the scale jump a little. This week I want you to focus on your sodium intake. Read the labels on the food you are eating. Processed food has a ton of sodium in it. Try to stick with more natural options. I know sodium is often the culprit when I see a lb gain in one day. For each day you stay under your recommended sodium intake you will receive 3 Newts. If you drink 8 glasses of water in addition to staying under sodium you can earn 2 more Newts for a total of 5 Newts per day maximum. Hopefully everyone thinks this is a good challenge. I know it is not a challenge to eat a specific food, but I still think it's a good one!

    Ooh I like it! Brilliant idea. This challenge starts on Sunday doesn't it?
  • hufflepuffin
    Hey guys! Just have time for a quick update today...

    Just reminding Prefects that the new weekly challenges should be announced tomorrow, and will begin on Sunday. I'm off to celebrate the last (thankfully!!) Family birthday we have this month!

    Stay awesome!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Watching sodium is brilliant!!! I never watch mine... I had to turn my setting on to get ready for the challenge...

    lhurtubise-- Can you do any leg exercises? (Walking Lunges, body weight squats, leg lifts??) I wanna to try and make it as fair as possible for EVERYONE to get some points in....
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Watching sodium is brilliant!!! I never watch mine... I had to turn my setting on to get ready for the challenge...

    lhurtubise-- Can you do any leg exercises? (Walking Lunges, body weight squats, leg lifts??) I wanna to try and make it as fair as possible for EVERYONE to get some points in....

    Thanks for asking! I think I could definitely do some lunges and/or squats!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    zero points for me today in all areas but I'll see what I can do over the weekend. i would like to work on my arms personally, although leg exercises are also good.

    i could do with strengthening the muscles in my ankles. does anyone have any advice? thanks :)
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    zero points for me today in all areas but I'll see what I can do over the weekend. i would like to work on my arms personally, although leg exercises are also good.

    i could do with strengthening the muscles in my ankles. does anyone have any advice? thanks :)

    Have you ever tried the ankle weights. They are like little Velcro weights that go around your ankle. My mom swears by them she has 2lb set. Good luck !
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    9/16 Stats... (Let's see how many times I can post today....)

    Fruit... 5+
    Mtn Climbers....0 ( I need to get on them... Ugh!)
    House Points... 124 (That is a lot but I feel like a total slacker today...Ugh!!)

    Two votes thus far for legs and one for arms.... Where are the rest of the Hufflepuffs? (I think I can count....Oi!!)

    Have an amazing weekend Everyone!!
  • msrobinson77
    Lost 2 lbs this week! Woo Hoo!!! My current weight is 146. Throughout my 20s I weighed 135 and I was reasonably happy with this weight. I'm not sure how or why I gained 25 pounds the last couple years but, man it feels good to see the scale move in the other direction:bigsmile:

    For the week-including today:

    16 fruits- Are we counting a whole banana as 2 servings of fruit? If so I have more than 16.
    2 mountain climbers (okay, I'll admit it. I have the upper body strength of an infant.)
    215 House Points

    Have a great Saturday.

    BTW IHURTUBISE, I think the sodium/water challenge is fabulous!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Friday's stats

    Owls 2
    Newts 1
    House points 100 (Volleyball :smile: )

    NSV for today. I went hiking with my sister and a friend on a portion of the Pinhoti trail that runs through the area. At the very beginning of the trail from the road there is a VERY steep hill that I couldn't even get up a couple of years ago. Made it up huffing and puffing a few weeks back with my sister, but today I was barely winded by the climb!
  • heyhaleylee
    heyhaleylee Posts: 31 Member
    I've been a very absent Hufflepuff. However, I'm definitely going to get involved, starting tomorrow with the new challenge :)

    Feel free to add me! Just put Hufflepuff in the message box!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in for Saturday 9/17:
    Weight: 204.6 ( I lost :happy: )
    OWLs; 0
    House Points:120

    I am very happy with the positive response towards watching sodium. I hope this challenge helps everyone this coming week.
  • hufflepuffin
    Oh my Goodness! I didn't realize how super-busy I've been this week until I sat down to collect these numbers!

    I'm all caught up with everyone now, though. :smile: Hope everyone's having a great weekend, and don't forget those weigh-ins and vote for the exercise challenge if you haven't already!

    Legs or arms? :smile:
  • Molly_Louise
    Saturday (Sept. 17)

    OWLs 0
    NEWTS 2
    House Points 180
    Weight 170

    Totals so far -

    OWLs 10
    NEWTs 2
    House Points 425
    Weight 170

    Sorry I haven't been posting too much. I'm in my second week back at school, so I'm adjusting to that, plus seeing a lot of friends who are heading off to university and saying goodbye to them. I'll be back to posting as usual as of Monday! I hope everyone is well.