Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Molly_Louise
    Hi all,

    Finally caught up with all of the messages! It's a shame Nicole has gone, especially with no notice. Hopefully she'll be back soon though and this is just temporary! I'm happy to support anyone who wishes to takes over her role as Head of House. lhurtubise seems to want to do it, and is supported by everyone else so it seems to me as if we have our new Head!

    Apologies for my absence this week. If you hadn't seen my earlier posts, I had suspected meningitis earlier in the week but thankfully this turned out to be just a viral infection. I had been told to rest all week, and the infection had really taken everything out of me, which is why I haven't been around much as most of my time I spent sleeping! I'm on the mend now, slowly but surely but haven't been able to do much exercise this week so sorry for dragging us down with regards to the competition.

    I'll be posting my stats from this week on Saturday evening, including weight loss.

    I hope you're all doing well! xox
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    So it looks like I am the new head of house. * At least until Nicole returns. I am still hopeful she was doing an amazing job and after reading all the information I can't believe how much she had to do, but still I am up to the challenge! I am going to start getting numbers together for the lead of this challenge. Since there is only one more week left for the Prefect job I will do that and pick the highest OWLs and NEWTs winners to start the duties for October. Everyone is doing awesome. I hope to keep this challenge going!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Lhurtubise- let me know if you need any help, especially trolling the previous posts for everyone’s numbers.

    Here are my numbers for 9/19 to 9/21
    House points 230
    Newts 10 (1 day I was over so proud of me)
    Owls 15
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Ok it took me several hours but I did get almost all the previous numbers together! I also made a spreadsheet so you can see the results of all your hard work. I will be posting this each week probably on Wednesday's since the weights and check ins have to be done by Monday! Also it will be a great help if you could put your actual weight when you check in. I know some people like to say they lost 1lb or something like that, but since I wasn't the leader at the beginning I don't have all the numbers so it's easier to get the actual weight. I hope you like it!


    Edited to add: If you are not on the chart I simply could not find enough recent check ins to determine if you are still a part of the challenge. Please just message me your information and I would be more than happy to add you!
  • Molly_Louise
    Ok it took me several hours but I did get almost all the previous numbers together! I also made a spreadsheet so you can see the results of all your hard work. I will be posting this each week probably on Wednesday's since the weights and check ins have to be done by Monday! Also it will be a great help if you could put your actual weight when you check in. I know some people like to say they lost 1lb or something like that, but since I wasn't the leader at the beginning I don't have all the numbers so it's easier to get the actual weight. I hope you like it!


    Edited to add: If you are not on the chart I simply could not find enough recent check ins to determine if you are still a part of the challenge. Please just message me your information and I would be more than happy to add you!

    Can I be the biggest pain ever and ask for my starting weight to be changed from 174 to 175? My actual start weight was 175, but I must have made an error and said 174. Sorry to be a pain!

    Thank you so much for doing this. I know I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate the effort you've put into getting everyone's figures this evening.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Hufflepuff! Ravenclaw Head of House here - just wanted to give my support to your new Head of House and tell you all that you're doing great! Good luck everyone!!
  • momie0205
    I was over my water yesterday and today. I have 120 lunges and 49 minutes of exercise from today, I love the spreadsheet thanks so much!!!
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    Queeda you are so AMAZING!!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    most recent numbers:

    newts - 0
    owls - 29
    house points - 305

    And my sw was 136, pcw 134 ccw 132
  • momie0205
    OK I weighed in today at 173.6 1.4 pounds lost this week.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member

    Can I be the biggest pain ever and ask for my starting weight to be changed from 174 to 175? My actual start weight was 175, but I must have made an error and said 174. Sorry to be a pain!

    Thank you so much for doing this. I know I speak for everyone when I say we appreciate the effort you've put into getting everyone's figures this evening.


    Not a problem. It will be fixed for the next chart. Every pound counts so I know I would want credit for all the weight I had lost!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    most recent numbers:

    newts - 0
    owls - 29
    house points - 305

    And my sw was 136, pcw 134 ccw 132

    Thank you so much! This information is so helpful!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    9/22 Stats

    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 118

    Current Weight - 170.6 ( I have seen this number many times... Now if I could just get down to the 160s and stay below 170 I would be a little more at peace with myself!!)
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    This week so far and it's weigh day too

    newts - 0
    owls - 34
    house points - 325

    Oh, and I lost 0.2 pounds, which was probably just that I farted before I got on the scales or something but still, a loss is a loss! 131.8 now
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    The exercise challenge for this week is to exercise! Lol Exercise at least 30 minutes everyday. Everyday that you exercise for at least 30 minutes you will receive 5 OWLs. This challenge basically counts twice because the exercise minutes also count towards our house cup points! So I want everyone to really push themselves this week and try to exercise 30 minutes per day ANY way you can! During the calculation of the OWLs and NEWTS for the previous weeks I have noticed that we are shockingly low on OWLs so I am hoping a less specific challenge will help this. Jenn_W what will our food challenge be this week? This is the last week for September Prefects and the last week to stack those OWLs and NEWTs for the October selection so let's make it a great week!
  • becky_turcotte
    Stats for the last 2 days:

    Lunges: 0
    Sodium: 3 Pts( I Didn't get all my water, but my sodium)
    Exercise Minutes: 105
  • becky_turcotte
    The weekly chalanges start on Sunday right???
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    The exercise challenge for this week is to exercise! Lol Exercise at least 30 minutes everyday. Everyday that you exercise for at least 30 minutes you will receive 5 OWLs. This challenge basically counts twice because the exercise minutes also count towards our house cup points! So I want everyone to really push themselves this week and try to exercise 30 minutes per day ANY way you can! During the calculation of the OWLs and NEWTS for the previous weeks I have noticed that we are shockingly low on OWLs so I am hoping a less specific challenge will help this. Jenn_W what will our food challenge be this week? This is the last week for September Prefects and the last week to stack those OWLs and NEWTs for the October selection so let's make it a great week!

    If we are working out more, we need to drink more water. 5 NEWTs for drinking at least the recommended 8-glasses of water a day... Plain and simple... It seems that is really is a challenge for so many (not knocking- just observing...)

    ***My 9/23 stats are terrible... I went over in sodium (but drank all my water if that counts for the 2)... No lunges... House points 95 (Didn't ride my bike to work, due to the kid being outta school - mess... but we did go swimming and I always have to walk everywhere!)***

    Hope you are all having great weekend!!
  • msrobinson77
    Sorry to see that Nicole has gone...but thank you, IHURTUBISE for stepping up and keeping this going. It looks like our big group has turned into a much smaller group but, that's okay by me. We all do the best we can and some days I really need that extra boost from other huffles.

    Anyhow, caught some "cooties" this week so not the best week for me. Here are my stats since my last check in:

    Weight 146-Which is the same-boo!!
    Lunges-3 points ( if I am correct in remembering that 10 lunges=1 point)
    House Points: 180
    Sodium: Was under my goal every day but one.
    Water: Didn't exceed goal on any of my days-anything more than 6 glasses makes me a slave to peeing!

    Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Stats for Thursday and Friday:

    Owls: 7
    Newts: 5 (I went over on sodium yesterday so I didn't count the water points since I think they only counted if you met both?)
    HP: 133
    Weight 142.4 (gained but I'm not too worried. TOM started Thursday and I always retain a ton of water the first 2 or 3 days)

    NSV: I have a ring that was given to me for my birthday by a friend several years ago that was too small. I couldn't really exchange it since we were in Russia at the time and I've never been able to wear it. But this week, I wore it to work and it fits perfectly!