Hufflepuff Common Room



  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    The first award that I was inspired to give out is the MVP award. This week that award goes to Bumflapassassin for her unbelievable contribution to the team's house points and to her amazing effort with the exercise challenge. She earned 115 OWLs and 1,003 House Points for our team! I think she is definitely worthy of the MVP award! Thank you for the inspiration to even give out awards! I made you a little award ... It's not much. Please use it in your signature if you want if not no worries.

    Thank you for this :) it's given me a boost. I had a really crud day yesterday and I should be at work right now but was feeling too lethargic to get up and do what I'm paid for...Suppose I'd best get in the shower if I want today to be better than yesterday! thanks again for the award! nx
  • becky_turcotte
    OWLs: 30 minutes
    NEWTs: 8 glasses of water
    House Points: 30
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    House Points-0

  • Molly_Louise
    Ihurtubise, thank you so much for the congratulations, praise and award for my efforts this week. I was really happy with what I managed to achieve, especially as I was so ill last week and I wasn't able to exercise much.

    It's almost 4pm here so the day is slowly drawing to a close and I'll post today's results later on this evening.

    Can someone just clarify, is is 5 NEWTs for 30+ minutes of exercise, or 5 NEWTs for each 'set' of 30 minutes? Eg. Regardless of how exercise you do (obviously at least 30 minutes) is 5 NEWTs, or is 60 minutes is 10 NEWTs, 90 minutes 15 NEWTs and so on.
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Wow, it's only 1 in the afternoon and I'v already got my water and my excercise in! I'll post final numbers later.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Ihurtubise, thank you so much for the congratulations, praise and award for my efforts this week. I was really happy with what I managed to achieve, especially as I was so ill last week and I wasn't able to exercise much.

    It's almost 4pm here so the day is slowly drawing to a close and I'll post today's results later on this evening.

    Can someone just clarify, is is 5 NEWTs for 30+ minutes of exercise, or 5 NEWTs for each 'set' of 30 minutes? Eg. Regardless of how exercise you do (obviously at least 30 minutes) is 5 NEWTs, or is 60 minutes is 10 NEWTs, 90 minutes 15 NEWTs and so on.

    You get 5 OWLs for every 30 minutes of exercise that you do. You get 5 NEWTs if you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. You can earn a maximum of 5 NEWTs per day, but the OWLs earning potential is unlimited. Every 30 minutes you do will earn you 5 OWLs!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! I just wanted to let you all know we are in the lead for the House Cup and this week's Quidditch (spelling?) match! Keep up the great work ladies. Let's finish September strong and show our fellow Hogwartians what we can do as a team!
  • Molly_Louise
    Queeda, thanks for clarifying the OWLs question!


    OWLs - 15
    NEWTs - 5
    House Points - 90
    Weight - 167

    Tomorrow is my day off and I can't wait! I'm so excited about getting to sleep in but not excited about the amount of school work I have to do. No rest for the wicked!
  • Molly_Louise
    Can't edit my above post but please record my house points as 110 rather than 90, as I have exercised since typing out that post but I'm unable to edit it now.
  • heyhaleylee
    heyhaleylee Posts: 31 Member
    Stats for 9/26

    OWLS- 5
    NEWTS- 5
    House points- 45 :)

    I'll post today's soon :)
  • msrobinson77
    I love the idea of the awards-how fun! Looks like everyone is having a great week! I am feeling inspired and am off to the gym!!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Today was measurement day. I get measured once a month. I am very disappointed with this month's measurements. I didn't loose any inches this month :mad: . Last month I lost 13.5 inches which is a lot for me so i guess that's why. I know I am bloated and retaining water so hopefully next month will be better. I still lost 9.5lbs last month and I reduced my BMI and Body Fat% so I will definitely celebrate that. It has been a rough restart after my surgery. I need to focus on my food choices and getting back into strength training so that I can look and be more toned.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Been off grid... Didn't track on here over the past couple days but I know my stats...

    9/25 - 35 mins & all my water
    9/26 - 62 mins & all my water
    9/27 -126 mins & all my water (Finally made it too the gym!)

    **Stupid rain here in Chicago is killing my bike riding to work (plus the extra 60-80 min workout I get from it)! Rain Rain Go AWAY!!

    Congrats to all the AWARD Winners!!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    I'm exhausted as I always am at the end of Tuesday and Thursday. Plus I tripped on uneven sidewalk in the dark while running and my leg got a bit scraped up and stings :grumble: I am so writing a letter to the city to complain about that since it's an area that is extremely popular for walkers and runners. Uneven sidewalk and no lights is a very bad combination now that it's starting to get dark earlier. On the plus side, I got almost all my serves in at tennis class today, something I really struggle with. Didn't win tonight, but had some really good games and getting my serves in counts for a lot with me!

    Stats for today. Reached my water early...more than 10 cups today, and 170 minutes of excercise. Tomorrow is my rest day so I'll probably just go for a brisk walk for my workout. The dogs will love it :smile:
  • momie0205
    The first award that I was inspired to give out is the MVP award. This week that award goes to Bumflapassassin for her unbelievable contribution to the team's house points and to her amazing effort with the exercise challenge. She earned 115 OWLs and 1,003 House Points for our team! I think she is definitely worthy of the MVP award! Thank you for the inspiration to even give out awards! I made you a little award ... It's not much. Please use it in your signature if you want if not no worries.

    Thank you for this :) it's given me a boost. I had a really crud day yesterday and I should be at work right now but was feeling too lethargic to get up and do what I'm paid for...Suppose I'd best get in the shower if I want today to be better than yesterday! thanks again for the award! nx

  • momie0205
    I have reached my workout every day this week plus my water. I am at 117 minutes for working out. I am going to try to do even better for the rest of the week. Hope everyone has a great hump day tomorrow.
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    today i got my HRM in the mail and i have to say MFP has been overestimating my calories burned but it doesn't matter i just need to work harder. here are my stats:

    Newts 5
    Owls 0
    House points 0

    Newts 5
    Owls 20 (124/30 = 4 x5 = 20)
    House points 124

    great work everyone!
  • Molly_Louise
    Good afternoon all!

    Exercise will be minimal from me today. I'm stuck in doing so much work - I really shouldn't have left it until the last minute. I never learn! I've done 30 mins already, I'll try and do another 30 but no promises.

    Am I right in saying the exercise minutes challenge is our inter-house challenge and runs until October 3? If so, once this challenge is complete, will we have a new challenge and 'wipe the slate clean' as far as results go and then start gathering results etc for the new challenge(s)? This probably makes no sense to anyone but me :laugh:
  • becky_turcotte
    OWLs: 10
    NEWTs: 6
    House Points: 60
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    NEWTS: 5
    House Points: I forget what the points are for minutes but I did 30mins.