Hufflepuff Common Room



  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    9/17 Stats....

    Mtn Climbers...0

    ****I have been counting a whole banana as one serving... I don't have a good sense of portions & think a banana left for a couple hours becomes gross - even if it doesn't I still feel like it does - So I am not a good judge of that stuff!

    Having a good food weekend so far... Gotta keep it up!!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    zero points for me today in all areas but I'll see what I can do over the weekend. i would like to work on my arms personally, although leg exercises are also good.

    i could do with strengthening the muscles in my ankles. does anyone have any advice? thanks :)

    Have you ever tried the ankle weights. They are like little Velcro weights that go around your ankle. My mom swears by them she has 2lb set. Good luck !

    Thanks for this advice, I'll look into it.

    Totals for the fruity mountain climber week:

    Weigh in at the same weight.
    4 newts
    12 owls
    111 house points
  • Molly_Louise
    My totals for this week are -

    OWLs 10
    NEWTs 11
    House Points 445
    Weight 170

    Sorry to be a pain (once again!) but I'll be just posting weekly stats from now on, rather than on a daily basis. I'm so busy at the moment with school and everything that comes with it, I just need a few weeks to settle back into it and then I'll be back to posting as usual. I hope everyone has had a great weekend and well done for all of your hard effort with the challenges we've been completely this week. Here's to the next set! :)
  • msrobinson77
    Totally agree Jenn-I think I'll leave my bananas at 1 serving. Did this week's exercise challenge get posted? I don't see it but, I know I miss things sometimes.

    BTW I am not looking forward to football season. The best part of football is the beer and nachos! I tried making a lower calorie version last week but, some things just don't taste good when you take away all the yummy, gooey stuff. Oh well.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Lunges for this weeks Exercise Challenge

    From WebMD:
    How to do a Lunge: Take a big step forward, keeping your spine straight. Bend your front knee to approximately 90 degrees. Keep weight on your back toes and drop the back knee toward the floor -- but don't let it touch the floor.... Side Lunges: Try stepping not just forward, but back and out to each side, with each lunge.

    *Make your workout more beneficial... Use weights, dumbbells, or resistance bands... **Any other kind of lunges count... vary as needed for fitness level, preference, or injury.

    1 Set = 10 lunges for 1 point

    ***Sorry for the late post, totally went to bed early last night!! I am a rocking cool single 27yo!!
  • momie0205
    I have 0's for friday and saturday I had one fruit friday but everything else is 0. I am back on track today and feeling better I was feeling bad yesterday.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I'm excited to do these lunges. Legs are definitely a area I need to focus on!
  • Molly_Louise
    Lunges sound good to me. It's almost midnight here in England so I won't be doing any lunges tonight!

    Off topic to anything weight loss related - while shopping today I saw that load of shops had Christmas products out. It's September for crying out loud!!
  • Molly_Louise
    Double post.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I should have made lunges part of my day, but I got to sneak into the Y for a quick workout -- I didn't think they had child care on Sundays, but they do till noon. I didn't figure it out until after 11am... LOL! Luckily my son wanted to run there (0.4 mile)... He doesn't run more than 30 seconds at a time, but it still shortened of the time to walk there. LOL!

    New Challenge stats... Sunday 9/18

    Under my sodium and drink well over my water...
    Zero Lunges....
    Exercise minutes....94

    Super sad it is supposed to rain all morning tomorrow in Chicago... I really have gotten into riding my bike to work (and love the extra House Points I earn, and calories I burn-- When it doesn't feel like too much work! Even though I am a sweaty hot mess when I get to work!)

    I will post my weight tomorrow AM.

    **And Again sorry for the late post about Lunges!!

    Ha ha ha!! The dancing badger!!! Makes me giggle!!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Lunges sound good to me. It's almost midnight here in England so I won't be doing any lunges tonight!

    Off topic to anything weight loss related - while shopping today I saw that load of shops had Christmas products out. It's September for crying out loud!!

    I saw this the other day as well. It's getting so crazy now. They put the Christmas stuff out earlier and earlier. We haven't even had Halloween yet! My son saw this stuff and started telling me what he wants for Christmas. I'm like pump your brakes sweetheart mommy has a few more months!
  • momie0205
    We still have Halloween and Thanksgiving to get through before Christmas CRAZY. I have been such a slacker this weekend. But I enjoyed time with my family. I plan to really get back on tomorrow.

    I did stay under my sodium goal for the day.
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    On the verge of crying this AM... Stupid weigh-in. Up to 173.4 - I should weigh-in on Friday... I was 'good' this weekend so this really upsets me... Grrrr!!! Now I gotta kick some butt to bring that back down!
  • heathally
    heathally Posts: 128 Member
    Saturday's stats
    Owls 0
    Newts 1
    House Points 243 (hiking and tennis)

    Haven't even entered my food for yesterday yet so I don't know about stats for Sunday. I'll let you know when I do :smile:
  • danizaga
    danizaga Posts: 293 Member
    hello everyone sorry i've been absent for a bit. it's hard to get to a computer on the weekends and i just log using my phone. here are my stats for 9/12 to 9/18-

    House Points: 602
    Newts: 6 (if just counting servings of green veggies but 21 if counting all veggies and fruit)
    OWLs: 2 ( i kept forgetting about these dreaded mountain climbers)

    Weight in today: 301.6 (lost 4lbs) and i lost a .25 inches off my hips!!

    perfects, i love the challenges for this week. way to go everyone.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Weigh in-221.2lb

    Mountain Climbers:0

    Mountain Climbers:0
    Exercise:80 mins

    Mountain Climbers:0
  • becky_turcotte
    Weight 194.6

    Nothing else to report. I've been sick for two days but I'll be back at it tomorrow, I hope.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in for 9/18 and 9/19

    OWLs: 20
    House Points: 210

    Keep up the great work Hufflepuffs!
    I have been getting in a ton of lunges while watching football. I do a set during each commercial it's really working out great. Just a tip in case you haven't been able to find the time. Watch that sodium! Keep drinking water!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi guys,

    I'm really really sick at the moment and I was taken to hospital with suspected meningitis in the early hours of this morning. Thankfully I don't have have meningitis, just a very bad viral infection throughout my body. Because of this, I have to rest completely and I could feel like this for 10 days. I feel awful, really awful, so obviously I don't want to feel like this for longer than necessary and so I won't be able to do much exercise this week. Sorry that I'll be bringing the team's results down, I promise I'll work twice as hard when I'm better!
  • Molly_Louise
    Hi guys,

    I'm really really sick at the moment and I was taken to hospital with suspected meningitis in the early hours of this morning. Thankfully I don't have have meningitis, just a very bad viral infection throughout my body. Because of this, I have to rest completely and I could feel like this for 10 days. I feel awful, really awful, so obviously I don't want to feel like this for longer than necessary and so I won't be able to do much exercise this week. Sorry that I'll be bringing the team's results down, I promise I'll work twice as hard when I'm better!