30 Day Shred Group- September



  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    L3D1 (day 21) done!

    Some exercises seemed harder while other were easier than level 2. I've got a problem with the planks in circuit 2 (or 3?) where you need to have your hands on the dumbells. There's no way I can keep my balance lol!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Good People !

    I almost didn't make it :grumble: :noway: I sooo wasn't feeling it tonight, BUT I managed to get it in!
    Day 29 Level 3, (Day 9) of the Shred! whoo hoo! Let's see, what's improved in level 3, since the last time....um well I managed to do 1 set of the planks/leg raises with weights with Natalie, (those are god aweful) the second set, is with Anita all the way. As far as the balancing on those weights...:grumble: :grumble: It's tough...my main problem has been I'm generally dripping sweat at that time it darn near a triumphant feat....but, it gets better. I assume when I get to a second round of the Shred, I'm hoping it will be better

    Anyhow, ONE MORE DAY!! I look forward to taking some after pics tomorrow just so I can see the difference. Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    Hey shredders!

    I'm on level 1 day 9 of the shred so far - looking forward to moving up to level 2!

    Just wondering - when did you guys start noticing results?

    I haven't noticed ANYTHING yet, and I've been doing other stuff and making sure I'm eating healthy - I think some other matters of nature may be against me in slight water retention and bloating for the next week - but I'm really hoping I notice some sort of difference by around day 15.

    Just to help my motivation, it would be great to know when other people saw a visible difference in measurements etc!

    Cheeeeers all :)
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Good Morning! I was totally lame this morning and did not get up to do my LAST day of the shred... Not to worry, I will do it tonight and then take sweaty pictures. hehehe! Hope everyone has a fantastic friday!!!

    @LaurDavies: As far as visible changes I didn't notice them until about day 15-20. My pants were loose and noticed my legs looked a little better to me. But as far as physical fitness, I noticed a difference on like day 5. I was able to do the cardio no problem and wasn't sweating nearly as much. Hope this keeps you motivated to keep on going. I really do think it is a great workout program. Good Luck!!!
  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    Good Morning! I was totally lame this morning and did not get up to do my LAST day of the shred... Not to worry, I will do it tonight and then take sweaty pictures. hehehe! Hope everyone has a fantastic friday!!!

    @LaurDavies: As far as visible changes I didn't notice them until about day 15-20. My pants were loose and noticed my legs looked a little better to me. But as far as physical fitness, I noticed a difference on like day 5. I was able to do the cardio no problem and wasn't sweating nearly as much. Hope this keeps you motivated to keep on going. I really do think it is a great workout program. Good Luck!!!

    I was so worried that you were blowing it off! I was almost in tears! (j/k)

  • cmDaffy
    cmDaffy Posts: 6,991 Member
    65 frikkin kick *kitten* days - DONE!!!!!

    I'm so excited to be moving on to "Ripped" next week!

    ROCK ON!!!! :tongue:
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    30DS is almost over!!! It was a good run! excited to take my after pictures and measurements!! hopefully will post this weekend.
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    @LaurDavies: As far as visible changes I didn't notice them until about day 15-20. My pants were loose and noticed my legs looked a little better to me. But as far as physical fitness, I noticed a difference on like day 5. I was able to do the cardio no problem and wasn't sweating nearly as much. Hope this keeps you motivated to keep on going. I really do think it is a great workout program. Good Luck!!!

    Ah thanks! Exactly what I needed to hear! I can tell I'm getting fitter day by day as I can push myself much harder.
    Good to have a rough idea, keeps my motivation up for level 2 :D Thank you :)

    Well done by the way - best of luck with your LAST DAY! Go you!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Shredders! I finished!! Day 30, Level 3 (Day 10) completed this morning- :drinker: :smile: :happy: :smooched: Soo happy!!

    I honestly can say, if it hadn't been for this group I likely wouldn't have stuck in there and been so consistent! So thanks to all of you!
    Level 3, was definitely a killer for me. Jillian Michaels has a way of keeping folks humble.....:laugh: I did notice an improvement in the jumping-lunges, I was actually able to do both sets with Natalie. Those sumo-squats...eh, not so much. However, I can also proudly report that I was able to also do ALL of the full sit ups with Natalie. So those were the two big improvements with this level.:flowerforyou:

    So, I have yet to take measurements, or my after pics, but I will likely do that this evening...I'll post my measurements results this evening.

    To answer the other poster, I also agree that I didn't notice visible results regarding measurements until half-way through 15 day mark, and that was only because I got frustrated and took out the tape measure and noticed an inch and half loss in the waist and lower abs (problem area for me) So, hang in there! If you stick with it, the results will come (almost sneak up on ya!)

    Have a good Shred Everyone!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    L3D2 done! I hate the rock star jumps with a passion!
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    L3D2 done! I hate the rock star jumps with a passion!

    HA! AGREED! :laugh:
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    L3D2 done! I hate the rock star jumps with a passion!

    Oh yeah *HATE*
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Hey shredders!

    I'm on level 1 day 9 of the shred so far - looking forward to moving up to level 2!

    Just wondering - when did you guys start noticing results?

    I haven't noticed ANYTHING yet, and I've been doing other stuff and making sure I'm eating healthy - I think some other matters of nature may be against me in slight water retention and bloating for the next week - but I'm really hoping I notice some sort of difference by around day 15.

    Just to help my motivation, it would be great to know when other people saw a visible difference in measurements etc!

    Cheeeeers all :)

    Hi. I noticed a difference in my clothes around day 15 - 20. I took "mid" measurements on day 20 and had lost 5 cm on my waist and an overall of 16.5 cm (not sure what that is in inches). My fitness levels definitely improved, though each level hit me like I was starting from scratch. Each time I noticed a big difference by the 4th day.

    I only lost 2.5 pounds though, and was hoping that by the end of Day 30, the weight would have started to drop off. Weighed today and haven't lost anything more. Though of course, I haven't been able to exercise or do the Shred this week.

    I also managed to get into a few of my pants and tops from my pre-preggy clothes and I am still 10 pounds away from my pre-preggy weight, so I reckon the main thing it does is "shred" those cms.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • LaMaMiK77
    I'm done with the 30 day shred!:happy: I will be posting my pics and measurements this weekend! And i am ready to start ripped in 30 on Monday!!!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Ok, my next question would be, how do you post pics?

    I took some pics for my 24 days worth. Though I can't say I'm blown away by the pics of my belly, I can see a big difference in my back, so am willing to post as motivation for my second round which I really, really hope that I can start on Monday :happy:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • LaMaMiK77
    ok so i dont know how to post pictures here but they are in my profile :happy:


    upper waist-32

    upper waist-30.5
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Shredders!

    As promised I'm posting my results from the September Shred:smile: Now let me preface this, I AM Pleased with my progress! I only lost a total of 1.5 lbs -which is wonderful (considering a number of underlying factors...):indifferent: :embarassed: .

    HOWEVER, my measurements speak for themselves... :drinker: :smokin:

    9/1/11 (inches)

    arms= 15
    Lower Abdominal (aka pooch)- 42


    arms- 14
    waist 32.5
    lower ab/pooch=38:smile::smile: :smile:

    So, although the scale seemed to barely move, my measurements definitely did, I can comfortably fit in more of my clothes and my problem areas are disappearing! All this IN SPITE of admittedly not, strictly adhering to clean eating and calories. I'm excited - FOUR INCHES off my lower abs!

    Heck ya! I'm ready for Ripped in 30! -MONDAY, OCTOBER 3rd!! :noway: :flowerforyou:

    I'm just thinking about what my results could've been if I had incorporated more cardio along with the shred.:flowerforyou: :glasses: as I didn't really do anything but the shred, but just think, what if.... WOW, not to worry, as MOCHA BLUES has decided to kick it up a notch with Ripped ;) ...Monday, October 3rd~ Bring it!!:drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • ShannaKayB
    ShannaKayB Posts: 157 Member
    L3D7 done! I was really not in the mood today but once I got started, I did the best i've been able to so far this level. So glad I went ahead and worked out. Only 3 days left! Looking forward to taking after pictures and final measurements. Good luck to all of you starting Ripped in 30 this month and congratulations to those who have finished!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    L3D3 done! Looks like I'm slacking behind...
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    Here are my results, I still have to take after photos.

    weight - 118.8 lbs
    waist (BB) - 31.75
    hips - 38
    thighs - 22.5

    weight - 116.6
    waist (BB) - 30.75
    hips - 37
    thighs - 22

    Lost overall 2.2 lbs and 3 inches! Not bad :)