New Rules of Lifting (for Women) Group - Part 2



  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    Did anybody else gain weight during their week off between stage 1 and 2? I track my weight daily, going by weekly and monthly averages, and this past week off has me climbing back up, even though I dropped my calories down because I wouldn't be working as hard this week. It's frustrating and I don't understand why. A day or two could be water retention or something like that, but this is hanging on.

    On that note - has anybody found the New Rules conducive to weight loss? I've really enjoyed the workouts and enjoy feeling strong, but I'm here because I have fat to lose. Any weight training I do can only maintain what muscle I already have since I have to eat at a deficit.I'm just wondering if the program is counterproductive to my goals. I'd love to hear from people who have lost weight while using this program.

    Edited to add: I just saw Kensky's post - congratulations! I'd love to know how you did it!

    Fat loss and weight loss are two different things. I've lost very little weight since starting this program. However, I've lost a lot of fat - based on my measurements and the way my clothes fit and pictures. I'm taking pictures at the end of each stage and when I'm done with the program, I'll post them. I can see a difference.

    I struggle with that concept. If I want to lose 20 pounds of fat, wouldn't that also be weight lost? I want to lose weight the right way so that I lose more fat than anything else, hence the slooooow method (I was aiming for 1/4 to 1/2 pound a week) with more weight training than cardio. I think I'll just keep playing with the food thing, and see what happens over the next few weeks. But tonight I'm going back to the gym and starting stage 2, because I'm bored with doing just cardio during this rest week.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I struggle with that concept. If I want to lose 20 pounds of fat, wouldn't that also be weight lost? I want to lose weight the right way so that I lose more fat than anything else, hence the slooooow method (I was aiming for 1/4 to 1/2 pound a week) with more weight training than cardio. I think I'll just keep playing with the food thing, and see what happens over the next few weeks. But tonight I'm going back to the gym and starting stage 2, because I'm bored with doing just cardio during this rest week.

    Yes, but the idea is that you're replacing fat with lean body tissue. At least, that's what the book purports. I read a bit last night, let's see if I can paraphrase it: If the scale isn't moving and your clothes are the same or tight - you need to readjust (calories, workout, etc.). If the scale isn't moving, but your clothes are loose, congratulations - you've reached they holy grail of losing fat while gaining muscle.

    Don't know if that's true, geez, I've read so much that my head swims trying to figure out what to believe, but that IS what is going on with me - clothes are loose and the scale ... well, I don't want to talk about the scale...
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I struggle with that concept. If I want to lose 20 pounds of fat, wouldn't that also be weight lost? I want to lose weight the right way so that I lose more fat than anything else, hence the slooooow method (I was aiming for 1/4 to 1/2 pound a week) with more weight training than cardio. I think I'll just keep playing with the food thing, and see what happens over the next few weeks. But tonight I'm going back to the gym and starting stage 2, because I'm bored with doing just cardio during this rest week.

    Yes, but the idea is that you're replacing fat with lean body tissue. At least, that's what the book purports. I read a bit last night, let's see if I can paraphrase it: If the scale isn't moving and your clothes are the same or tight - you need to readjust (calories, workout, etc.). If the scale isn't moving, but your clothes are loose, congratulations - you've reached they holy grail of losing fat while gaining muscle.

    Don't know if that's true, geez, I've read so much that my head swims trying to figure out what to believe, but that IS what is going on with me - clothes are loose and the scale ... well, I don't want to talk about the scale...

    The scale was going up and so did my mesurements. I am now trying one technique that some body builders use. It's 2 weeks maintenance or surplus and 2 weeks with a calories deficite. It's a different kind of cycling. The deficite is not long enought to lose significant muscles and the the surplus is not long enought to gain alot of fat. I have been doing it for only 5 days and lost 1.4 pounds.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    The scale was going up and so did my mesurements. I am now trying one technique that some body builders use. It's 2 weeks maintenance or surplus and 2 weeks with a calories deficite. It's a different kind of cycling. The deficite is not long enought to lose significant muscles and the the surplus is not long enought to gain alot of fat. I have been doing it for only 5 days and lost 1.4 pounds.

    How much of a deficit are you doing? I'm going to have to go back to a deficit. I got on the scale this morning and it says I gained FIVE POUNDS!!! True, I was on vacation last week and ate a good bit of junk, probably at maintenance or a little over, but FIVE POUNDS?!?! That's unacceptable. If it were Monday, I'd chalk it up to water but I've eaten fairly well this week, worked out every day but one, and the water weight should be gone by now. I even thought maybe the scale was "off" and needs new batteries, but the 8 lb. handweights weighed 15.9 lbs. - pretty much accurate.

    Another thing that's super-confusing to me, is what is the best protocol for me to follow - a 46 yo woman taking hormone replacement with roughly 30 lbs. of fat to lose. So many protocols are about losing that last 5% of fat for people who are really close to their goal weight. That's not me. Not yet. I think I've overestimated my maintenance calories and even if I don't go on a weekly or bi-weekly fast, I'm dropping my calories down a couple hundred and see what happens.

    Then again, my clothes ARE looser. My body IS getting smaller. Why should I care what the stupid scale says?!?! Oh, but I do. :o( I take my measurements next week, that will tell the real story...

    Sorry for venting. It's all very confusing and I get frustrated.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm confused by all this weight/fat loss/calorie intake stuff too. I don't think I even eat my maintenance most days. I am pretty sure I've never hit the 1800 cals I'm supposed to eat on workout days. Maybe that's why I am not looking different. My husband says he's noticing changes. Maybe they are too small for me to notice. I did lose 2 pounds but that probably has more to do with the dietary changes I made recently. I had measurements taken back in July when I got fitted for a dress for my sister's wedding. So I am using that as a baseline. Well I might be measuring myself wrong but when I do it the measurements have gone up an inch in both my waist and hips! That's totally unacceptable. However I don't think that has anything to do with this workout. I believe I put on that increase on my own with bad eating habits. It's like once the wedding was over I sort of went on a binge. I was eating a lot of sugar and chocolate. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I finally decided I had enough and cut out sugars and most carbs. That's when the scale dropped. Now mind you I don't really need to lose weight. I am 4'10" and am in the healthy range for weight/BMI/body fat %. However I am very flabby. I have never had a flat stomach(and probably never will thanks to genetics). But I hate the muffin top and tummy pooch. I am going to have hubby measure me after I finish stage 2 and see if there's been any change. I have to say that my jeans are fitting better. I am wearing jeans that I've had forever that were too tight that now fit me just about the way they did before kids. Ok, done with rant.
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I'm confused by all this weight/fat loss/calorie intake stuff too. I don't think I even eat my maintenance most days. I am pretty sure I've never hit the 1800 cals I'm supposed to eat on workout days. Maybe that's why I am not looking different. My husband says he's noticing changes. Maybe they are too small for me to notice. I did lose 2 pounds but that probably has more to do with the dietary changes I made recently. I had measurements taken back in July when I got fitted for a dress for my sister's wedding. So I am using that as a baseline. Well I might be measuring myself wrong but when I do it the measurements have gone up an inch in both my waist and hips! That's totally unacceptable. However I don't think that has anything to do with this workout. I believe I put on that increase on my own with bad eating habits. It's like once the wedding was over I sort of went on a binge. I was eating a lot of sugar and chocolate. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I finally decided I had enough and cut out sugars and most carbs. That's when the scale dropped. Now mind you I don't really need to lose weight. I am 4'10" and am in the healthy range for weight/BMI/body fat %. However I am very flabby. I have never had a flat stomach(and probably never will thanks to genetics). But I hate the muffin top and tummy pooch. I am going to have hubby measure me after I finish stage 2 and see if there's been any change. I have to say that my jeans are fitting better. I am wearing jeans that I've had forever that were too tight that now fit me just about the way they did before kids. Ok, done with rant.

    I think I'm like you - very sensitive to sugar and carbs. However, I love carbs!!! ugh.

    If your jeans are fitting better, that's progress, right?
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm confused by all this weight/fat loss/calorie intake stuff too. I don't think I even eat my maintenance most days. I am pretty sure I've never hit the 1800 cals I'm supposed to eat on workout days. Maybe that's why I am not looking different. My husband says he's noticing changes. Maybe they are too small for me to notice. I did lose 2 pounds but that probably has more to do with the dietary changes I made recently. I had measurements taken back in July when I got fitted for a dress for my sister's wedding. So I am using that as a baseline. Well I might be measuring myself wrong but when I do it the measurements have gone up an inch in both my waist and hips! That's totally unacceptable. However I don't think that has anything to do with this workout. I believe I put on that increase on my own with bad eating habits. It's like once the wedding was over I sort of went on a binge. I was eating a lot of sugar and chocolate. It wasn't until a couple of weeks ago that I finally decided I had enough and cut out sugars and most carbs. That's when the scale dropped. Now mind you I don't really need to lose weight. I am 4'10" and am in the healthy range for weight/BMI/body fat %. However I am very flabby. I have never had a flat stomach(and probably never will thanks to genetics). But I hate the muffin top and tummy pooch. I am going to have hubby measure me after I finish stage 2 and see if there's been any change. I have to say that my jeans are fitting better. I am wearing jeans that I've had forever that were too tight that now fit me just about the way they did before kids. Ok, done with rant.

    I think I'm like you - very sensitive to sugar and carbs. However, I love carbs!!! ugh.

    If your jeans are fitting better, that's progress, right?

    I'm assuming so! I have to say I am not that much of a carboholic. I can take or leave potatoes and most starches. I hardly ever make white potatoes. If I want potato I usually go for sweet ones. I do love pasta but I have always limited the amounts I make and eat. I guess I have always been carb conscious but my downfall has always been snacking. I would eat crackers, pretzels and other carby things. They never really satisfied me. I also love chocolate and sweets. I find that I have to ban them outright otherwise I will overindulge. I am trying to be pretty strict right now so that I can have some leeway on Thanksgiving. I'm not necessarily going to overdo it but I am planning on having a little of everything and that includes dessert. So that is keeping me in line right now. I also want to look my best by Christmas.

    I do need to "cheat" sometimes though. When I completely deprive myself I go crazy. Then I overindulge. I plan on making this low sugar/low carb thing a permanent dietary change. I have always tried to watch carb intake and only eat whole grains but now I am even limiting that. This started out as just a wheat elimination challenge to see if my belly would shrink but it turned into a more overall carb reducing thing. I don't not eat carbs though. Just last night I ate dinner at my parents' house. We had meatballs and pasta. I only had one scoop of pasta(tried to aim for half cup) and two meatballs. No bread. No second helpings. I was still under my carb macros for the day. Of course I was hungry two hours later but I had some cottage cheese and leftover popcorn from the kids(orville redenbacher smart pop). Though I am finding it harder to find healthy low carb snacks. I can't just keep eating cheese since I am slightly sensitive to it. I did buy more greek yogurt today. I tried that with peanut butter yesterday and liked it. However I want to limit my pb intake to 2 Tbs a day to cut down on fat. Plus I am still trying to figure out how many cals I should be eating. It's not easy!
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    I'm assuming so! I have to say I am not that much of a carboholic. I can take or leave potatoes and most starches. I hardly ever make white potatoes. If I want potato I usually go for sweet ones. I do love pasta but I have always limited the amounts I make and eat. I guess I have always been carb conscious but my downfall has always been snacking. I would eat crackers, pretzels and other carby things. They never really satisfied me. I also love chocolate and sweets. I find that I have to ban them outright otherwise I will overindulge. I am trying to be pretty strict right now so that I can have some leeway on Thanksgiving. I'm not necessarily going to overdo it but I am planning on having a little of everything and that includes dessert. So that is keeping me in line right now. I also want to look my best by Christmas.

    I do need to "cheat" sometimes though. When I completely deprive myself I go crazy. Then I overindulge. I plan on making this low sugar/low carb thing a permanent dietary change. I have always tried to watch carb intake and only eat whole grains but now I am even limiting that. This started out as just a wheat elimination challenge to see if my belly would shrink but it turned into a more overall carb reducing thing. I don't not eat carbs though. Just last night I ate dinner at my parents' house. We had meatballs and pasta. I only had one scoop of pasta(tried to aim for half cup) and two meatballs. No bread. No second helpings. I was still under my carb macros for the day. Of course I was hungry two hours later but I had some cottage cheese and leftover popcorn from the kids(orville redenbacher smart pop). Though I am finding it harder to find healthy low carb snacks. I can't just keep eating cheese since I am slightly sensitive to it. I did buy more greek yogurt today. I tried that with peanut butter yesterday and liked it. However I want to limit my pb intake to 2 Tbs a day to cut down on fat. Plus I am still trying to figure out how many cals I should be eating. It's not easy!

    No joke it's not easy! :o)

    I used to grab cheese & crackers for a snack too and cut that out and saw a few pounds drop off. My afternoon snack is now bell pepper strips and hummus. The bell pepper has the crunch, the hummus is creamy, it's low carb and has some protein.

    I'm going to start mixing in a scoop of protein powder with my oatmeal. I really don't eat that many carbs. Certainly not low carb, but I never eat potatoes and rarely eat pasta. I've been eating more bread (turkey sandwiches are my go-to when I need a quick supper) and that's likely the cause of my weight gain. I need to go back to having omelets for dinner and cooking more meat.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm assuming so! I have to say I am not that much of a carboholic. I can take or leave potatoes and most starches. I hardly ever make white potatoes. If I want potato I usually go for sweet ones. I do love pasta but I have always limited the amounts I make and eat. I guess I have always been carb conscious but my downfall has always been snacking. I would eat crackers, pretzels and other carby things. They never really satisfied me. I also love chocolate and sweets. I find that I have to ban them outright otherwise I will overindulge. I am trying to be pretty strict right now so that I can have some leeway on Thanksgiving. I'm not necessarily going to overdo it but I am planning on having a little of everything and that includes dessert. So that is keeping me in line right now. I also want to look my best by Christmas.

    I do need to "cheat" sometimes though. When I completely deprive myself I go crazy. Then I overindulge. I plan on making this low sugar/low carb thing a permanent dietary change. I have always tried to watch carb intake and only eat whole grains but now I am even limiting that. This started out as just a wheat elimination challenge to see if my belly would shrink but it turned into a more overall carb reducing thing. I don't not eat carbs though. Just last night I ate dinner at my parents' house. We had meatballs and pasta. I only had one scoop of pasta(tried to aim for half cup) and two meatballs. No bread. No second helpings. I was still under my carb macros for the day. Of course I was hungry two hours later but I had some cottage cheese and leftover popcorn from the kids(orville redenbacher smart pop). Though I am finding it harder to find healthy low carb snacks. I can't just keep eating cheese since I am slightly sensitive to it. I did buy more greek yogurt today. I tried that with peanut butter yesterday and liked it. However I want to limit my pb intake to 2 Tbs a day to cut down on fat. Plus I am still trying to figure out how many cals I should be eating. It's not easy!

    No joke it's not easy! :o)

    I used to grab cheese & crackers for a snack too and cut that out and saw a few pounds drop off. My afternoon snack is now bell pepper strips and hummus. The bell pepper has the crunch, the hummus is creamy, it's low carb and has some protein.

    I'm going to start mixing in a scoop of protein powder with my oatmeal. I really don't eat that many carbs. Certainly not low carb, but I never eat potatoes and rarely eat pasta. I've been eating more bread (turkey sandwiches are my go-to when I need a quick supper) and that's likely the cause of my weight gain. I need to go back to having omelets for dinner and cooking more meat.

    Drinking protein shakes really help me. I have one every morning for breakfast regardless if I a working out or not. I use Jay Robb chocolate protein powder. It's only whey isolate, which is thought to be superior to other forms of whey protein. It only has 110 cals per scoop, but has 25 grams of protein, no sugar and only 1 g carbs. I add 2 tbs peanut butter and 1 cup unsweetened almond milk. Sometimes I'll add some baby spinach or frozen blueberries. It ends up being around 350 cals and it fills me up until lunch. Some days I will have a less caloric protein shake around 2 or 3 pm to carry me over until dinner. I love protein shakes. I could live on them. Some people rather actually eat food but the shakes fill me up better. And it takes the guess work out of making something to eat. Plus it helps get me to my protein goals. Today for lunch I made a salad and cut up some turkey and ham and a babybel cheese with 2 tbs light ranch dressing. That probably won't carry me far so I will end up needing the shake in the afternoon.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    The scale was going up and so did my mesurements. I am now trying one technique that some body builders use. It's 2 weeks maintenance or surplus and 2 weeks with a calories deficite. It's a different kind of cycling. The deficite is not long enought to lose significant muscles and the the surplus is not long enought to gain alot of fat. I have been doing it for only 5 days and lost 1.4 pounds.

    How much of a deficit are you doing? I'm going to have to go back to a deficit.

    Half a pound a week, about 250 calories a day so very moderate
  • shellbell525
    I'm have an issue sticking to the low numbers on the core exercises. It never feels like enough, am i doing something wrong? Should I add weights or reps to make it more challenging?
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    The scale was going up and so did my mesurements. I am now trying one technique that some body builders use. It's 2 weeks maintenance or surplus and 2 weeks with a calories deficite. It's a different kind of cycling. The deficite is not long enought to lose significant muscles and the the surplus is not long enought to gain alot of fat. I have been doing it for only 5 days and lost 1.4 pounds.

    How much of a deficit are you doing? I'm going to have to go back to a deficit.

    Half a pound a week, about 250 calories a day so very moderate

    Yeah, that's what mine is set for too, actually 300 I think. I just think my numbers must be off. I'm going to lower my daily number by a couple hundred calories and see what happens. As long as I have enough energy for the workouts!

    Love your new profile pic! Can't wait to show off my abs!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Bumping to put this on My Topics
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I'm have an issue sticking to the low numbers on the core exercises. It never feels like enough, am i doing something wrong? Should I add weights or reps to make it more challenging?

    in the book they show you how to make it more challenging.

    I posted my month 2 progress if anyone want to see

    Be kind, I gave birth to 6 babies lol
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm have an issue sticking to the low numbers on the core exercises. It never feels like enough, am i doing something wrong? Should I add weights or reps to make it more challenging?

    in the book they show you how to make it more challenging.

    I posted my month 2 progress if anyone want to see

    Be kind, I gave birth to 6 babies lol

    Be kind? Are you kidding me? You don't look like you've had ANY babies!!
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm have an issue sticking to the low numbers on the core exercises. It never feels like enough, am i doing something wrong? Should I add weights or reps to make it more challenging?

    I feel the same way. To make the swissball crunches more challenging I have been putting a weight plate on my chest. That definitely makes it more challenging. For push ups, I have been doing them on a decline. Definitely more resistance there. But even still I can keep going way beyond just 10 reps.
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I'm have an issue sticking to the low numbers on the core exercises. It never feels like enough, am i doing something wrong? Should I add weights or reps to make it more challenging?

    in the book they show you how to make it more challenging.

    I posted my month 2 progress if anyone want to see

    Be kind, I gave birth to 6 babies lol

    You look amazing! I can see a big difference!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    My book arrived today. I'll officially be joining you gals... as soon as I figure out how to make this work for me. I'm excited to start lifting.
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Yanika - you look amazing! You have 6 kids? Unbelievable on so many levels. Way to go.

    idauria - nice work on the decline push-ups!

    I finished Stage 2 today. I think I'll be sad to see it go - I really enjoyed it. I increased my weight every workout and feel pretty strong right now. Although, like some others, my weight seems to be moving up a little bit, but my measurements are the same, so I'm going to relax until that changes (hopefully it doesn't!)

    I haven't decided if I'll take a week off before Stage 3 yet.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yanika - you look amazing! You have 6 kids? Unbelievable on so many levels. Way to go.

    idauria - nice work on the decline push-ups!

    I finished Stage 2 today. I think I'll be sad to see it go - I really enjoyed it. I increased my weight every workout and feel pretty strong right now. Although, like some others, my weight seems to be moving up a little bit, but my measurements are the same, so I'm going to relax until that changes (hopefully it doesn't!)

    I haven't decided if I'll take a week off before Stage 3 yet.

    I'll be done with stage 2 on Wednesday. I will start stage 3 the following Monday so that gives me a 4 day rest. That's enough for me. I don't like taking too many days off, it makes me feel lazy! I've been increasing weight with each workout for most exercises. My measurements haven't changed either but I think my pants are fitting better.