It's amazing how many of you that don't pay attention.



  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    Unless you're an accountant, I deny your use of the caps lock.

    I like to think I have the power.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I think it's nice of people to offer their praise. It's thoughtful and always makes me feel as if I have support. You shouldn't be so uppity
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    I must say that I always try to leave positive comments - only because I am saying you're doing an awesome job by being here and taking responsibilty for yourself by logging everything - the good, the bad and the ugly. I have explained that to my friends as even if they have a crappy day I will atleast put "Great logging in" to let them know I think they're awesome for trying and messing up occasionally doesn't mean I am going to be nasty or not bother to comment at all. :wink:
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    If someone truely criticized your diary and told you that you were eating bad and needed to change. You would be crying foul at that too.:sad:
  • maria25428
    in all seriousness, i can't f****** read the small font, i'm like a granny. when i use the caps, i'm doing myself a favor LOL i'm squinting as we speak.. going blind for you mo'fo's, right now!!!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    in all seriousness, i can't f****** read the small font, i'm like a granny. when i use the caps, i'm doing myself a favor LOL i'm squinting as we speak.. going blind for you mo'fo's, right now!!! this....hold down CTRL then use your mouse scroller to zoom that font
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    This is part of a rant... so if you're thin skinned then stop reading.

    But seriously? If the point of this website were to just give mindless praise without really paying attention... then most of you are doing great. When I complete my food diary at only about 850 calories.. don't say "great job" or "Way to go" to that.. if you had actually looked I'm sure most of you would say "That's dangerous" because it is. I have another friend who is trying to gain weight and having a VERY hard time. She lost more weight last week and a whole group of people congratulated her.. which is just further incidence of not paying attention.

    I'm not saying that as a friend you need to read into every situation and know what every diary says or whatever.. but I am saying that sometimes it would be beneficial to actually know what you are saying. There are only like 10 of my friends who will put a detailed comment or actually have something to say.

    Praise is a terrific confidence booster.. but when you realize how empty it is then suddenly it means nothing.

    Think about it.

    Also.. if you're the kind of person into a "snappy" comeback or whatever, the person inclined to defend themselves to me.. don't waste your time. You don't have to read this.. and it doesn't matter what I say if you don't consider what you're doing in the end.

    Thank you for posting this. I had been thinking about this for a couple of days know.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    Also, some people are full at 800 calories. I could eat 1,000 and sometimes less and not be hungry the rest of the day. I could burn all those calories off so i would have net 0 or even a negative net and i wouldn't be hungry. i do agree that YOU dont deerve a good job though for your horrible eating.

    Just because you're malnourishing yourself and don't feel hungry while doing it, does not make it positive.

    im not malnourishing myself. i weigh around 220. im way overweight for my weight. im not some skinny chick that has an eating disorder. its not like that. I eat and im full. im not hungry. does that make me a bad person? does that mean im not feeding myself and making myself lose weight no.

    As an overweight person recovering from an ED, I kinda take offense to that. EDs aren't just for the very thin. And there's more to EDs than just starving.

    Not trying to inflame, only inform. Also not implying anything about you. Just throwing information out there in an effort to clear up a well-believed misconception.

    As a thin girl who was fat when she had an ED, I also agree. This is a horrible misconception, and for many people in the ED world it is an insult. "You're not thin enough to have an eating disorder" is what I heard from a lot of people when i was sick. Which only made me MORE sick.

    Oh and plenty of people have really slow metabolisms that only need 800-1000 calories to function. 1200=/= your bmr. Your bmr is YOURS and whoever pulled this 1200 number out of their *kitten* is an ... *kitten*. For some people, 1200 is WAY too low, for others its a bit too high.

    My BMR is 1400 so I should be eating at LEAST that amount daily in order to function. My full metabolism on the other hand is 2000, so if I wanted to maintain I would eat around that number.

    So, lets stop judging people before we understand that basic fact.
  • maria25428
    i didn't realize i was blind until i created this account. thanks fitness pal. thanks.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    This thread has got me to thinking that we need "buttons" under each post, kind of like the "like" button on Facebook. No one has to "comment", they can just choose the button that best reflects their reaction to your post or diary.

    So here are the buttons I think would be useful - feel free to add any that you think are needed...




    IDC (I don't care)


    BOL! (best of luck)


    RUKM? (are you kidding me?)

    ONYD (oh no you didn't!)

    AYDY? (are you done yet?)

    BYTM (Better You than Me!)

    HTWFY? (how's that working for you?)

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Also, some people are full at 800 calories. I could eat 1,000 and sometimes less and not be hungry the rest of the day. I could burn all those calories off so i would have net 0 or even a negative net and i wouldn't be hungry. i do agree that YOU dont deerve a good job though for your horrible eating.

    Just because you're malnourishing yourself and don't feel hungry while doing it, does not make it positive.

    im not malnourishing myself. i weigh around 220. im way overweight for my weight. im not some skinny chick that has an eating disorder. its not like that. I eat and im full. im not hungry. does that make me a bad person? does that mean im not feeding myself and making myself lose weight no.

    As an overweight person recovering from an ED, I kinda take offense to that. EDs aren't just for the very thin. And there's more to EDs than just starving.

    Not trying to inflame, only inform. Also not implying anything about you. Just throwing information out there in an effort to clear up a well-believed misconception.

    As a thin girl who was fat when she had an ED, I also agree. This is a horrible misconception, and for many people in the ED world it is an insult. "You're not thin enough to have an eating disorder" is what I heard from a lot of people when i was sick. Which only made me MORE sick.

    Oh and plenty of people have really slow metabolisms that only need 800-1000 calories to function. 1200=/= your bmr. Your bmr is YOURS and whoever pulled this 1200 number out of their *kitten* is an ... *kitten*. For some people, 1200 is WAY too low, for others its a bit too high.

    My BMR is 1400 so I should be eating at LEAST that amount daily in order to function. My full metabolism on the other hand is 2000, so if I wanted to maintain I would eat around that number.

    So, lets stop judging people before we understand that basic fact.

    So do you think a female that weighs 50lbs more than me could have a metabolism so slow that they need only half of what I personally intake? Sorry...but the math on that doesn't add up. I could understand her eating the same as me roughly or a bit less....but half? I really don't think I'm assuming too much I?
  • maria25428
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Original Poster, I agree with you. Good Post.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    If you complete your food entry in MFP and ate less than 1200 calories, it will tell you you're eating Too Few Calories *(in RED, so you SEE it).
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    "As long as you think that the cause of your problem is “out there”—as long as you think that anyone or anything is responsible for your suffering—the situation is hopeless. It means that you are forever in the role of victim, that you’re suffering in paradise."

    — Byron Katie
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Just like the old WW message board days.

    A good, old fashioned melt.

    Want some fries with that melt?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Just like the old WW message board days.

    A good, old fashioned melt.

    Want some fries with that melt?

    Now I'm wondering who this could be ;-)
  • kaymac1908
    kaymac1908 Posts: 39 Member
    You have choices here. You can choose to make your food diary public or private. You can choose to limit access to your diary to the people you trust to give meaningful feedback and provide them with a password. You can choose who you accept as your virtual cheerleaders. You can choose how many calories you eat every day. You can choose whether you log those calories in MFP, on a piece of paper, or not at all. If you are not satisfied with the comments you get, you may want to re-evaluate your choices.

    Frankly, I appreciate anyone who CHOOSES to take the time to acknowledge me in whatever way they wish.
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    OK, so I lost the point of this thread ages ago, but can someone tell me WTF 'small caps' are??? surely there are just 'CAPS' or 'lower case'??? Or did I fail basic typing? (probably, I can't remember anymore!) :wink:
  • momogogo
    momogogo Posts: 159 Member
    :( Guilty..... I didn't realize I was doing it until someone said to me that my food diary looked great. Well I don't enter detail on my diary. I only quick add calories under breakfast everyday. I have a personal trainer who does my meal planning and everyday the calories are a bit different as well as fat, protein etc. I am too busy to try and custom enter each daily meal log. I thought it was funny that they didn't even look. So now I give credit to excersize only. I don't really care what you ate, but I do believe in giving positive reinforcement when due.