Butterball Babies~ ! (Closed Group)



  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    9/22--H2O-19 cups, 30 crunches, 395 calories burned
    9/23--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 208 calories burned
    9/24--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 1200 calories burned
    9/25--H2O-16 cups, 100 crunches, 1200 calories burned
    9/26--H2O-16 cups, 30 crunches, 208 calories burned

    Total--81 cups H2O, 220 crunches, 3211 calories burned

    Great job everyone. I have a headache so I didn't go to the gym like I wanted after work. I am glad I at least got my mini-workout this morning. Going to bed early tonight. Have a great night!!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Suzanne-we all have our days....way to make it through without a binge :happy:

    Kory-you betcha!! hope you like the other flavors! as for updating...you can update every day or every few days...whatever works best for you (there's a small group of us (maybe 8 or so) that post every day)...but be sure to at LEAST update every Thursday! And Tuasha will post the new challenges, for the whole group, on Wed nights or Thurs morns. And awesome job on your cal burn for the week!!:drinker:

    Laura-hope you're feelin better in the morn :flowerforyou:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Suzanne... I'm so proud of you! I know how hard it is when you are having those days! Way to hang in there when you are stressing.

    Laura... you are doing AMAZING this week! Wow... I'm so impressed at your motivation and dedication to this. Way to go girl!! AND you are the Water QUEEN!! wow!!

    Kory... Tara was right about everything. It's all about what works for you. Of course the more you are around, the more you can motivate your team members. And I plan on posting the new challenge for next week on Wednesday. (it will start on Thursday...and we weigh in on Thursday mornings)

    And for me... I'm doing ok this week. I"m actually proud to say I've been doing well with food. I've been able to avoid most carbs this week...(part of my south beach diet phase 1). I'm pretty proud of that b/c I tend to eat a lot of processed things. I have one more week on this phase and then I start working "good" carbs back in. I"m excited about that. Starts with oatmeal, fruits and whole grain breads w/o high fructose corn syrup.

    I've always wanted to eat "cleaner" so I'm excited. Mind you, I won't be eating fully "clean". I will still enjoy cheeses and some other things, but cutting out a lot of other processed foods is exciting to me.
  • SlimLittleMrs
    Hey lovely butterball friends, I'm glad to see what a great job everyone is doing. I've done very well with the challenge - but my eating has been out of control. I think I need support and encouragement to help get me back on track - I'm not sure what's going on for me but it's like I've lost my mind. My choices are horrible and I'm having this internal struggle - I want to lose weight, I want to eat, I want to lose weight, I want to eat. It might be PMS or it might be the fact that I worked so hard last week and didn't lose any weight. I'm not sure, but I'm struggling to get refocused with my eating.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Tausha-sounds like you wanna eat how I DO eat!!! once you get used to it...it's really easy to follow...and sounds like SBD may be just right on getting you there too!! Great job this week...and can't wait to see next weeks challenges!!

    Sandy-I left you a response on your post so check there too!! But a quick revamp of what I said...you are doing so great, and NO matter what the scale says...you need to remember that and keep moving forward in your journey!!! Once you reach your destination...you will look back at all of the "hurdles" you have jumped, and be even more proud of what you have accomplished....instead of having it just handed to you! SO...keep it up!!!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member

    Calories Burned: 2489/3500
    # of Days Meeting 8 cups of H20 Goal: 5/7
    {59/56 cups of H20}
    # of Days Meeting 30 crunches/sit-ups Goal: 3/7
    {135/210 Crunches}

    @Karen~ Weekends are tough for me too. We just have to keep trying to stay motivated and make it through the weekend. Congrats on burning those exercise calories!

    @Laura~Hope you feel better!

    @Tara~WOW, you are having a GREAT DAY! Keep up the good work!

    @Suzanne~CONGRATS on making it through the need to binge!

    @Tausha~Glad you’re off to a good start on the South Beach diet. Way to start eating clean!

    @Sandy~Sorry to hear that you’re having a tough time. Ive sent you a friend request, hoping I can help support you on your weight loss journey
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Renee-you are gonna SO hit all of the goals this week!! WTG!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Tara and Renee~ thanks for your thoughts. I still have the headache but I took some meds and hopefully I'll be better. I'm going to workout after work regardless because my BF is going to a concert tonight so I will be all alone and I have to choose my dinner wisely!

    Tausha~Thanks, I do love my water! :laugh:

    Great job girls, we are all doing awesome and we have to keep it up for the next 2 months! GOTTA KEEP LOSING!!

  • KaeChelle
    Here is the chart! Please let me know if there are any errors! For the spots where there wasn't a weigh in, I just put the most recent weight, because in excel I used a formula to calculate the loss and I had to have a number in those spaces.


    Bumping this up in case anyone missed it!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi guys, sorry if I went MIA last couple of days. My half marathon is finally over. You can read about it here if you like: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/soccermum75

    I am back with a vengeance and ready to kick butts :bigsmile:

    Red team you are doing great. Sandy, don't get discouraged. You are doing so well.
  • annie_p
    annie_p Posts: 319 Member

    Goals for the week:
    Water: 42/56
    Crunches: 300/210
    Calories: ~874/1200

    Missed yesterday, and didn't record either. I've been not so great as of late...but hoping to jump back in!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Here is the chart! Please let me know if there are any errors! For the spots where there wasn't a weigh in, I just put the most recent weight, because in excel I used a formula to calculate the loss and I had to have a number in those spaces.


    Bumping this up in case anyone missed it!

    I missed it thank you for the repost.
    Sorry blue team thing have been up & down emotionally for me. I am finding it had to get though it all.
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    Kory- Holy calorie burn!! WTG!!

    Sandy- Your doing great with your weekly goals- keep at it!!!

    Suzanne- glad to hear you made it through your binge feeling-- stay focused girl!!!

    QUESTION: when did this challenge start?? just curious

    AFM: Monday was a well lets say "monday"- i was of body but not of mind & don't even know how i made it through my work day- so i skipped a day & was in bed at 8:15 so that i could start fresh today!! I was able to get my sit-ups in this morning but otherwise no workout today:(

    Kicking *kitten* at water- so far today i've had about 60 ounces of water (sorry i don't count cups b/c my water bottle goes by ounces!) For me, water & beer are the only two things I drink. hope that doesn't make me sound like an alcoholic, but i never liked pop, not a juicer & cutting out milk helped me lose weight!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    # of Cups of Water: 52/70
    # of Days Crunches Goal: 6/7
    # of calories burned: 1855/1200

    Laura-how's the head feeling? How was your workout? Enjoy your "me time" tonight!

    JoAnn-CONGRATS on running a half!!!! super sweet!:drinker:

    Annie-come on girl...you can do it!!! Consistency is key remember :flowerforyou:

    Jojo-we just started this challenge on Sept 1st...so we were not too far into it when you got here! No worries on the beer...Captain happens to be a friend of mine too!! :laugh: Also, there is 8 oz per cup so your 60 oz bottle would be just 4oz short of the 8 cup goal per day...sounds pretty great! WTG!

    AFM-rest day today...and only 1 walk last night at work since we had an hour long dept meeting during my ususal 2nd walk time...but I will be shootin for at least 2 again tonight PLUS another 12 cups of water like I have had for the past 2 days already!

  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    # of Cups of Water: 52/70
    # of Days Crunches Goal: 6/7
    # of calories burned: 1855/1200

    Laura-how's the head feeling? How was your workout? Enjoy your "me time" tonight!

    JoAnn-CONGRATS on running a half!!!! super sweet!:drinker:

    Annie-come on girl...you can do it!!! Consistency is key remember :flowerforyou:

    Jojo-we just started this challenge on Sept 1st...so we were not too far into it when you got here! No worries on the beer...Captain happens to be a friend of mine too!! :laugh: Also, there is 8 oz per cup so your 60 oz bottle would be just 4oz short of the 8 cup goal per day...sounds pretty great! WTG!

    AFM-rest day today...and only 1 walk last night at work since we had an hour long dept meeting during my ususal 2nd walk time...but I will be shootin for at least 2 again tonight PLUS another 12 cups of water like I have had for the past 2 days already!


    My headache is still here and nothing is really helping it. If I do any exercise, I know it will make it worse...so I'm going to chill and hopefully it will be gone tomorrow! Thanks for caring Tara..

  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    # of calories burned: 4899/3500
    # of days of doing 30 crunches:3/7
    # of days drinking 8 or more cups of water: 5/7
    # of days having at least 3 servings of fruits/veggies: 3/7
    Okay, did have a salad at lunch, but other then that...I just don't have any veggies/fruits at home right now, won't have the money to get them until next week, but ill pick up what I can! Water today, im trying to chug as much as possible..already got 10 in, and should be at 14 by the end of the night..as for the crunches, did some in ripped, but didn't make the 30..im doing my best. :smile:
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    9/22--H2O-19 cups, 30 crunches, 395 calories burned
    9/23--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 208 calories burned
    9/24--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 1200 calories burned
    9/25--H2O-16 cups, 100 crunches, 1200 calories burned
    9/26--H2O-16 cups, 30 crunches, 208 calories burned
    9/27--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 0 calories burned-due to the headache :huh:

    Total--96 cups H2O, 230 crunches, 3211 calories burned
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    9/22--H2O-19 cups, 30 crunches, 395 calories burned
    9/23--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 208 calories burned
    9/24--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 1200 calories burned
    9/25--H2O-16 cups, 100 crunches, 1200 calories burned
    9/26--H2O-16 cups, 30 crunches, 208 calories burned
    9/27--H2O-15 cups, 30 crunches, 0 calories burned-due to the headache :huh:

    Total--96 cups H2O, 230 crunches, 3211 calories burned

    hope you feel better Laura! I"m sorry your head hurts!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi guys, sorry if I went MIA last couple of days. My half marathon is finally over. You can read about it here if you like: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/soccermum75

    I am back with a vengeance and ready to kick butts :bigsmile:

    Red team you are doing great. Sandy, don't get discouraged. You are doing so well.

    I just read your blog about your half marathon! LOVE IT!! Girls...if you haven't read this, its hilarious and she did AMAZING! A must read if you ask me! Way to go hun!! I love your new picture! You look amazing and I am so proud to have you as an MFP!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    8 cups water daily: 49/56
    30 crunches daily: 126out of 210
    Calories burned: 872/1200

    Ugh... I need to catch up! Lots to do tomorrow! I feel pretty confident for weigh ins as long as I can keep focused the next two days!