Spare the rod and spoil the child?



  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I think striking another person is demeaning (for both) and humiliating. It doesn't 'teach' anything except bigger ppl can get their way with violence.
    I strongly disapprove of hitting children and animals. They are completely defenseless and WHAT can a child or dog do to deserve that? Now when my 18 mo old son was sticking his finger in an electrical socket, I did smack his hand - I felt terrible, but I figure it's better than him being electrocuted.
    But no, I think hitting is wrong. period. it is never right. and people who hit eventually meet someone who can & will kick their *kitten*

    I've spanked for the past 24 years, and I've never had my *kitten* kicked. Abuse is one thing. Properly, appropriately spanking can be a useful tool in raising children.
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Spank away! Just don't go overboard with it--it doesn't need to hurt much to be effective.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    Yes, but there's a fine fine line between spanking a child and beating one. I grew up having to go out and get a small 'switch" from a tiny bush and got a few whacks on the bottom. I think it did me some good.

    I'm not Violent or traumatized at all from it. It's not a spanking if you end up like that.

    Sometimes a time out (that's a joke as far as I'm concerned) doesn't work and neither does grounding.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I got my tail whipped on a regular bases, but I was never violent or felt like I wanted to hit others. I didn't spank my kids much when they were younger, mostly if there actions was going to cause harm to themselves. I tried my best to make the punishment fit the crime. If I did spank them, I would make them wait first. I would tell them, you are getting a spanking for what you have done, go sit in your room and think about what you have done. I will be in there in a little bit. They would cry more waiting on it, then when I did it. I would talk to them after they calm down and they would say they wish they had never done it. I rarely had to spank for the same reason more than once.
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Different children need different punishments. A spanking for me was no big deal, but OMG to send me to my room was the end of the word. My sister was the exact opposite! I think it is ok as long as it is ONE form of punishment, not a sole source of punishment. Besides, there is a difference between a spanking and a beating. One is for the child's benefit, the other is for the parent's frustration.
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Thanks mom and dad for spanking me when I needed it. I wouldn't be the hard-working/driven/independent/intellectual person I strive to be today without the discipline you gave to me when needed. Spanking, not out of anger/frustration, but rather spanking out of love/commitment/encouragement/betterment. Yes, there is a difference. Spanking was harder on my parents then on me receiving it, a life lesson always was learned with it.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I have 3 wonderful, well-behaved, respectful, not afraid of me children. Yes, I have spanked all 3 of them, so has my husband. It breaks my heart but they have to know consequences and punishments. None of them have ever been violent with anyone. They have also been in church since they were born so spanking is only part of them being taught right from wrong.

    That being said, I know some people who take it too far. Spanking should not involve bruises just the same as verbal reprimand should not involve belittleing. Kids learn what they live. It's all what you make of it.
  • I had my fair share growing up & my siblings share too... ( I was an only child) I dont run around hitting people.
    I believe in it Occasionally, but with my child its progressive & depends on the crime committed..
    sometimes he gets time out, sometimes its no toys, no fun stuff, sometimes its go walk laps in the yard, or jog laps, sometimes its a swat on the butt.
    I think as long as you are fair & not cruel & explain why they are being punished it sets boundaries & teaches respect.
    Small corrections when they are small & learn boundaries is better than the alternative

    Just my opinion, everyones got one & you know how that saying goes
  • I was spanked as a child & it didn't warp me, cause me to be violent, or damage me. It taught me that there were consequences to wrong doing, it taught me respect & gave me boundaries.. I feel that is something that is lacking in todays soceity that teaches against spanking. I say Yes to the proper discipline & No to it causing violence, when done right. Mama always taught consistency & balance.. she loved us like crazy & because she loved us, she disciplined us. That's my looong opinion :smile:
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Do you believe in spanking children, or do you think it teaches them that it’s ok to hit people and in turn makes them violent?

    Within reason I do. If they spill milk or somethign stupid then no. When I think about people that are so anti-spanking and let's "talk" and negotiate about everything I look back at history and how things have changed so much. In general, kids seem to be pretty out of control and they have very little respect for anybody or anything. When I was a kid I spoke to my friends parents and other adults as Mr. so-and-so, Ms/Mrs. so-and-so. I would never dream cus at another adult or disrepsect them because I knew my dad would kick my butt. Plus, it seems that kids have a very big sense of entitlement anymore. They expect everything be given to them, expensive clothes, phones, cars, etc. I didn't want for anything as a kid but I damn sure appreciated everything I got because I earned it in one way or another. Additionally to the total lack of respect you have kids bringing weapons to school and hurting each other, killing each other, kids doing things that get them charged as adults. Sure we had gangs and stuff growing up but I kind of see that as a different issue than your regular suburban upper-middle class teenager coming in a popping other kids at random. It's just so different and I'm glad my step-son is almost out of high school; I feel for anybody that has younger kids.

    There's a time to talk and negotiate and then there's a time where kids need to know who's boss and what they're going to do, how they're going to do it, and when they're going to do it and what are the consequences of not doing it. Most things should be earned in some manner be it grades, chores at home, attitude / respect, etc. We did family counseling with my other step-son and both counselors said basically we have to give kids love, basic food, basic clothing, and an education, past that everything is a bonus and should be earned.
  • I got spanked for major offenses as a child and my children get it for major offensives now. I think most kids need a good swat every now and again to keep them in line. My oldest girl usually only gets it maybe 2-3 times a year, but my son...geez oh pete, 2-3 times a month. I don't beat on anyone now and my kids like to rough house, but they aren't violent.
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i was spanked as a child, only twice but it taught me not to do things again and it wasn't a hard one just a tap on the back of the hand or bum. I think it all depends of the force and reasons.

    i dont think it has an affect on how violent you are in the future because i am not a violent person at all.
  • dvusk
    dvusk Posts: 21
    I spank my son. When he gets really belligerent, it's the only form of punishment he responds to. I always try taking away toys/privileges and removing him from the situation to talk to him first, but if he doesn't respond to that, he gets swatted.

    When I was young, my parents used to wail away on our rears so we couldn't sit for a bit. I refuse to do that with my son. I'll only give him a single spanking at any one time. It's just to call his attention to the fact that what he's doing is incorrect. If I ever find myself angry enough with him to spank him more than once, that's my cue to leave the room and calm down for a few minutes before I come back in to punish him.
  • I was spanked as a child by my mother and I'm a very calm and mild mannered adult. However my daughter (she's 4) is very aggressive and likes to throw things when she gets really mad. I don't make it a standard practice to spank but I do it when its necessary. I've done the whole taking toys away. I've even locked her playroom, sometimes these things are more effective than spanking and sometimes nothing works better than a spanking itself. So I say if its needed go for it but I don't define a spank to the bottom as abuse.
  • How interesting......Spanking, the last time my daughter got spanked was maybe when she was in elementary school. Now she is 15, about to be a sophmore. And in the last month she has turned my life upside down, right side up, and every other which way. She called me from Georgia (visiting her father this summer because she didn't want to be bored in Maine) and said I'm not coming home on the plane, I'm going to live here. And now she calls me every name in the book, yells at me, curses at me, and says I'm not coming home. Now I am going to court because her father and I were not married so neither one of us has legal custody to our child. I thought we had a pretty good relationship, open communication, raising a teenager that is. So how can a child "throw her mother and fatty (father figure the last 8 years) away, over night. Did I not spank her enough? I don't think so. Talking to your children, making sure you as parent knows what is going on all the time is the most important. They will hurt you, they will lie to you, they will even steal from you. They are human. They are learning to be themselves. Sometimes destructive, sometimes parents are just lucky. For those of you who are parents, hug your kids today and think of me, a mother who has lost a child ( by distance and hurting words). love, jo:heart:
  • Different children need different punishments. A spanking for me was no big deal, but OMG to send me to my room was the end of the word. My sister was the exact opposite! I think it is ok as long as it is ONE form of punishment, not a sole source of punishment. Besides, there is a difference between a spanking and a beating. One is for the child's benefit, the other is for the parent's frustration.
    this is sooo true as well, some children you can scold & send them to sobbing tears, others just roll their eyes at you & yeah whatever...
  • gipperakh
    gipperakh Posts: 102 Member
    Im a spanker. I was spanked when I was growing up. I was a pretty good kid growing up. I avoided all things that would result in a spanking. Just the thought of it made me think twice about my actions. I think that's the general idea of spanking. Obviously if you do it a lot, it's not working so then you should try something else.
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 845 Member
    I was spanked and whacked with the occasional spoon, Im ok with that.
    I was also made to eat a lot of soap in my fine mouthy years, that is the one thing I will NEVER EVER do to my kids.
  • ricepattikay
    ricepattikay Posts: 46 Member
    Discipline means to teach, to me spanking a child is only teaching them that I am bigger than you so I can hurt you. And I think it makes everyone feel bad :( But most of all instead of teaching them (with your words) you are inflicting them with pain and shame, how could this possibly build their self worth?

    I think you should treat your children with the same respect that you expect returned to you.

    I also think that if you are mad and frustrated enough to spank your child, you are probably too mad to be spanking your child.

    We all have different life experiences and therefore different beliefs, this is mine :)
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Yes. Not violent spanking but a tap on the butt when behavior is out of control. I was spanked and I am a very peaceful/pacifist person.

    Agree normally all i have to do is raise my voice! or time out chair...but sometimes you have to spank the hand or tush!