"TLFC" exercise and accountability support!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW!!! 4 clients this morning. One of my friends, who is also a client, is coming over to drop off a new water heater cause mine needs to be replaced. At least he gets it cost and is a professional AC contractor, so I'm saving a ton of money doing it.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: legs- leg press, ATG squats, leg extensions, lying leg curls, seated leg curls, stiff legged deadlifts. 4 x12,10,8, 6

    Assessment: Taco Bell for dinner. I was only up to 500 calories till then, so I feasted.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    @ninerbuff, thanks for the advice. I'll ask my doc the degree of tear at my next appointment. Can I ask you what you think when I get all the results in and hear what they say before I make a decision?

    I had the first surgery 30 years ago and even then it wasn't too bad so I'm not too worried about it except that I don't want to do it if the benefits are really minimal. I seem to know a lot of people in their 40's, 50's and 60's who've opted out of surgery.

    I'd actually rather have a healthier knee if possible but I'm trying not to be stupid about it. Maybe they'll come back and tell me it's not a tear after all...........wishful thinking probably but you never know!

    Have a great weekend!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! No clients this morning. Finish up putting Christmas decor and then off to a friends Christmas get together and gift exchange!

    Cardio: walking- 30 min (150 calories)

    Strength: core- crunches, leg lifts

    Assessment: Sushi last night.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    @luluinca of course I'll give you my input. I've dealt with several people who've had menicus issues and half of them got surgery and the other half didn't. Either way I can try to help with rehab.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    @luluinca of course I'll give you my input. I've dealt with several people who've had menicus issues and half of them got surgery and the other half didn't. Either way I can try to help with rehab.

    Thanks Niner, it's been about 8 or 9 weeks now since I injured it running and it's really just not getting any better so now I'm leaning toward surgery again, if I think it will help!

    I'll have a good day or two and think........nah, don't need surgery and then a couple of days like yesterday and today and if the surgeons think they can help me I'll probably go for it. I have zero health issues except for my age so maybe I'm in the right category age-wise to have surgery.......I'll keep you posted.

    Results appointment is on the 19th and it's a very well respected group of Orthopedic docs. I went there 10 years ago for a broken foot and earlier this year for frozen shoulder and they just don't rush into surgery as far as my experience goes!

    I'll appreciate your input either way!

    Meanwhile, no real exercise yesterday or today, just enough walking and staying on my feet and knee to wear me out doing Christmas things.....gym day tomorrow though!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Got in a trip to the gym yesterday. No real cardio yet but I may try the stationary bike this week.

    Strength: 20 min calisthenics warmup including pushups, situps, good mornings, planks, hanging leg lifts and cardio rope. 50 min Arnold's Super sets for Biceps and Triceps, 4 sets of 10-12 reps each.

    Assessment: Doing okay food wise and really focusing on getting the protein in.

    Have a great week!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! 4 clients this morning then 5 tonight. I was pretty inactive this week with the exception of going to the mall since it rained all weekend. I'll have to pick it up more today.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 (200 calories)

    Strength: shoulders- front shoulder press, rear cable laterals, side cable laterals, shrugs. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Inactive weekend. I'm up a little after eating more and not working out.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 4 clients this morning then 3 tonight. Just exercise today.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 (150 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, machine flat bench, cable crossovers, dips. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Steak and salad.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 4 tonight. Just riding today and a little clean up.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: back- pulldowns, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, dumbell pullovers. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Lamb and vegetables.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Hey Niner and anyone else........seriously struggling here with the knee and work related busyness. Still getting in an easy calisthenics/shoulder rehab workout at home most days but probably won't be back to the gym until next week.

    I have an appt with my ortho doc on Monday so we'll see what the prognosis is I guess........not super encouraged right now but trying to hang tough and maintain the strength I've gained over the last couple of years!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    luluinca wrote: »
    Hey Niner and anyone else........seriously struggling here with the knee and work related busyness. Still getting in an easy calisthenics/shoulder rehab workout at home most days but probably won't be back to the gym until next week.

    I have an appt with my ortho doc on Monday so we'll see what the prognosis is I guess........not super encouraged right now but trying to hang tough and maintain the strength I've gained over the last couple of years!
    Hopefully you get a full diagnosis. It may be degenerative and make sure to ask all your options. Also bring shoes that you wear often so he can see sole wear pattern.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday!!! 4 clients this morning and none tonight because I'm watching ROGUE ONE!!!!! Have never missed an opening night for any STAR WARS movies since 1977!!!!!

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (250 calories)

    Strength: arms- barbell curl, preacher curl, close grip bench, lying tricep extensions. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Taco salad last night.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    luluinca wrote: »
    Hey Niner and anyone else........seriously struggling here with the knee and work related busyness. Still getting in an easy calisthenics/shoulder rehab workout at home most days but probably won't be back to the gym until next week.

    I have an appt with my ortho doc on Monday so we'll see what the prognosis is I guess........not super encouraged right now but trying to hang tough and maintain the strength I've gained over the last couple of years!
    Hopefully you get a full diagnosis. It may be degenerative and make sure to ask all your options. Also bring shoes that you wear often so he can see sole wear pattern.

    Thanks niner on the suggestion about bringing shoes, never would have thought of that.

    Continuing with my home workouts although yesterday I took the dog for a short walk instead. Just trying to maintain some level of exercise for now. Should have time to get back to the gym next week so I'm looking forward to that.

    Have a big party here on Sunday so I'm just spending today and tomorrow getting ready for that.

    Have a great weekend!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy TGIF and LCW!!! 4 clients this morning. Today is DW's Bday so going out for dinner. ROGUE ONE was great! I'd go see it again.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 3 miles (350 calories)

    Strength: legs- leg press, ATG squats, leg extensions, lying leg curls, seated leg curls, stiff legged deadlifts. 4 x12,10,8, 6

    Assessment: Pho for dinner with some popcorn mixed in at the movie!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy weekend! No clients this morning. Hopefully I get my water heater installed today. I bought it, but I'm not that familiar with hooking something like this up.

    Cardio: walking- 30 min (150 calories)

    Strength: core- crunches, leg lifts

    Assessment: My wife wanted Thai for her birthday.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang,

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Monday! Ahh, I'm actually sick. I haven't been sick in 5 years. So I'm staying home.

    Cardio: none

    Strength: none

    Assessment: Spent most of the weekend at home and felt sick on Sunday morning.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Tuesday! 4 clients this morning then 3 tonight. Feel much better today, so back to work.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 (150 calories)

    Strength: chest- incline bench, machine flat bench, cable crossovers, dips. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Pork adobo for dinner.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Humpday! 4 clients this morning and 4 tonight. Working out, but using lighter weights. Still not fully recovered.

    Cardio: bike riding- 30 minutes (150 calories)

    Strength: back- pulldowns, bent over barbell rows, seated cable rows, dumbell pullovers. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Taco Bell last night.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Got a 2.5 mile walk in this morning with the dog so that felt good and heading back to the gym in the morning for some weights and maybe the stationary bike.

    Niner, results of MRI show a moderate meniscus tear, severe arthritis and not much cartilage left so I'm not in great shape. He gave me a shot of cortisone to see if that helps and it has already so that means the pain is primarily from the arthritis (inflammation) and hopefully also means I'll be able to deal with all of this by postponing surgery. He also said surgery would more than likely need to be replacement if we do anything which he knows I don't want.

    He said we'll take baby steps and try other things first. I'm not happy but I am 95% pain free for the first time since the end of October so I can't really complain can I?

    I'll still put my workouts in here but I won't be quite a active as I was before. My plan is to walk one morning, workout at the gym the next and then take a day off and continue with that pattern until I go back to the doc in a month. If it seems like the pain level is still okay I'm going ask to see a physical therapist and see what they have to say about what I can and can't do and how to use the knee in the best way.

    Thanks for your support and words of encouragement.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,716 Member
    Hey gang

    I like myself unconditionally!

    Happy Thursday! 4 clients this morning then 2 tonight. Well my DD won't have perfect attendance this year. She came home with a fever yesterday.

    Cardio: jog/walk- 2 miles (250 calories)

    Strength: arms- barbell curl, preacher curl, close grip bench, lying tricep extensions. 4x12,10,8,6

    Assessment: Steak and salad.