Like Minded Lushes - Septemeber 2011



  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Been quite lushy lately, however, I've been good on calories this week. My strategy is not to start late but not leave calories for wine. So today I have about 600 left, so there won't be wine tonight. Not feeling a work out today but I'm still going to hop on my bike to get my 500 cals, technically according to MFP that would leave me 1100 cals for the rest of the day/night but I'm not eating exercise cals right now. I set up a new calorie plan and such and exercise cals aren't earned extra cals right now. We'll see what happens! After hearing pizza rolls, I want some haha, I love them so much, mom and I have always called them pizza bites and they bring me back to my childhood =]
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Been quite lushy lately, however, I've been good on calories this week. My strategy is not to start late but not leave calories for wine. So today I have about 600 left, so there won't be wine tonight. Not feeling a work out today but I'm still going to hop on my bike to get my 500 cals, technically according to MFP that would leave me 1100 cals for the rest of the day/night but I'm not eating exercise cals right now. I set up a new calorie plan and such and exercise cals aren't earned extra cals right now. We'll see what happens! After hearing pizza rolls, I want some haha, I love them so much, mom and I have always called them pizza bites and they bring me back to my childhood =]

    Good luck with the new plan Kat!! Sometimes I just don't wanna eat back those calories to see what happens, but know in the past, for me, I wasn't losing when I wasn't.....but you are pratically maintaining right??
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I did it! One whole day without alcohol! Who's the Boss now!?! LOL.

    I banged out 17.8 miles on the bike last night in 59:17. Average speed 18.1. Hilly ride, feeling good. Outside temps were high 50's, a little chilly.

    But awesomeness, I ran a Fitness Test on my HRM this morning (since I didn't drink last night it gives more accurate results). My VO2 max is now 50, excellent range for men my age. Hell excellent range for men in their 30's! My resting HR is 43 bpm.

    And my bike odometer turned over 1,200 miles last night. Since my first ride April 23 this year. I'm happy today! Five Oh baby!

    Amazing accomplishment!!! Congrats!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Been quite lushy lately, however, I've been good on calories this week. My strategy is not to start late but not leave calories for wine. So today I have about 600 left, so there won't be wine tonight. Not feeling a work out today but I'm still going to hop on my bike to get my 500 cals, technically according to MFP that would leave me 1100 cals for the rest of the day/night but I'm not eating exercise cals right now. I set up a new calorie plan and such and exercise cals aren't earned extra cals right now. We'll see what happens! After hearing pizza rolls, I want some haha, I love them so much, mom and I have always called them pizza bites and they bring me back to my childhood =]

    Good luck with the new plan Kat!! Sometimes I just don't wanna eat back those calories to see what happens, but know in the past, for me, I wasn't losing when I wasn't.....but you are pratically maintaining right??

    Looking to shed a few pounds.I set up MFP differently and am using my own calorie goal to lose instead of their way. Only just started though so it'll take some time to see if it works.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday,, red wine

    Thursday, ???
    Friday, work 3 to 11
    Saturday, work 3 to 11
    Sunday, work 3 to 11

    Goal is: < 12

    I had 2 glasses of wine while cooking and eating dinner and a nightcap. I think that's called moderation, right??!! the happy dance with pride...also, your bike looks pretty BA, congrats on the mileage
    Kat...hope the new plan is effortless and efficient

    The weigh-in went well for any of those interested....down 2 lbs. and almost back to baseline
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I gave in to the vodka last night. I felt like crap and I just wanted to sleep so I am claiming that it was for medicinal purposes.:wink:

    Way to go Solpwr.

    Kat I have always set up my own ratios and calories. I have never used the MFP default. I know what works for me.

    The scale keeps moving. down another .6 this morning. :bigsmile:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    After I had class last night and the hubs was alone with the kids--we both did a shot of Tuaca last night, but that was all I had and I had the cals for it. Yay!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Damn you delicious beer sitting in the fridge, DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Only had 1/2 but still I need some more willpower. NO BEER DURING THE WEEK RULE seriously needs to come back in effect!!!!

    Oh then I had 9oz of wine :wink:

    Kim, YAY 2lbs!!
    Robin, Congrats on the keeps going down down down!!!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Damn you delicious beer sitting in the fridge, DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Only had 1/2 but still I need some more willpower. NO BEER DURING THE WEEK RULE seriously needs to come back in effect!!!!

    Take the beer out of the fridge so it is warm. Then, you might not be so tempted.
  • mammacano
    mammacano Posts: 153 Member
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Oh Kim, my husband would never allow for it, haha!!!!! He needs cold beer in the fridge at all times....this is the guy who has been the same size pants since he was a freshman in high school, getting heavy is totally not in his genes, so he eats and drinks whatever he wants....hence why I gained weight :wink:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks nisi :smile:

    Rj, I definitely think it's the way to go. I haven't gotten on the scale yet because I don't want to become obsessed and I know weight fluctuates like crazy. Friday will be a weigh in day but I don't think I'll do every week. I had looked up online what my BMR was and how much I'd need to take in to lose weight according to how much I work out so that's what I set my calorie goal to. It's plenty to keep my satisfied but not so much that I feel as though I need to shovel in food to meet my mark.

    I'm going to work out Monday - Friday and give my body the weekend to rest. 500 or more calorie burn a day is the goal and in 45 minutes on level 7 on my bike, it's an easy target and it's a good amount of time. I pop on an episode of something from HBO or something else that's 45 minutes and time flies. I feel pretty good so far and it only started this week.

    As for booze, none last night but may have some tonight. My new goal is if I'm going to drink on a week night I want to stay at 3 drinks or less and so I'm only going to leave 400 cals for that at the end of the day, that when when I'm done with those I'll be at calorie level and won't want to go over so I'll stop. Of course once you put in excercise the amount of cals goes up and that can definitely temp you as you look and go well technically I still have this many cals because I burnt this many. So far though, I've been good this week and haven't gone over despite having an "extra" 500 :smile:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh Kim, my husband would never allow for it, haha!!!!! He needs cold beer in the fridge at all times....this is the guy who has been the same size pants since he was a freshman in high school, getting heavy is totally not in his genes, so he eats and drinks whatever he wants....hence why I gained weight :wink:

    Damn husbands and their man cave rules...
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Oh Kim, my husband would never allow for it, haha!!!!! He needs cold beer in the fridge at all times....this is the guy who has been the same size pants since he was a freshman in high school, getting heavy is totally not in his genes, so he eats and drinks whatever he wants....hence why I gained weight :wink:

    Damn husbands and their man cave rules...

    :angry: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I was so far under on calories yesterday (another bike ride) that I just HAD to open the 1.5L Chardonnay. Drank a fourth of it.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I was so far under on calories yesterday (another bike ride) that I just HAD to open the 1.5L Chardonnay. Drank a fourth of it.

    I like the way you put that. You could have said you had half a bottle of wine (which you did) but since it was a double bottle you only drank a fourth. we all do what we gotta do to feel better.

    speaking of doing what you gotta do to feel better I think tonight is comfort food because I feel like crap and I am fighting off a cold.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Think something else is going on with my paralyzed pup. Think we need to bring her into the vet :ohwell: The thought of something else being wrong with my baby breaks my heart :cry: and I broke down earlier and they know when something is wrong so I had to reassure them I was okay. The wine I planned and already put in my calories is somewhat doing it's stress relieving job. I've had a touch of insomnia lately so tonight will be a night spent thinking about my Chloe Belle, trying to stay positive and praying nothing is seriously wrong.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Paralyzed pup? Oh no, that sounds terrible. My Rupert has a bad leg and I have stayed up all night holding him bf when it's stiff and sore; he cries. I can only imagine how worried you are. I will send healthy thoughts for her. I also think going over your logged drink calories is totally understandable at this time.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I was so far under on calories yesterday (another bike ride) that I just HAD to open the 1.5L Chardonnay. Drank a fourth of it.

    I like the way you put that. You could have said you had half a bottle of wine (which you did) but since it was a double bottle you only drank a fourth. we all do what we gotta do to feel better.

    speaking of doing what you gotta do to feel better I think tonight is comfort food because I feel like crap and I am fighting off a cold.

    Hope you get over the cold soon! That's no fun!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 0 drinks
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday,, red wine
    Thursday, 6 beers (guesstimation), 1 jello, I won a Viking Beer glass playing bingo...whoot, whoot

    Friday, work 3 to 11
    Saturday, work 3 to 11
    Sunday, work 3 to 11

    Total: 10

    Goal is: < 12

    That leaves 2 glasses for some relaxation wine when I need it and have calories for it...Otherwise, it's off limits