Like Minded Lushes - Septemeber 2011



  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Awww I found my friends again! Busy summer......things are good though.

    No booze so far this week (m-today) but I have friends coming in town tonight so I'm sure I'll be drinking straight thru till Sunday. Almost a little "over" it, anyone else get that way?

    Like, I'd rather just consume a glass or two every night or every other night than save it all up for the weekend and deal with the consequenses?? Just thinking out loud here......

    *tackles Cat*

    I missed you!

    So, I don't think I was "just" hung over...i got sent home from work with a 101* temp. So, I watched 5 episodes of Eureka that I had on the dvr. Oh, and I had soup.


    Tomorrow we're headed to the Phish show, Saturday is a work picnic with our neighbor and Monday i
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Whoops! Darn phone!

    Monday is Taste of, all boozy adventures.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I poured an awesome Chenin Blanc tonight! California version of a wonderful white. Nice and sour and acidic. It was fantastic. I'm finishing the whole bottle! MMmmmmm....

    With 3 mahi mahi tacos with onions, roasted jalapeno, tomato, cabbage, fresco ranchero, and fresh serrano. Mahi mahi was seasoned with cumino, Paul Prudhomme seafood seasoning, and pepper. It was divine. I gotta post a picture it was so good.

  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    And avocado! :wink:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Solpwr it looks great! I love to cook ( I make a mean seafood chile relleno) but for the month of september I am going to keep it really simple (no thinking or creativity involved) I love good wine and when you describe yours I am soooo jealous. Thanks for sharing.:happy:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 6, soda, Izzy pom and lime
    Tuesday, 6 drinks....3 Sam Adams @ Champps & and 3 of the above when we got home
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, state fair, 11 drinks....10 oz of cranberry vodka/lemonade, 4 beers and a perfect margarita from Applebees.
    Friday, 0 drinks
    Saturday, 0 drinks
    Sunday, 0 drinks

    Total: 23

    Goal: <18

    Well, now how am I supposed to get thru the rest of a holiday weekend without booze???

    Kayaking tomorrow, paddleboarding Sunday, racetrack on Monday. Dang, this is going to be bad!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Total: 23

    Goal: <18

    Well, now how am I supposed to get thru the rest of a holiday weekend without booze???

    Kayaking tomorrow, paddleboarding Sunday, racetrack on Monday. Dang, this is going to be bad!!

    Sounds like an active weekend though and that burns calories.
    PS - Holly went to the fair last weekend. It was her first "real" state fair. She had a blast and ate some really horrific things like deep fried Reeses but she was really proud that she and her beau only got one of all the crap and shared so they could enjoy the tastes without going crazy.
  • slimnsexynside
    I'm home on this forum! Seriously, I know that a glass of red wine is good for you, but when it comes to 3 to 4 glasses -- that's another story. I think I'm going back to my vodka with a splash of pineapple juice. Not that it's healthier, just fewer calories--I think. Dang, I've already got tickets to a wine festival this month! No refunds--so I gotta drink the wine. At least I know I'm in good company in this forum. Salud!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Sounds like an active weekend though and that burns calories.
    PS - Holly went to the fair last weekend. It was her first "real" state fair. She had a blast and ate some really horrific things like deep fried Reeses but she was really proud that she and her beau only got one of all the crap and shared so they could enjoy the tastes without going crazy.

    Robin, I looked into the sweet tea vodka and I was concerned about the calories. How do they make it so sweet? So, the guy at the liquor store said to stay away from it. The one I was looking at was the J. Weed. I didn't have enough time to research it all tho. So, I just did the cranberry vodka. Soooo good

    It's an awesome state fair. I think it's rated #2 in the country. There is so much food that you have to share otherwise you can't try everything. Tell her next year, the grilled pork chops at the entrance are the best thing at the fair. It has to be at the entrance not the ragin cagin ones. THE BOMB!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Last night, Protos pizza and red wine, split two bottles among four people.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Yessssssssh beer!
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Soccerdot -- Tuaca is some evil s*^t! I used to be a bartender at a Moose Lodge (times were bad!) and all the yokels came out and drank Tuaca and sang kareoke. That was a hoot!
    It is pretty good on the rocks and sipped, but I don't think I can ever stomach a shot of it again!

    Well, I am on glass of wine #2 for the night, and had 3 Sam Adams light with dinner. Luckily I can usually refrain on Sat. nights! Ah, some days we just go over a tiny bit. My *kitten* isn't going to get huge overnight and 3 beers -- that isn't how it happened the first time ;)
    Happy long weekend, lushes!
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Oh well... totally fell off of a couple of wagons tonight. Had three drinks... ate pizza... had cookies for dessert. Over by at least 1,000 calories. I hate when that happens! Always alcohol related! Oh well there's always tomorrow:-)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Whoa... I missed a lot of pages! I'm still here... trying to lush only on the weekends. I've have about 3 shots (double maybe triple) of Rum tonight but haven't drank since last saturday! Damn I've backspaced alot just tying that much... at least I can still catch my mistakes! I don't really have anyting else to say right now but I love you guys to the moon and your support is awesome! ttfo (TaTaForNow) :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • braless67
    love it! i'm finding ketel one citroen + 0 cal lemonade +fresh mint leaves very yummy! have no idea how many calories. really don't care at this moment :happy:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    thurs - 1 bottle of wine
    fri - 0
    sat - 2 bottles of wine

    ah yeh. I have been some kind of bad *kitten* since Kim's comp ended. I dunno competition drives me. Out on my own again has killed me. Knowing the next comp is soon I have been eating everything in sight before it starts. Tomorrow I will be good damn it!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 6, soda, Izzy pom and lime
    Tuesday, 6 drinks....3 Sam Adams @ Champps & and 3 of the above when we got home
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, state fair, 11 drinks....10 oz of cranberry vodka/lemonade, 4 beers and a perfect margarita from Applebees.
    Friday, 5 drinks....2 glasses of wine and 1/2 bottle of skinn margs
    Saturday, 0 drinks
    Sunday, 0 drinks

    Total: 28

    Goal: <18

    My competition starts on Wednesday, I might as well live it up. Going kayaking today and I am not bringing any liquor with me. If I do, it will be a a marathon day and I really don't need one of those.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    lots of vodka last night, pulled pork sliders. ugh, this was after pizza for lunch (yuck). today will be drininking I am sure the weather is beautiful. tomorrow is brewery tour (3 different ones with tastings at all three) then a fancy bar for apps and drinks and then Gameworks for the rest of the night. Monday is a birthday party brunch with lots of champagne and really good food. Only after all of that, I will be good. :laugh:
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I had two diet maggies last night. I rode my bike 40 miles though, so I still was under on net calories.

    I believe red wine and Italian food is on my dinner menu tonight. A night out.
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    I really am a wine geek. Here's photos of my cellar, the wine bottle painted on the wall of my living room, and the cork screw I built as an art project hanging from my ceiling. When I do stuff, I tend to go all the way.



