Butt Bashers Support (closed thread)



  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    Wow... lot to read here.

    Did they give me the disadvantage? I haven't looked yet.

    I lost like at least a half a lb of hair at the stylist. LOL. I have VERY thick wavy hair and it went from shoulder length to short.
    I was 149 even after I FINALLY got home today. Did not do a formal work out but with the amount of brake rotors I put away today... I think I'm good. Putting away freight in the morning is normally a good work out. I just don't log work stuff. I know I burn a good amount of calories at work.

    I will try and be as good as I can be. I don't plan on gaining 5 lbs this weekend.

    My girls, make awesome choices but remember... regretfully we're all human.

    Maybe you should be logging if your moving freight!!!!! that can be hard work so i say LOG IT!!!! :bigsmile:
    And yes we are human but we are just being so cruisey about it all and really doing a *kitten* job at our food COME ON GET REAL!!!!! (as doctor Phill would say) what is the point of this challenge if we are not going to do our bloody best and end up AGAIN in last place for us to be take off one by one...
    NO each person is accountable for what they weight and how much they lose that person worked hard at doing so... Yes we are a team and are here to support and motivate each other and not be like hey have a great time ill do extra so you can relax NO WAY ...We should not be carrying one another ppl !! I so don't agree..
    Were are in this to help us get down on our weight not help each other even out and say enjoy just have a great time ... I think 1 day a week is great to let lose..:drinker:
    If this is what it's going to be like ladies what's the point in being in this competition?
    Im not here to ***** foot around sorry for being harsh but i need a strong team that are going to say hey what the hell are you eating that for when you have already had a relaxed day this week??? WHY did you feel the need to eat that what were you feeling and thinking???
    :explode: SORRY all I'm just so sick and tried of the excuses I give my self and I know all your are too... It's not that I'm a sore loser either it's more what's going on with my team and my self to think that we can say hey have a relaxed day here and there we will cover you or I'm just going eat a few of these and end up eating more then I/We should have???? Fair enough we need to reward or selfs and relax I so get that as i LOVE to drink on saturday's and some times I will have a couple of home brew beer or bourbon during the week to relax. But we need to work it of or stay at our calories!!!!

    How dose this not make you all up set with your self and feel like we are not doing enough ??? Cus I'm so annoyed with myself, my body and my team for not really supporting each other like we should be ...:flowerforyou:

    Anyway that is my big vent on it need to go and have a cool drink and think or a while.... Please ladies really think about the team.... We can do this let's show them what we are made of :love: lets BLOW them out of the water this week WE CAN DO THIS..:drinker:
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    ok my sister says im taking it to seriously :blushing: so do what you guys would like to do it and ill do it how i think i should be doing it :bigsmile: i probs wont comment in here any more... just keep doing what im doing and just log in on the thread when i have to for weight in :) good luck ladies :flowerforyou:
  • jamiejum
    If Jaime is supposed to be me, then I'm in. Kim, I'm your sister, you should be able to spell my name properly JAMIE!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hi Jamie, nice to see you here! I think Naomi was talking about her sister Faith....

    Naomi, I'm sorry if we have not been as supportive as you need. I'm not sure if you know that Erin won the last challenge and has been losing 2-3 pounds a week for months now. I think she deserves a break for the weekend even if it is in the middle of this challenge. Please don't stop posting as we need your enthusiasim (?) even though I only get about half of what you are talking about. :laugh: You "write" a lot more Aussie than your sister. Can't wait until we get over there one day.

    Okay, so we're all good right? I just worked my butt off and then did 60 crunches - ouch!
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Jamie, nice to see you here! I think Naomi was talking about her sister Faith....

    Naomi, I'm sorry if we have not been as supportive as you need. I'm not sure if you know that Erin won the last challenge and has been losing 2-3 pounds a week for months now. I think she deserves a break for the weekend even if it is in the middle of this challenge. Please don't stop posting as we need your enthusiasim (?) even though I only get about half of what you are talking about. :laugh: You "write" a lot more Aussie than your sister. Can't wait until we get over there one day.

    Okay, so we're all good right? I just worked my butt off and then did 60 crunches - ouch!

    sorry am i hard to understand?? It don't matter any way lovely ladies.. I'm just going to stick at what I'm doing and wish you guys luck and just post me weight in's :) at end of each week ... Just gana be a little quiet mousey :) and im sure jamie is meant to be in our team lol... anyways have great week ladies im off to drink some wine and have a lovely salad wrap :)
    and erin is awesome sometimes though when you have had great loses for few eeks you tend to hit a brick wall and not lose any weight for few weeks as you have had so many good loses.. that was my worry.. but all good ... Just worry about me self and losing my fat i have lol... Ok really of to have a drink now brought 2 bottles of wine and haven't had wine in over 3mths :)
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Yeah, that's the great thing about this challenge, we can all do our own thng. I got involved in a challenge doing certain exercises each day, etc and it was just too much. Did not take into account different peoples fitness or expertise levels.

    Dang, up 3 pounds again today! I am just so frustrated with the three pounds up, four pounds down bit. I really don't have time for the full hour of exercise each day but guess that is what I am going to have to do if I want the scale to move.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    My weekend was wrought with tummy issues.... icky and not fun.

    On the bright side... Jason's graduation went well. Still managed to have a good time with the inlaws although I was running a fever Sat. Morning. Ah well... back to the grind tomorrow.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    Haven't been checked in most of the weekend. Crazy day today too, will check back tomorrow! Hows everyone feeling this week? I am hoping i am not retaining water now from all the exercise!!
  • jamiejum
    Hi Ladies,

    After this weekend, I couldn't even log the amount of calories I took in (Darn), but someone told me I looked thinner so I'm hoping Wednesday will be 1 to 2 lbs lighter. I haven't been exercising either, so hopefully I don't get kicked off. OK, let's plan to do an extra 10 minutes of exercise each day. Take the stairs instead of escalators, elevators and drink at least 2 glasses of water before each meal. That will fill us up and keep us down for our weigh in on Wednesday. What do you all think??
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    SOunds like a good plan, Jamie.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Good plan Jamie. tomorrow I will do 4 laps around the office complex and then the 45 minute DVD. I'm usually great with the water but didn't want it for some reason today. Wonder if that is from having a GIANT salad for lunch? Lettuce and tomato are mostly water anyway.

    Good luck for Wednesday everybody!

    ps - scale was still up this morning but pants falling off - go figure.
  • jamiejum
    your just gaining some sweet muscles :)
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    My weight will be down at least a pound (if not more) but I have a half pound disadvantage. :(

    I won't be able to post till around eightish tomorrow... Yup that's me... late poster.
  • jamiejum
    Evai, yo:smile: u lost 44 lbs. WoW! I'm impressed :)
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks Jamie... I did at least 30 of it in the Fit and Trim Contest... Round 2. :)

    Actually I think more then 30 of it was during the contest.
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    Very impressive Erin, congrats on the losses!
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    yay lost 14kgs so far really wish this kgs would budge grrr need to keep going with the fruits and veggies dont know why my body is being stubben maybe time to ramp up me exercise again not sure if i can today after having tooth pulled out yesterday see how i go.. nice work every one on the loses :D
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    yay lost 14kgs so far really wish this kgs would budge grrr need to keep going with the fruits and veggies dont know why my body is being stubben maybe time to ramp up me exercise again not sure if i can today after having tooth pulled out yesterday see how i go.. nice work every one on the loses :D
    Great going! Don't forget to weigh in by midnight US time. Hoping we aren't last this week but looks like muscle masters may take the lead again - rats.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    so down 2.2 lbs from last week all in all... Kinda surprised. Sweet.

    You're doing great Naomi! Keep it up!
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    YAY we were not LAST!!!! no one is gone from our team :)