Stay-At-Home Moms 1/5-1/11



  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Well ladies I have hit a funk over the weekend and although I've been exercising, I'm eating like crap. And my attitude is terrible. I'm gonna vent for just a second. By the time you are done reading this you will probably think I'm terrible mom but if you've been there I'm sure you will have some sympathy.
    I am on the verge of selling my son. Okay not really but he drives me crazy. I don't seem to have the patience to deal with him. He's CONSTANTLY running his mouth, talking about video games and Star Wars and when can he play PS2 and when he gets on what he's going to play and how he's going to defeat so and so and on and on and on and on. This is an all day everyday thing. I've tried to be interested and so enthusiam for his interests but it's exhausting. If I have to hear one more thing about Star Wars and why Anakin turned into Darth Vader I think I will hang myself. And this is just the beginning of my annoyance with my son. Part 2 he doesn't listen EVER!!! We went bowling yesterday and instead of being fun for the family I took the baby and sat in the truck, partially because it was time to feed her but mostly because I was tired of telling my son to sit down stay out of the way of the families around us and to stop dropping the ball or lofting it. He's just learning so I was trying to have patience with him but I just couldn't do it. I have to tell the kid several times to do anything. He has had the same "after meal" routine for 2 years now and he still doesn't do it without a reminder. I'm tired of being a nag, I'm tired of hearing the same things come out of my mouth hour after hour after hour. Part 3 he is constantly concerned about his sister's well being. I know this sounds like it should be a good thing but when he's telling you "mom dont you think it's time to feed her/ bathe her/ change her or time for her nap" it gets really frustrating. Who is the mother here??? I honestly dread getting up in the morning because I know exactly what I'm going to have to deal with because it's the same routine EVERY SINGLE DAY :mad: I've tried to be patient, I've tried taking privledges away, I've tried everything I can think to try and it's only making it worse for me because he's not changing. I'm ready to give up. I am literally in tears right now because I am truely hiding from my family right now because I just can't deal with it anymore. I feel like a terrible mother. I don't know what I can do, his behavior isn't changing, my discipline tactics aren't fixing or altering anything. I'm tired of listening to my hubby argue with him. I've read book upon book looking for new solutions to impliment but nothing seems to work. I know that kids need routine and structure and I've tried to do just that but it seems like more work for me and it's not doing anything for him. I'm ready to give up and just let him get away with murder.

    Okay I'm sorry so long. I had to get that off my chest. DD is awake now so I must go. Thanks for listening.

    Aww, hun that sounds rough. And of course you aren't a terrible mother. Moms are people with emotions too! I have no experience in this arena because my little man is barely a toddler, but maybe a more experienced mommy could offer some advice?? :flowerforyou:

    I do have a much younger brother who has similar discipline problems, and my mom has to constantly correct him. So obviously she's not doing something right either. :ohwell:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    And welcome new mommies!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lyn - BIG hugs, sweetie. You had me at "sell my son". Mine is 3 & I have that feeling at least once a day! I'm still in the learning phase of advanced discipline, so I am no help either. I bet Marla or abetterme would have some good ideas. Oh, and the hiding? I do that all the time, too. :embarassed: When you're a SAHM, you are around them ALL...THE...TIME! Sometimes you just need a break even if it is in the bathroom with the door locked with the laptop....not that I've ever done that...well, yeah I have...last week. twice. *HUGS* Hang in there. You are a GOOD mom. It is a tough, tough job but you'll make it!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I was just thinking about what you are going through with your son and I could be totally off base but I was wondering what if you change a couple of things in his diet? Like get him off sugar and/or corn (corn syrup etc) for a few days and see if he settles down. I have been learning a lot bout what foods can do to people since I have to watch my son's diet. I have noticed for myself that sugar makes me very tired (as it does most people) but it also makes me grouchy! Whole wheat makes me very sleepy and emotional. It's not easy changing a child's diet, especially when they are older, but it might be worth a shot. Might help you gt some sanity back. One thing though I should say is that if you do decide to take him off certain foods, he may have withdrawal symptoms and be worse for a couple of days. But if you are determined you can make it through. I put Alex on a very strict diet and the first three days were horrible! The fourth day he woke up and was a perfect angel ALL day and continued to be until I added wheat back into his diet. Anyway, I thought I would throw that out there. Some kids are just hyper. My cousin's son is that way and will talk you ear off. I hope you get a break and things settle down for you. :flowerforyou:
  • sassymom
    Hello all, I am newly active on here and am excited to be here. I have been a sahm now for 6 years. I have 3 daughters ages 10, 8, & 4, and my husband works out of state for 6 weeks at a time. (fun times :sad: lol) Everyone on this site seems so nice and motivating, Its very refreshing. Hope to make some new friends that fully understand the weight & kid issues that I face on a daily basis. I think I found a new addiction. (besides my food one)
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    We gave Harley baby cereal for the first time today. Here's pics:


  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Cute-- seems she just LOVES it-- NOT. How adorable.

    Hi Sassymom-- welcome-- be warned, it is very addictive here. Real fun, real time robbing-- proceed with caution!!!

    Hello everyone else, new and old-- well, not old, just older-- well, I don't mean older as in not young, I mean-- oh, nevermind-- hope all are well. Life-- well, sucks, basically-- but we're hanging in. Tired all the time, no time to catch up sleep, no respite from stress. Whaddyagonnado?

    Back to work-- be well-- !!!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hello all, I am newly active on here and am excited to be here. I have been a sahm now for 6 years. I have 3 daughters ages 10, 8, & 4, and my husband works out of state for 6 weeks at a time. (fun times :sad: lol) Everyone on this site seems so nice and motivating, Its very refreshing. Hope to make some new friends that fully understand the weight & kid issues that I face on a daily basis. I think I found a new addiction. (besides my food one)

    Welcome! :flowerforyou: Hope you don't mind, just checked out your profile and you are absolutely gorgeous. :love: :bigsmile: You have a lovely face, and I just adore your family pic.

    So glad you joined us! :drinker:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lori - LMBO! that's hilarious! My kids have all felt the same way about that junk. HA!

    Sassy - Welcome to the group! Your middle daughter looks JUST like mama! So pretty! I hope you find a place here. We started this group b/c some of us were having a hard time finding a niche on MFP... now it is like home. :happy: Welcome!

    Marla - You have me concerned. You'll be getting a PM in 5...4....3....2....
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Hi everyone!! Well my weekend has been bad on food eating. :mad: Then if that wasn't bad we went out to a bar with some of my hubbies co-workers and I had 6 drinks of ameratto sours!! Yummy, but bad for the calories. :grumble: I am not giving up and I am going to be working hard this week. I am not going to let the weekends get to me. It just stinks to think about how many calories i just ate this weekend.

    oh ya I got the Jillian's 30 day shred adn I am so excited. Do you all have this and is it good???
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    MrsBuzz - SIX sours?! I'd still be on the floor! LOL You'll be okay food wise. It is one of those things you need to learn to incorporate into your every day life. MFP isn't about a quick diet, it is about a lifestyle change. You're learning how tolive a healthy life. It isn't like you're throwing back 6 sours a it? :huh: :wink: It is just one day. Brush yourself off & move forward. :flowerforyou:
  • sassymom
    Hello all, I am newly active on here and am excited to be here. I have been a sahm now for 6 years. I have 3 daughters ages 10, 8, & 4, and my husband works out of state for 6 weeks at a time. (fun times :sad: lol) Everyone on this site seems so nice and motivating, Its very refreshing. Hope to make some new friends that fully understand the weight & kid issues that I face on a daily basis. I think I found a new addiction. (besides my food one)

    Welcome! :flowerforyou: Hope you don't mind, just checked out your profile and you are absolutely gorgeous. :love: :bigsmile: You have a lovely face, and I just adore your family pic.

    So glad you joined us! :drinker:

    Wow, thank you. You little boy is adorable. That first picture is beautiful. I noticed your name is Hannah, that is my youngest daughters name, I am Rachel. :flowerforyou:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hello all, I am newly active on here and am excited to be here. I have been a sahm now for 6 years. I have 3 daughters ages 10, 8, & 4, and my husband works out of state for 6 weeks at a time. (fun times :sad: lol) Everyone on this site seems so nice and motivating, Its very refreshing. Hope to make some new friends that fully understand the weight & kid issues that I face on a daily basis. I think I found a new addiction. (besides my food one)

    Welcome! :flowerforyou: Hope you don't mind, just checked out your profile and you are absolutely gorgeous. :love: :bigsmile: You have a lovely face, and I just adore your family pic.

    So glad you joined us! :drinker:

    Wow, thank you. You little boy is adorable. That first picture is beautiful. I noticed your name is Hannah, that is my youngest daughters name, I am Rachel. :flowerforyou:

    Hi Rachel. :flowerforyou:

    Aww, ty. It was the result of the 1st birthday cake. :ohwell: We had a blue bathtub for a month. (Then the cat got in there and peed, so we had a green bathtub for about 2 minutes :mad: )
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    MM-thanks for the food suggestion. It's a possibility. He's been like this his entire life, and he's been eating the same his entire life so....who knows. Today he's been much calmer, it helps that dad got on his case first thing this morning about leaving me alone. I know people have a lot bigger issues than mine and I should be thankful that this is my only problem right now but it just tries my patience and runs me into the ground day after day after day.

    MrsBuzz don't feel bad about a weekend slip. I've been at this for 4 1/2 months now and weekends are still hard for me. This weekend has been terrible, but it's only 2 days and come monday I will be back to the same old healthy eating and exercise. It happens, don't beat yourself up over it.

    Sara-thanks for the hugs

    Welcome Sassy.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I keep thinking Homeward Bound-- Sassy the cat-- hee hee.
  • abillings9
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Well ladies I have hit a funk over the weekend and although I've been exercising, I'm eating like crap. And my attitude is terrible. I'm gonna vent for just a second. By the time you are done reading this you will probably think I'm terrible mom but if you've been there I'm sure you will have some sympathy.
    I am on the verge of selling my son. Okay not really but he drives me crazy. I don't seem to have the patience to deal with him. He's CONSTANTLY running his mouth, talking about video games and Star Wars and when can he play PS2 and when he gets on what he's going to play and how he's going to defeat so and so and on and on and on and on. This is an all day everyday thing. I've tried to be interested and so enthusiam for his interests but it's exhausting. If I have to hear one more thing about Star Wars and why Anakin turned into Darth Vader I think I will hang myself. And this is just the beginning of my annoyance with my son. Part 2 he doesn't listen EVER!!! We went bowling yesterday and instead of being fun for the family I took the baby and sat in the truck, partially because it was time to feed her but mostly because I was tired of telling my son to sit down stay out of the way of the families around us and to stop dropping the ball or lofting it. He's just learning so I was trying to have patience with him but I just couldn't do it. I have to tell the kid several times to do anything. He has had the same "after meal" routine for 2 years now and he still doesn't do it without a reminder. I'm tired of being a nag, I'm tired of hearing the same things come out of my mouth hour after hour after hour. Part 3 he is constantly concerned about his sister's well being. I know this sounds like it should be a good thing but when he's telling you "mom dont you think it's time to feed her/ bathe her/ change her or time for her nap" it gets really frustrating. Who is the mother here??? I honestly dread getting up in the morning because I know exactly what I'm going to have to deal with because it's the same routine EVERY SINGLE DAY :mad: I've tried to be patient, I've tried taking privledges away, I've tried everything I can think to try and it's only making it worse for me because he's not changing. I'm ready to give up. I am literally in tears right now because I am truely hiding from my family right now because I just can't deal with it anymore. I feel like a terrible mother. I don't know what I can do, his behavior isn't changing, my discipline tactics aren't fixing or altering anything. I'm tired of listening to my hubby argue with him. I've read book upon book looking for new solutions to impliment but nothing seems to work. I know that kids need routine and structure and I've tried to do just that but it seems like more work for me and it's not doing anything for him. I'm ready to give up and just let him get away with murder.

    Okay I'm sorry so long. I had to get that off my chest. DD is awake now so I must go. Thanks for listening.

    I have SO been there. Except with my ds it's all about sharks or snakes or anything equally terrifying (well, in my book anyway.) I honestly think it's a phase they go through.
    Hugs and just know that I understand!
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Well ladies I have hit a funk over the weekend and although I've been exercising, I'm eating like crap. And my attitude is terrible. I'm gonna vent for just a second. By the time you are done reading this you will probably think I'm terrible mom but if you've been there I'm sure you will have some sympathy.
    I am on the verge of selling my son. Okay not really but he drives me crazy. I don't seem to have the patience to deal with him. He's CONSTANTLY running his mouth, talking about video games and Star Wars and when can he play PS2 and when he gets on what he's going to play and how he's going to defeat so and so and on and on and on and on. This is an all day everyday thing. I've tried to be interested and so enthusiam for his interests but it's exhausting. If I have to hear one more thing about Star Wars and why Anakin turned into Darth Vader I think I will hang myself. And this is just the beginning of my annoyance with my son. Part 2 he doesn't listen EVER!!! We went bowling yesterday and instead of being fun for the family I took the baby and sat in the truck, partially because it was time to feed her but mostly because I was tired of telling my son to sit down stay out of the way of the families around us and to stop dropping the ball or lofting it. He's just learning so I was trying to have patience with him but I just couldn't do it. I have to tell the kid several times to do anything. He has had the same "after meal" routine for 2 years now and he still doesn't do it without a reminder. I'm tired of being a nag, I'm tired of hearing the same things come out of my mouth hour after hour after hour. Part 3 he is constantly concerned about his sister's well being. I know this sounds like it should be a good thing but when he's telling you "mom dont you think it's time to feed her/ bathe her/ change her or time for her nap" it gets really frustrating. Who is the mother here??? I honestly dread getting up in the morning because I know exactly what I'm going to have to deal with because it's the same routine EVERY SINGLE DAY :mad: I've tried to be patient, I've tried taking privledges away, I've tried everything I can think to try and it's only making it worse for me because he's not changing. I'm ready to give up. I am literally in tears right now because I am truely hiding from my family right now because I just can't deal with it anymore. I feel like a terrible mother. I don't know what I can do, his behavior isn't changing, my discipline tactics aren't fixing or altering anything. I'm tired of listening to my hubby argue with him. I've read book upon book looking for new solutions to impliment but nothing seems to work. I know that kids need routine and structure and I've tried to do just that but it seems like more work for me and it's not doing anything for him. I'm ready to give up and just let him get away with murder.

    Okay I'm sorry so long. I had to get that off my chest. DD is awake now so I must go. Thanks for listening.

    just kind of lurking here but after I read this I just wanted to say I often feel like selling my son as well. I get it.
    my oldest son was like this as a child. what we did was give him 3 coins/chips that he could use for talking about his favorite subject, and three more chips/coins for reminding me about things he was worried about (his little brother ect)
    is it possible he has anxiety? sometimes it can manifest like that.
    also my other saving grace was playful parenting. great book fun read and very helpful and easy to implement
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    Sure, today is the last day and I just figured out that technically I am a stay-at-home-mom. LOL
    I go to school two days a week and the little ones will be going to Montessori while I go to my college courses. I have one year left (if all goes well). I have a double major, Graphic Design and Photography. How much fun is that!!!!!? LOL
    My plan is to do freelance work from home, but we will see how the ball bounces. If my hubby doesn't have a job come May I may have to get out there and bring in the bacon.... I don't know how he will manage with all the food allergy stuff we have with the kiddies....
    For those of you that don't know, I have a 12 year old, an almost 3 year old and a 16 month old.

    MM- I hope things start getting better soon.:flowerforyou: My ex's wife just miscarried on Friday. She was about 8 weeks along but didn't know she was pregnant. her first test came back negative (at the doctors office)... they told her her cycle was late because of a bacterial infection and stress. I was so sad for them after they lost there 4 week old baby last year.:frown:
    Hang in there and get well.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    My plan is to do freelance work from home, but we will see how the ball bounces. If my hubby doesn't have a job come May I may have to get out there and bring in the bacon.... I don't know how he will manage with all the food allergy stuff we have with the kiddies....
    For those of you that don't know, I have a 12 year old, an almost 3 year old and a 16 month old.

    Oh, completely understand about that. DH is finding it much harder to get work than I am (simply because of what he does) so it looks like I am going to be the bacon bringer. :noway: Neither of this are happy about that. I love the 50's mom image, vacuuming in pearls and playing with the baby while doing laundry etc so I'm kind of jealous. Plus, I don't want to miss out on my toddler being a toddler!

    With DH, its kind of like having a baby and a 4 year old trying to get along. DH doesn't understand why the baby has to behave the way he does. They drive each other crazy! I asked DH to feed Wesley his lunch and I had to pretty much babysit the whole time! Rawr, I hate nagging, I just don't like them going at each other like that.

    Well, at least I can play good parent bad parent through the teen years and I'll get to be the good parent. :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    MM- I hope things start getting better soon.:flowerforyou: My ex's wife just miscarried on Friday. She was about 8 weeks along but didn't know she was pregnant. her first test came back negative (at the doctors office)... they told her her cycle was late because of a bacterial infection and stress. I was so sad for them after they lost there 4 week old baby last year.:frown:
    Hang in there and get well.
    Thanks. I am doing a little better. I have been focusing my energy elsewhere and that has helped. I've had lots of distractions. It wasn't my first miscarriage either but it still doesn't get any easier. I feel bad for your ex's wife. Losing a child when it's only a few weeks is not as hard as losing one further along or after he or she was born. How awful! I can't imagine and don't want to.

    Not much going on here today. We've put together a spread sheet for adoption costs. We're looking at $30-40K! Yikes! I don't know where the money will come from but if it is the Lord's will then He will provide it for us!
    Alex is still pretty sick. Nasty cough, runny nose. We went to church today anyway since I haven't been in two months! I think I was insecure that people weren't talking to me because they didn't know what to say, but people did talk to me so I think I was just wrapped up in myself.
    I get excited when Alex says new things since he is delayed in his speech. He just got done watching Finding Nemo and he asked to watch his train video. I said not now maybe later. A few minutes later he said, "Watch train video maybe right now?" lol. He has a sweet voice and is not demanding (usually)so it was just cute.
    I'm going to runaway now and get dinner done. See you all tomorrow!